Friday 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas

Here's wishing you all a Wonderful Happy Christmas.
 Sincere thanks to all my followers and anyone who pops in here and thanks too for all the inspiration I have gained from all the  amazing blogs I have visited over this last year. 
I think I am a rarity as I only made two cards this year so this is a cheat as it is one of my old samples from a challenge I entered a couple of years ago but I just had to post you a card. 
Thanks so much for all your concern and prayers for my lovely little grandee in Germany who is at last out of intensive care. Father Christmas paid her a special visit today in her room in hospital! It is the best Christmas gift in the world for me to know she is at last getting well again.
Just wanted to share again the fab watercolour Doone painted for me of my three grandees as mermaids. I've coloured a metal frame with Alcohol Inks to compliment the colours in the painting and I love it! Thanks again to Doone a talented artist and I'm honoured to own one of her pieces of art, created specially for me.
Don't miss out on my surprise Christmas box of blog candy to be drawn 1.1.11
If you are a follower, just leave a comment mentioning the candy in any post until then for a chance to win and if you add it to your sidebar I'd be so happy!


  1. Merry Christmas JoZart! I hope your granddaughter will get well soon! Thanks for giving us the chance to win a box of lovely goodies! I've added your generous giveaway to my sidebar. Enjoy the holidays.

  2. Oh Jo, so pleased she's out of intensive care. I bet you are all so releaved xxxx

    Hope you can now have a happy christmas with this brilliant news, albeit without them being there xxxxx

  3. Oh wow that frame goes so well with Doone's art! What an inspired way to frame it.

    So glad to read of grandee's progress - and of her visit with Father Christmas :)

    I can beat you - I only made one card ;)

    Carmen x

  4. Hey Jo, its me venturing back into blogland. Only just read about little Lotta. What a worry you've had but so glad to read she is improving. I hope you and Dave can enjoy your Christmas.
    With Love, CB, x

  5. Hi Jo, that is the best news about your little granddaughter - so pleased for her and you all xx
    Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family xx

  6. Merry Christmas Jo glad to hear your little GD is on the mend. Enjoy your day

  7. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas Jo. Good news about your GD getting better. Wishing you all the best. Paul xxxx

  8. Hi, I have just discovered your blog... it's such a lovely little wonderland and I look forward to following it from now on... you make me want to actually get my sewing machine out and have a play (I still find my sewing maching a mysterious scarey object that I definately need to spend more time with!!!!). I love your little hanging tubs, they are so sweet!!! And the stockings from Germany, what a lovely idea!!! Love it all!!!!!
    Happy holidays! Thank you for the chance to win...

  9. Hello Jo
    Sounds like you had the best Christmas present ever with your little GD doing so much better in Germany, that is indeed, good news.

    I've put your candy photo on my sidebar, can't recall if I told you I did this or not! A bit too much Christmas cheer perhaps!! Hope you have a great New Year.


  10. It's wonderful that your grandaughter is improving. Thank you for the opportunity for some blog candy. Love your blog. Always something interesting and creative.

  11. Dear Jo,
    I'm so happy that I found you and follow. I love your art! Please include me in your generous giveaway! Thank you!
    MARTINA xxoo


I appreciate your comments!