Tuesday 5 January 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow!

It's finally here and, for the first time in years, children are out playing in the snow. A lovely sound and sight making magic memories for them all. The country is at gridlock due to this weather and, as it is so unusual, as ever when it comes, none of the councils are prepared. Our's and many others soon ran out of salt and grit for the roads and today all the buses stopped, hospitals cancelled clinics and ambulances were only attending life threatening situations.  

Lucky me to be indoors crafting and having the time to appreciate the beauty of it all. At least my garden now looks as good as everyone else's!
The snow is still falling so I may be here for a while.


  1. Isn't it great, Jo? Like you, we don't often get much snow and when we do it usually gets washed away by rain, lol, so it's nice to enjoy it while it's here :) I really feel for the birds, though - especially kingfishers :(

  2. Beautiful pictures and it is still snowing here in Scotland too brrrrr.


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