Friday, 16 September 2011

In the Garden & the Leaving of Liverpool

I made this yesterday and posted it off today to my daughter. She wanted a sign to hang on her front door as she spends so much time in the garden with the little one who loves to be out there on her "wing" (swing!)  or in her sandpit. It is a bargain welcome sign which I stripped and painted with acrylics. The letters and pennants are painted chipboard then I added clear crackle glaze overall.
Queen Mary 2
 Last night we went to the Pierhead to watch the biggest of the Cunard Fleet, the Queen Mary 2, as she departed in a blaze of glory. The occasion was extra special because it launched our city's River Festival.
There was a fantastic light show projected on the Cunard Building, which stands next to the famous Liver Building on the river front. The Liver Birds perch there looking out to sea, on the top, above the clock.
The wonderful, changing, images depicted memories of vintage Cunard voyages.

Here the images are draughtsmen's drawings of the liners.
 A spectacular firework finale just prior to The Queen Mary 2 leaving Liverpool helped send her on her voyage...

 The decks were lined with cheering, waving, passengers! What a sight for them and for the thousands of sightseers below on the quayside as they departed, with the loudest, deepest, burst of the ship's hooters.
Passengers are always amazed at the warm welcome the public gives to cruise liners in the port and Liverpool is campaigning for a bigger, superior, terminal to enable many more international liners to come to the city.
I wished we were on board, cruising off to tropical climes, instead of heading home through the crowds on a chill evening, but I think it will take a lottery win to fund a trip on this lady of the seas!


Paul B said...

I feel exactly the same - wish I was on that cruise ship. I'll have to rely on the lottery too lol. Sounds like you had a great time seeing her off though. Pxx

Twiglet said...

Fab post Jo - what a fantastic spectacle and yes, why shouldn't Liverpool be a featuresd port? - we don't make enough of our assets do we!

Unknown said...

What amazing pics a night to remember bet the atmosphere was electric

Love the sign they will to never seen one like that before tfs hugs jayne Czech

Annie said...

Love your door sign :-)
You have made me feel all emotional with your pics of the QE2. When mum was alive we waved off on a cruise on that beautiful really brought back those memories. Thanks.
A x

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, ove the little garden sign with the bunting ;-)
Lovely pics, how exciting watching the liner set sail but even better to be onboard eh!
Love your tin jewels. My dad had a last, but I expect a lot of people did in the those days to repair shoes when they couldn't afford to buy new (his dad had been a cobbler)
Anne xx

lisa said...

What beautiful photos, Jo. Liverpool is such a vibrant city. You always seem to have so many interesting things going on. I love the pictures on the buildings.
I wish I was off to tropical climes too on such a magnificent ship.
Love your sign!!
Have a great weekend.
Hugs Lisax

Cath Wilson said...

Brilliant photos, Jo - bet that was wonderful to see. Love the hanger thingy - really cute x

Angie said...

Those were amazing shots ...what wonderful exciting sights.

I think your sign is brilliant ...what a clever idea she had.

fluffy said...

That sign certainly beats the post-it notes I've been sticking to the front door (and they always fell off!); I just hope we're not in the garden when the postman rings to deliver the parcel!!! Custard arrived today : ) Thank you, Joma xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Fantastic photos Jo - they sure help with my friend's reporting of the 'party' that Liverpool threw for them (they are on board! - their younger son works aboard and they thought they should try it out before he leaves) I picked up a tin sign for re-working this week - love your example.

The Crafty Elf said...

Wow! I just got goosebumps looking at your pictures. Thank you for sharing this it was wonderful! Jo, I've tried several times to leave comments but for some reason my computer wouldn't allow me. It was your blog and just a few others which I found odd, hmmmm! But, last week I had to reformat my computer (strip it back to the out of box condition - and start all over again) and I'm now able to leave comments - Yay! Hope that happens NEVER again! Have a great day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Amazing shots of the cruiser and you captured the atmosphere of the occasion.
Gorgeous gorgeous garden hanger too, i love the richness of the colours and the autumnal feel of this piece
hugs June x

Scrapcat 1 said...

what fab shots of the liner and the fireworks Jo, love the pics of your grandees and so glad to hear how well your little one is doing.

Lee said...

Oh WOW.What a Gorgeous sign,clever you.Fab pics too.xx

Anonymous said...

Fun sign Jo, really love the colours! Liverpool is such a vibrant city, I love your posts about it, this one's great. My husbands grandfather was a ship's captain for Elder Dempster based out of Liverpool. During the second world war he took a shore job in West Africa as Ship's Captains were two a penny on every street corner apparently, he described in detail departing the city at night whilst watching a German bombing raid over the city. Quite amazing really! They were torpedoed themselves off the coast of Africa (about 144 miles out) and made their way to safety in the life boats. Doesn't bear thinking about does it?

Anyway, enough of me waffling! Hope you had a great weekend.


Unknown said...

Did you not see me waving from the upper deck?
Heehee. I wish.