Tuesday 18 May 2010

Knots, Jewels, Toulouse Lautrec and Picasso

I went mad and got knotting all my short ends of Mizuhiki cords and in an evening whilst watching the talking wallpaper (TV) I made over 40 friendship knots. It's an ideal time filler on car trips and I've even made them on flights with ready cut cords. So easy when you know how!! I'm getting prepared in advance for a Japanese exhibition later in the year as I will need hundreds!
I also decided to make some fairly quick, simple Asian cards (still using those backgrounds from last Saturday!!) but by adding a Mizuhiki knot it makes them that bit special and individual.

Yeh!!! and woo hoo! Some great news to share... I have won a day course making Silver Clay jewellery. I entered the competition at the Aintree Show as I've always wanted to try this craft and I'm so lucky to have won. 
It is with Tracey Spurgin at her Craftworx studios and, in a day, we will make 3 pieces of jewellery. ( Not the ones shown, I might add)
This is some of the gorgeous stuff on her website. I did silversmithing for some time but working with the clay seems easier and less hazardous. 
Take a peek at some of the gorgeous pieces on Tracey's Craftworx website

I found out today that there are so many exciting, "must see", exhibitions in the city this Summer. Amongst others a Toulouse Lautrec exhibition, "High Kicks & Low Life" starts this Friday at the Walker Art Gallery which includes his iconic print of "La Goulue" at the Moulin Rouge. Next month at the Tate of the North is a "can't miss" major Picasso exhibition, "Peace & Freedom". Both worth a day trip if you are near enough to Liverpool.


  1. Your knots always look so good, too, Jo - lovely. Great to have loads of b/gs to go at, isn't it? Especially when you don't 'feel like it', lol. I had already heard about the Toulouse Lautrec exhibition - really fancy that one - I love his artwork. It's so typically French - as French was...

  2. Love the knots they are such fun to do remined me to get my cords out. Lucky lady winning the silver clay course have fun with that. Might have to look at a Liverpool trip those exhibitons sound very tempting.

  3. Well done you winning a competion, hope you enjoy your day there. Love your knots, still have not cracked it and your cards are lovely

  4. Love the knots Jo. Enjoy your course, x


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