Sunday 2 January 2011

Blog Candy Winners!

Here are the prizes
 and Drumroll, Fanfare, Vuvuzelas........ I am pleased to announce the winners of my blog candy
1st .....Karen of stamprr blogspot from Canada... details recieved

Runners up with smaller prizes....

Sandra de of deserendiptity blogspot from Australia ... details received

Susan of stamponme blogspot    from Australia! details received

MrsA of itsanalienlife blogspot    from Hampshire UK details received

Congratulations to everyone and I'll get your prizes out on Tuesday (after the Bank Holiday tomorrow) if you will email me with your details.

I don't know where in the world any of you live but I hope it doesn't take too long for your parcels to arrive..... and hope you enjoy the contents.

Sorry I'm late with the news but yesterday I had unexpected visitors and today I had to go out. When I arrived home my lovely friend Jayne was just about to leave my house and she had driven over to see if I was OK. She had phoned me and I hadn't heard my mobile, which was deep in my handbag upstairs, so Jayne started worrying about me. She also rang around mutual friends who also started worrying ... isn't that lovely to be so special to someone!! Ahh! Thanks Jayne for caring but so sorry I had you worried.
As a result we had a lovely few hours together with her little three year old son.  I showed Jayne how to make the Hangabouts fabric buckets and we made one with cupcakes fabric for her teenage daughter. 

If you weren't one of the lucky winners this time then check out the other blog candy offers on my side bar.... still time to enter! Good luck!


  1. Well done everyone

    Oh isn't it lovely to have such nice friends xxxx

  2. Thankyou so much for my prize. I have e-mailed you my details.

  3. Happy New Year Jo, and my there are some lucky winners today...


  4. thank you, thank you, thank you. Can you tell how thrilled I am. Hope you had a lovely new year.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am thrilled to be a runner up, will email address details. Slow post to Australia should see it arrive close to easter. He he. Hope you had a lovely new year.
    Sandra xx

  6. Well done ladies :D

    And wow how nice was that of your friend?

  7. Congrats to your blog candy winners Jo, you are so generous. Jayne is lovely, you are lucky to have her as a friend

  8. Sounds like you had a fun time yesterday in the end. :) Congratulations to the winners.xx

  9. Jo, that is such a lovely group of prizes for the lucky winners! I know they will all have fun playing with the new toys.
    Hugs, Pat Smith

  10. Oh wow! Thanks Jo...this is a lovely surprise this morning. Susan xxox

  11. Congrats to all the winners :)
    hugs Nikki C

  12. Hi Jo, Happy New Year ;-)
    So glad your grandee is much better - I hadn't known till you mentioned it on my blog.
    Love the 'hangabouts', so well made and clearly explained. Fab fabrics.
    Anne xx


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