Tuesday, 27 September 2011

WOYWW 121 & Vintage Sewing Box

Woo hoo! I've just heard that I've won a pack of goodies in Jenny's 4th Blogaversary Blog Candy draw. Thanks Jenny and I am so thrilled I'm a winner!
 This is a lovely mess, it is my mess, I made it and I love it!
It's a right mish mash of crafting and vintage sewing items, collected on my desk today in preparation for a workshop next Saturday at Vicky Stampers. It's going to be a great time as Neet is our tutor for the day and woo hoo! Doone(Donna) is coming over to join us and also my friend Pat, yeah! 
We are going to decorate and fill the House Box which you can see part prepped on the right. The box to the left contains items to go in it and I KNOW they won't all fit but a gal needs choices. I was lucky today to find the orange card of beautiful mixed vintage pearl buttons in an antique shop at Lady Hayes Craft Centre in Frodsham. Perfick!
 Now see next pic below! I've packed up the collection of bits and bobs for the workshop and it's not toooooo bad there, you've got to agree. Plenty of strawberries exposed so there, go on, just take back what you thought at first!!! Got to make a bit of space for Donna and I to mess up again!
These signs of insanity arise every Wednesday when at the word from Julia of Stamping Ground crafters around the globe show what's up and what isn't on our desks. Take a peek HERE for more, and more, and more! Plus Julia's witty words and great crafting too.
Can you spot freaky dolly with her arm on her nose?... still awaiting her fate!
 As I looked through my cupboards for items to include in my House Box I remembered this lovely vintage velvet lined sewing case from around 100 years ago. I wonder who used it and what they made? 
There is a little love token embroidered on punched card and attached to a little length of silk... In Love Remember me. 
Tucked in the lid at the back there is a letter advising the owner of the case on how to obtain work in the sewing pattern trade in New York, so I wonder, has the case crossed the Atlantic and returned or did it never leave England with this hopeful or hopeless seamstress? 

Here's the letter (in high definition) and if you'd like to print it as background card you are welcome!
 Here are closer views of two halves to make it easier if you'd like to read it....

If you ever do a vintage sewing theme you are welcome to print my collages of  these old cards and packets.
I wonder which ones will end up encapsulated in my House Box?
Hope to pop in on more of you this week and thanks to everyone who visited me last week.


donnalouiserodgers said...

two days to go ....sooo excited

...do I need to get hold of one of those houses?

I have some lovely stuff for the Niall theme,

does Dave know we are crafting for three days and nights solid? - no sleeping-

can I bring anything?????

I have to come home Sunday because I am in London on Tuesday & I'm going down Monday on an annual leave day so i can do the Nat. portrait gallery at leisure & with fewer tourists...and seeing my nephews & sis & brother in law...will try to face to face tomorrow evening whilst I blog hop...


Glennis F said...

Looks like fun with your 'gang'- thanks for the images

Carola Bartz said...

Oh, I like that letter!! So beautiful. I still wonder what will happen with that doll. Have fun with Donna - so jealous!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, that IS a lovely mess! and i'm sure that workshop will be so much fun, yes, i agree you have to have lots of choices! the vintage sewing case is amazing! thanks for sharing!

Helen said...

Great letter and I love your mess too! Sounds like you are going to have another lovely time with your friends - that house box is gorgeous! Can't wait to see how much you get into it.

Paul B said...

Wow Jo, you are exceptionally organised. I haven't even thought about Saturday yet lol. Wonderful scanned images. I may indeed use them in some design work if that's okay. If you have any other vintage finds, I'd love to borrow them to scan and hand back in one piece :) See you Saturday :) Pxx

Annie said...

Hi Jo,
I'm not really up to blog hopping today as I'm still feeling pretty fragile but I just wanted to say thank you for the really gorgeous sewing kits that I have shown on my blog today. I will really enjoy making them [when I feel a little more normal].
Thanks for being there for me Jo.
Annie x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That sewing case could be the start of a novel! Who was she and what was her story, this anonymous seamstress?? I want, nay NEED, to know!! My curiosity - it is piqued (it's not often I say that of a morning..!!)
Love all your bits ready to fill the house, great buttons btw. Have an amazing crafty time :D xx

April said...

Looks like you have a great collection ready to use for the house! Love that sewing kit. Enjoy the workshop x

kissinia said...

Many thanks for this lovely post full of inspiration! Adore all kind of old packaging!

Tuire Flemming said...

That IS a lovely mess with all those fabulous items! You have made great finds. What are those haberdashery stamps?
Have a nice time on Saturday - I know you will!
And thank you SOOOO much for the packet which arrived two days ago!!!

Neil said...

Hi there. Bit of a flying visit from me today i'm afraid but I did want to pop on in. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us this week. Wow, looks like you are going to have a fab time at the workshop, wish I could be there!

Ann B said...

I just knew you would have lots of vintage stuff tucked away Jo but that sewing case is by far the most beautiful, and what a story it could tell. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Oh, and congratulations on your blog candy win, couldn't happen to a nicer person.


I can't decide what is best lovely old treasures or making lovely new treasures? maybe the combination of both is the ultimate? Hurrah for crafting buddies to, need to find some that have time to craft they are all a busy working!

Sunshine Girl said...

What a fabulous sewing box - i so love all things vintage but especially sewing stuff - that letter is fabulous isnt it (not had chance to read it yet though!) have a great time at the weekend - sounds such fun.

Sunshine Girl said...

Arrggghhh blogger keed losing my comments! love all your vintage finding there - have a great time at the weekend it sounds such fun.

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Love the box you are decorating, is that a silver dress form inside, looks lovely. Love your button find too, perfect for your piece. Enjoyed my nosey around. Take care. Tracy x

HeARTworks said...

How great that you live near enough to get together to play! I love the letter! Patsy from

Scrapcat 1 said...

what a fabulous sewing kit Jo, I like the collection of things you are taking to Vicky Stampers, have fun at the workshop

Cardarian said...

So much to comment on....love all your bits and pieces for the workshop - ha, ha when you tidy up you tidy up! that vintage sewing kit is sooo amazing! I would certainly want that one! The story behind it must be amazing... Thank you for the "downloads" Have a lovely time at the workshop with Donna and Neet - wish I could join you girls...maybe sometime in the future! I will be home all weekend so if you and Donna want to skype let me know and I will tune in!
Lots of hugs,

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Thanks Jo for the info about the dress form, think I need to go to a charity shop LOL. Yes I am going to Port Sunlight, so see you there. Tracy x

Fuchsia said...

Lovely work going on !

enjoy your day x

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous, glorious mess, Jo! And all that wonderful dreamy genuine vintage stuff... How romantic is that. I've got a bookmark just like that with a Bible verse embroidered on it, which I found inside my great-aunt's Bible which I now have - she lived to be 101. These things are so precious!

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh poor dolly! AH the lovely sewing box - I hope it crossed the atlantic and came home again..safe and sound. I love the plans and the way you packed for the workshop - it's going to be lovely, like the colours you've prepped the house with already.

Angie said...

Must pop back and read that letter ...the collages are fun ... may pop back and down load them when my printers working ...or I have a new one...thanks for the use of them . That sewing kit must hold so many memories of someone ...I wonder if it did ever cross the pond.

Unknown said...

I am so looking forward to Saturday but not sharing mine till then. LOL See you there.
Carol x

Jennibellie said...

Love the box, I love all such things as this so tfs. Love your mess too - all WOYWW I've visited so far this week are all relatively neat, nice to see someone else's whos as wonderfully messy as mine, tfs Jenny

Twiglet said...

Fab post Jo - what a lovely box of tricks - I might just use some of the collages - they are really great. Will let you know what I make with them if I do. x Jo

Sarah Anderson said...

Those collages are fab, thanks Jo! And that sewing box is wonderful :)

Darcy Marshall said...

hiya *waves* hope you have a fabbydabby time with Donna. love that letter and collages I have saved them, just adore stuffs like that.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just KNOW you are going to have a ball this weekend. What a fun time and that you all live within driving distance, not across a pond, so to speak. I got a late start yesterday because I fell asleep before I could link up with Julia. Now I'm just trying to catch up. I was able to see the nose job doll, though. She's a doozie but not a floozie. OK, I'm sleep deprived. I'll be watching for weekend updates.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to mention how MUCH I love those photos of vintage sewing ephemera and embellishments.

karen said...

Can't wait to see what you do with the house! I have one of those tucked away and *one day* will actually do something to it!
Lots of stash there on your desk! Want some more? I am having a giveaway and would love for you to enter!
xoxo Karen

lisa said...

Nothing wrong with a bit of mess, Jo. It's the sign of a busy crafter!!!
You have some absolutely gorgeous things, that sewing box is amazing. Your house must be a treasure trove.
Enjoy your time with Donna and all the workshops and demoing. Do you have 28 hours in your day!!
Hugs Lisax

fairyrocks said...

Fascinating post!! Love a good history item. Thanks so much for sharing.

Electra said...

What a lovely workdesk this is! And thank you for the image of the letter, you won't believe this, but I just did a google search for some vintage text that I need and found nothing. and here it is!!

Neet said...

Cannot believe there are 26 people on my workshop - as I jokingly said, some will be on the roof! Ah well, a real test of my mettle as a tutor.
You have certainly got a lot of things for your little house, which looks as if it is beautifully prepped. I can't wait to see how these all turn out. So exciting! Look forward to seeing you again so soon (and Doone - ooh that rhymes)after our trip to Croxteth.
Thanks for sharing - Neet xx

Dotpat said...

Wow some fantastic goodies there Jo, hope you are enjoying yourself today doing your house

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, I'm still around! Hope you and OH are well.
The buttons you picked up are lovley and that vintage sewing box is such a treasure. I won't tell you what doll's 'arm nose' looks like :-0 hehe
Anne xx

Elizabeth said...

Apologies for being so late in visiting this week but I really wanted to pop in and see what you were up to last week. I've been having a lovely time touring all the gorgeous little houses you all made and I so want to make one - just don't know where to go to get a House Box - will have to do a bit of research I think. Love all the ephemera too. Hopefully I will get around much quicker tomorrow. Elizabeth x #73