Monday 24 January 2011

California Here I am!

Day one report.....After a long journey we arrived safely but lost a night somewhere along the way. After a 5 am start on Sunday, two flights and a bus journey, we got to our friend Mary's house in CA around 4.30 am UK, Monday!!! It was only about 8.30pm here and instead of flopping into bed we found a last spark of vitality somewhere and ate a lovely meal that Neet and Mary kindly had ready for us, plus a rather large G&T before we got to bed about 10.30pm. I slept until 7am! Not bad!
Today was really sunny and warm .... but what did we do... we crafted all day, caught up with chatting and relaxed and made cards for a good cause for Mary. 
Lovely day... then we went out for an Italian meal of the most ginormous proportions. I think there is more in those doggy bags we brought home than we ever ate in Caruso's restaurant!
Here's Mary's friend BJ with the pizza that automatically came with our meals, plus salads, garlic bread and of course the main courses that we HAD ordered. A lesson learned early on in our trip... Caz and I will order one meal to share in future.


  1. Glad to hear you've arrived safely and that you've gotstraight into the crafting. That's some side order you have there!

  2. Oh the journey must have been exhausting but I see you have got your energy back, especially after that huge meal! I have heard that american portions are way bigger then ours and that it is just about right for Europeans to order one for two! Enjoy!
    Lots of hugs,

  3. Glad you've arrived safely. It sounds like you are having a great time.
    A x

  4. Now that's 2 lucky bloggers out in the U.S how green am I, you have a fab creative time Jo :)
    Von x

  5. Sounds like all you do is craft and eat. What more could you want on this fun filled vacation, right? I'm glad to read you made it here OK, and you aren't being starved in the process!

  6. Thanks for the update Jo. So pleased that you both arrived safely and all met up. Neet had been telling us earlier that she was cooking a meal for you whilst the others went to pick you up.

    That pizza looks like enough on its onw - lol.

    Anyway, back to the gorgeous card, love the colours and the image is fab xxxxxx

  7. Sounds good! Enjoy youself - we are here middle of the snow storm!!!

  8. LOL so you have joined Neet in the quest for new foods in the New Country LOL WOW to that Pizza. Have a fabulous time we left here wait with bated breath for news of new products. Thank you as well for displaying the button for our new challenge starting 3rd February. Take Care and Have XOXO Zoe

  9. yes they like their portions GIANT SIZE in the States!!!! Send us some sunshine.... jealous. Hugs xxxx

  10. Absolutely gorgeous card what beautiful sunny colours and fab design. lol the pizza looks gorgeous too hehe.
    I have a freebie on my dezinaworld blog today for just one day and thought i would also let you know about it so you can grab it while its there. Have a lovely week
    take care for now

  11. Glad you've arrived safely and got straight into the G & T...oops! I mean crafting, lol.
    Love the card, x

  12. That sounds like a great day! Hope you get to enjoy our nice California sun soon! So jealous you're going to CHA!

  13. See you have learned about doggy bags quick Jo, they do a great meal over there don't they

  14. It's an italian thing....we feel a need to feed people to the point of explosion - lol. If you can get up and leave the table, you didn't eat enough. Have a great time in California.


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