Tuesday, 23 August 2011

WOYWW 116 & Mystery Object

I'm fearful of showing just how clear and empty my desk is this week, as Donna, aka Doone, will be doing her doings when she visits me at the weekend and I am sure it won't look anything like this by the time she arrives, or when she leaves. I don't want her to get a shock when she arrives expecting the same view as here.
Wondering why I'm showing it at all? If you pop over to the blog of the amazing Mrs Dunnit you'll find out more about the madness of craft desks exposed around the globe, to the globe.
It has been a hive of activity here in my newly named "Making Room". The title given to it by my 4 year old grandee as she rushed in there each day to make things (and a mess too) so I  had to keep it reasonably clear for her to create. I showed in previous posts some of what she had made and here below on my clear desk, with plenty of strawberries exposed, is her last project.... a peg dolly. The big doll was just joining us for company.
Sadly the Brighton Belles are going home tomorrow and I will miss them so much so it is great that I can look forward to Donna's visit which will keep me from getting sad as I usually do when they go home.

I'm in the process of filing my UMs into A5 plastic pockets into two drawers. Still a way to go but I'm making good progress and very soon I should be able to find anything I need. The plastic pockets are from Tesco, cost less than £1 for 5 and sometimes they are on offer even cheaper. I started off using Paperchase zip pockets which worked out quite expensive at £1 each. Staples have some for 35p each which means it's almost 3 for £1... not too bad... so there are the options for those who expressed an interest in using this method of storage.
Be sure to look at my previous posts to see if you can win a small blog candy prize. Just a bit of fun... can you identify the MYSTERY OBJECT??? It has been amazing seeing what has been suggested so far but as yet no one is correct.


Angie said...

I love the new name for your room ...'a making room' is a perfect name.
Thanks for the close up of the mystery object ...now I can see it is pottery not wood .... a dish for holding butter pats ??? ... and now I can see Mr P ...he is gorgous.xx

Hettie said...

Nice that you have some company in your room! Like the WOYWW stamp!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WOW, your room is coming together nicely. I like how you keep your UMs. I don't have enough for that! And to think Doone will be visiting you is a real thrill. I can't wait for you to blog about it. Have a great time together, dear friend. Happy WOYWW.

ScrappnBee said...

I love the name the making room! Love hte pin doll too! It will definately be quiet without the grandee's! I have no idea what is behind the penguin. I would have guessed bow, already taken...so maybe ashtray?! and if not that then pot (I think that you already said that was wrong, but the chamber version not the plant). Anyway, love the collage of items, a true I Spy! Happy WOYWW -Amanda

Sarah said...

Have a fab time - I see space so that's a fine start...and the UM's are looking very orderly!
Thanks for sharing today. Sarah (at 1)

cockney blonde said...

Adorable little peg dolly. A talented young lady. Off to have another look at your mystery item...

cockney blonde said...

OK, third attempt. Is it a Ramikin???

okienurse said...

great looking crafting space. Love the peg doll! I looked again...3-5 times and I am clueless what that mystery item is. Can't wait to hear! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

Annie said...

OOer peg dolly making....what fun. I have some dolly pegs waiting for my little girls to be big enough :-)
A x

Helen said...

Love your making room!! Hope to hear lots about your visit from Doone... chaos will no doubt reign...
Not sure about the mystery object... off to check again!

Paul B said...

Brilliant storage idea for your UMs - might have to steal it as mine are in desperate need of organising (once I've tidied up my own making room, which i've still not gotten around to). Enjoy your weekend. Pxxx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely peg dolly - she made me smile as she looks so happy!! Not a clue as to your mystery object!! Some sort of pestle/mortar jobbie?? xx

Sue said...

Hi Jo
luv the name of your room, great idea for storing ya UMs, look forward to hearing what you & Donna get up to, have a fab time, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

sandra de said...

Maybe it is a lovely wooden or pottery bangle. You know the big chunky ones we all wore in the 80's!! Can't wait to see the pics of what you and Doone get up to when she visits.

Tertia said...

What a cute peg dolly! Very talented maker of things there! By the way, this is the best name for any craftroom I have ever heard!

donnalouiserodgers said...


they think I am a bringer of chaos,

they know me so well,

Now I can see the penguin, unless my eyes deceive me I'd say it is a pottery water bowl for a doggie...or a penguins swimming pool....

will take a closer look for real on friday,


Elizabeth said...

I love the term 'the making room', fits your room perfectly. Love the peg doll ... used to make them with my granddaughter when she was younger too. Is it a dish for making beef brawn in, or pate, or potted shrimps, or maybe the cat's bowl? What fun to be having a visit from Doone ... would love to be there too. Elizabeth x #60

Neet said...

Love that peg doll that your grandee (biggest) made. She's taking after NanaJo by the look of things. Given up on the mystery object - looks like it is pottery but not a clue what.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hello again!! I wish you could get your hands on the machine too! There's always something new to learn and I'm going to follow your instructions today. I always use Guterman thread, but thinking about it, I could probably do with a new needle, will do that too. It seems to be the thread from the bobbin that keeps snapping, have tried altering the tension on that,but am prob making it all worse!! Really appreciate your advice - thanks once again :) xx

Twiglet said...

Great little dolly - I bet Donna will enjoy your "Making Room" too - lol. x Jo


I agree 'making room' has a lovely ring to it so much nicer than crafting - hurrah for little ones. Hope you have a blast this weekend. Can't wait to see what you and Doone do do :)

Tuire Flemming said...

Hello Jo! So much happened here while I´ve been away... Thanks for your comments - things are going better now!
Love that little dolly! The mystery object have to be an UFO...
And I´m sure you will have a great time with Donna!
Tuire xx

Caro said...

I love that little dolly! Thanks so much for sharing your 'making room' with us

Anonymous said...

Well, if your table is like that before Donna arrives you know it won't be anything like that by the time she leaves again!! Lovely little dolly too, great that your little Grandee likes to be in there too. The mystery object looks a lot like a pottery or wooden bowl, but what was it used for??


Dragon said...

Oh it's so not fair.. all those strawberries and Doone too... you get to have some super crafty visitors... when is it my turn????
PS why don't you and she make a birdycage for the swapsicle!!!??

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hi there Jo, sorry! running VERY late - sigh, not to worry love the "making room" rent littlies soo gorgeous! love peg dolly too! happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over! :) Shaz in Oz.x