Tuesday 12 January 2010

Colours of Life

Yeh!! It's 3 degrees today.......I may be singing the Three Degrees song..."When will I see you again?" about the snow, but it's 3C and the first time it's been that high in weeks. I never thought 3C could feel so warm. I hope it doesn't come back this year as we've all had enough of indoors and I want to get to the workshop on Saturday. The thaw is well on the way and it is now far easier to get around walking or by car so, let's hope. 
I'll have craft to post later but for now I really want to share this poem. Had it for years but I came across it again today. Colour plays such an important part in our lives and I always give colour ratings to the days I've had.

If you painted your life, would it be grey, with rare flames of scarlet for each special day?
The odd strands of silver where you kept your illusions, mixed in with blues showing loss & confusion.
If you painted your life would there be storms? For the times you lost courage and agreed to conform.
Perhaps you'd paint stars, one for each dream that gave life a meaning, or so it once seemed.
Has anyone painted clouds in your sky and dulled your bright colours as your chances passed by?
Maybe it's time to take back the brush, start painting your own life, enough is enough.
You can paint rainbows, banishing grey and splash on some gold, starting today.
Puddles of silver, shimmering, bright; walk out of the shadows, come into the light.
Perhaps you need mellow, golden nut brown. Are you running too fast, is it time to slow down?
Paint yourself peace and space just to be, gentle blue mornings, a soft lilac sea.
In painting your life let the beautiful days shimmer in gold and light up the greys.
Paint it with courage, thread silver strands, pick up your brush, life's in your own hands.
Take it with both hands.

Well we've certainly had lots of white days lately turning to grey but the green is showing through and I expect bright shiny colours back for us all very soon.


I appreciate your comments!