Monday 3 May 2010

House Box and the Dream

Today after visiting IKEA yet again for more acrylic hearts (computer says 67, shelf says NIL, Doh!) we took an uphill stagger in the rain......... see below for pics of where we ventured but first some crafting......
This little house box is the project we made at Victoria Stampers workshop on Saturday, run by our group member, the one and only fab Paul! It was such a great day, so relaxing, good fun and lots of nattering but, thanks to Paul, we did manage to get some crafting done.
I used printed scrapbook papers to cover the box then grunged it up with gesso and stamped swirls. I collaged the roof before treating it in the same way.
Inside the box is a concertina book and mine ended up filled with bird images so I can use it as a sample at next week's show and they are all UMs from stampattack , mostly my designs. I contemplated adding a door and windows but I thought that whoever gets to live there can just lift the lid!!

I decorated both sides of the book with stamped images and added ribbons, embellishments and lovely spotted quail feathers.

The book covers have a ribbon tie attached

The Dream...........
We took a detour on the way home from Ikea to visit the Dream in St Helens. We have seen this fairly new sculpture, standing so high in the distance, as we pass on the M62 motorway  (apparently so will 35 million other cars each year) and have always wanted to see it up close. We first had step into a foot deep pit at the gate, created I think to stop motorbike access, then trekked up a rough uphill track, in the rain, for fifteen minutes to get to the  point of my first photo. Very disability UNFRIENDLY especially after watching a family struggle to get their elderly father out and back into his wheelchair after lifting it over the pit. I wondered if it was worth it?

Then we saw the reality of the Dream and she is beautiful, serene and calm, in her position over a disused coal mine. The artist, Jaume Plensa, from Spain, created her with her eyes closed to appear forward thinking and to symbolise looking inward, as homage to the miner's dream of light whilst they were underground. You can see me there under her chin (sheltering from the rain!) and she towers over my five foot nothing, whilst the depth of the foundations are about four times the height of the statue. Quite a site and a sight and now I'll pass by on the motorway knowing I've touched her and her beauty touched me!

I love the artist's comment that in our dream space anything is possible... so hold on to your dreams.
(It worked for Fluffy!)


  1. I revisited lots of your older posts today - I like doing so from time to time to remind me of all your lovely work

    I adore this house - and have visited the site links you provide - thank you

    Love your trips too - thanks for sharing. I am going to email my DIL to see if she can get me some hearts from IKEA.

  2. Love your box Jo and your book you made.
    That statue is lovely she looks very peaceful

  3. Beautiful box and book! The Dream is just that isn't it - must have been amazing to see.

  4. Thx for the lovely comment Jo xx and wow this collaged book box is spectacular. I just adore the arty grunged black and white effect. Such a superb interpretation. I know what you mean about the Dream Statue, it really is a wonderful piece of public art. Glad you were able to take some time to see it :) Pxx

  5. Lovely to see Dream in that way, Jo. Your box looks good :)

  6. WOW Fab box Jo, love the black and white aspect of it

    Great photos of the dream and yes, we must hold on to them xxxxx

  7. so thats what we were supposed to do on Saturday! i only just got the house made! love it Jo..... i used to take my dogs walking on Sutton Manor many years ago... the sculpture looks fabulous, will have to make a trip. have a good weekend at Port Sunlight. Ciao

  8. love love love your house Jo its amazing.

    the dream is fab i love it and is well worth a visit up close to get the full effect of her love your pics of her xxx


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