Sunday 9 May 2010

Distressed at Port Sunlight

I really enjoyed my day at Port Sunlight Stamping Festival yesterday and met so many lovely people during my day demonstrating Distress Ink techniques for stampattack. It's a great show with around 40 stands, especially for stampers, but sadly some of the American stands did not exhibit, but plan be there in October. We missed seeing Mary Kaye of Stamp Camp and Linda of Lost Coast Designs. Hope Linda is well  again soon. 
Thanks to all who stopped by! Of all the ways I showed to use Distress Inks the most popular was the wood and weathered paint effects which I was asked to do over and over again. I've a great stash now with which I can make some cards!

Time flew and it was almost 2pm before I realised that I had missed the meet up with my friends from KCUK yahoo group. Most of them managed to pop by the stand and I received some fab ATCs. Thanks to Lynne, Margaret Rose, Cath and Dot. Really missed Neet and Jayne and Alison CB, amongst others.

I was so busy that I only managed to buy these teen weeny birdhouses from Jenny at  the Stamp Connection. Can't wait to alter them. 
Caz and Me on Stampattack Stand

Demonstrations by members of Happy Stampers North West Group who organise the show.
Here's Linda watching Karen
Lots of Paperartsy Stamps
The Stamp Connection where I bought those tiny bird houses

Port Sunlight Village, where the show is held, is so pretty and well worth a visit. It was purpose built starting in 1899, by Lord Leverhulme the soap manufacturer, who wanted his factory workers to have a good standard of living. It is a garden village with all the houses set around greens and now they are all grade II listed.

Note the writing on the garage door of the local village pub "The Bridge Inn"
Will England Conquer Africa? (In the World Cup, of course!)


  1. It was a wonderful day Jo and though I hated to interrupt your tireless demoing, I was glad I managed to get a quick hello plus sweet (those foxes are soooo moorish). Glad you had fun too and those backgrounds are brilliant. Can't wait to see what you'll do with them. Pxx

  2. It looks like Miss Marple country Jo!!!

    Glad you had a fab time and managed to purchase at least something!!!!

  3. Hi JO! Looks like you had loads of fun! Can't wait to see your creations with all those lovely backgrounds.
    Have a great week!

  4. Great to see you, Ms Inky Fingers, lol. They've been posted on Facebook, btw by Annie P, lol!! Can't wait to see the cards you make with your fab backgrounds. Thank you for your fab ATC :)

  5. I t was lovely to watch you demonstrating :)

    I thought of a tip for you I finished my roll on deoderant this morning and I thought as well as the roller to spread the paint the lid would make a bigger circle than your glass lid.

  6. Thanks Linda for the tip... great idea to use an empty deodorant roller. I do use various sizes of lids, corks etc., to make stain marks, but couldn't find where I'd put them on Sat..... .there they were at the bottom of my wheely bag when I unpacked at home. I'd also left my big messy mat and cling film at home but Caz lent me a little spare mat and the cafe generously gave me 12 ins of cling!!! This lasted me ALL day so it shows how it can be reused over and over!
    Jo x

  7. The show sounds fantastic and those wood samples are brilliant. Can't wait to see what you do with your little birdhouses.


  8. It was lovely to meet you on Saturday and watch your brilliant demos. I've also got another great blog to visit now too.
    Beryl xx

  9. Those backgrounds look wonderful, Jo - sorry I wasn't there to see you create them.
    Diane x


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