Friday, 1 April 2011

Shaving Foam & Elizabethan Cottage Tandoori

I'm still having fun marbling away but this time with shaving foam which gives a  far more subtle effect than the marbling I did on the eggs with "easy marble" in my earlier post. Above are some marbled component parts for a workshop I will soon be teaching.
Here's the simple process to create similar backgrounds....great fun too!
First squirt some shaving foam onto an old baking tray, or similar container, and spread it out with a squeegee or spatula. Just don't be tempted to use your kitchen ones as they'll end up smelling perfumed from the foam. I acquired this jazzy one for 50p at a car boot sale. The foam I buy from £1 shops or as bargains in supermarkets and my last one was by Gillette at 99p from Tesco and it smells so good.
Drop blobs from 2 or 3 shades of ink, reinkers, colour washes, paints, dyes... try whatever you have in stock, then use a kebab stick point to make swirls and feathered lines through the blobs of colour. It needs a bit more than in my photo below.
I usually spritz my card lightly so it is more absorbent then I lay the card on top to pick up the colours.
Lift off the card. It's also a good tip to lay another piece of card onto the coloured foam of the card you lift off, sandwiching them together, thus getting two for the price of one! Scrape and lightly rinse off the foam then leave the card to dry.
Simples and it will smell lovely!
This, above, looks so much better, below, after rinsing and drying.
These die cuts were from the "extra" card made from the card lifted from the foam and are slightly more subtle but perfect for one of my planned projects.
Here's a post I forgot I had prepped from our last trip to Brighton in February. I love these window designs below.
As we drive into Brighton, along the London Road, we often remark on the anomaly of the name of the black and white timbered, Elizabethan Cottage Tandoori Restaurant ... I think it sounds so hilarious! After passing it for more than a decade of visiting our DD1 in Brighton, we decided that we would go there for a meal and we are so glad we did. I can recommend their fabulous food and our only, somewhat nitty picking, complaint was that the service was a little too charmingly attentive, but better that than not.
I just had to photograph these fascinating interior window panels


Von said...

One of my favourite techniques Jo you can do so much with papers :) get you with your posh squeeze wouldn't mine one of those myself ;)
Von x

sam21ski said...

Love to use the shaving foam technique, you get extremely messy with it. Suits me down to the ground!!!!

Wow stunning photos!!!

Are you back home now then? Hope all is as well as can be expected xxxx

Annie said...

That looks real fun Jo. The inked foam reminds me of nougat :-)
A x

Twiglet said...

Do you think it will work on silk? I have some perfect silk paints and dyes that might do the trick. Will give it a go!

sandra de said...

Thanks Jo, I keep hearing about the shaving form tech and had no idea. Now you have given me lots of ideas. Must get on to this asap.

Carmen said...

Great technique, I'll definitely have to give it a try :D

lisa said...

Another technique to try, Jo. I have ordered some easy marble paints and can't wait for them to come. i thought it would be smething to do during the holidays. I just need to stock up on plastic eggs, the polysterene ones are a bit pricey!!
Love those window panels.
Hugs Lisax