Tuesday 15 February 2011

WOYWW 89 & Smooches

Shock and amazement!! Feeling proud and shouting out loud from the rooftops that my desk is clear, not just swiped aside but it has had a good tidying and putting away session before there was an utter collapse of all that I brought home and dumped on it, from CHA. I wanted to finish this project that I started at the Hampton Arts booth with the lovely Diana and, other half finished Make & Takes too, so the decks HAD to be cleared.
Here's the evidence... .completely clear ready to start. No Jayne it isn't an old photograph!
A few more pages to complete the mini album then I cleared away!!! Do I hear jaws dropping and do I spy mouths open... Quite right too. 
Call in on our Super Star Supervisor Julia's blog, Stamping Ground, if you'd like to see other extremely tidy desks like mine (and a few messy ones too just for the voyeurs out there). My tidy space won't last long I assure you and I'll have to admit it if it's a mess again as this WOYWW madness comes weekly!.
This mini album we made at Hampton Art was such fun and the pages were coloured with an effective but simple technique using Smooches and Smooch Spritzers. I now NEED some Smooches to try it all again.
We had a shallow dish of water big enough to fit the square pages of card stock. 
We dropped the colour from the tips of three colours (Pink, Orange, and Yellow) of Smooch pearly paint into the water then swirled it a little with the brush tip.
We then lightly laid down the card onto the water to pick up and create easy, fabulous, marbling as you'll see on these pages. The pages were then spritzed with the Smooch Spritzes, which I must add, sprayed beautifully, but the lovely iridescence doesn't show on the photos.
 OK .. I own up to the ink blot but it just proves it to be hand made!


  1. This is such a cute idea!!! I will have to try it!!!

  2. Your desk is now a lovely blank canvas awaiting mre creativity. Happy WOYWW.
    Andria - 22

  3. Absolutely lovely hun gorgeous Album book adore the colours.Love thise stamps!
    Weldone on the tidy dsk too!
    hugs judex 22

  4. love the album I think I will need to look out for these stamps

  5. Wow, that's a wonderfully vibrant photo (top one) - great pick-me-up for the eyes on a grey February morning. Thank-you!

  6. Great idea, I saw it somewhere from CHA. Love your work.

  7. What a lot of strawberries I can see today :-) and lots of really gorgeous projects.
    A x

  8. Lovely album! I have tried that colouring method with oil colours. The result is beautiful but working with oil is quite messy. Good outside job for summertime!
    So, you have find your table - I have lost even my floor!!!

  9. WOW! Awesome workspace and I love your book. Thanks for sharing.
    Vickie #30

  10. I have one smooch - that I bought to see if I liked it -

    if I was being honest I would use the 'f' word multiple times here because the 'insertword' stuff never 'insertword' dries,

    did I get a duff batch?

    why does yours look dry and fabulous?

    Envy EnvY Green eyed monster I am...I really liek the colour and texture BUT IT HAS TO DRY FFS


  11. Hi Jo
    wow very tidy workspace, gorgeous book,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (31)

  12. Love the swirly backgrounds.
    xoxo Sioux

  13. Ohhh i loved seeing your art space Jo, its where all that magic happens
    hugs June x

  14. Hello Jo, a really interesting technique, I like the swirly effect you got and your pages are lovely. Love your ultra tidy table. Elizabeth x #61

  15. Gorgeous work Jo, such fabulous colours! Is it really a week since last Wednesday??? Jo x

  16. OMG what has happened to Jo bring her back please lol your room is fab so tidy bet it aint now tho lol love your album and the colours look great against the black card stock hopefully i might get to see it in person.hugs jayne xxx

  17. Oh it's beautiful Jo! And is it crazy to admit that I could just lick your table!!! Strawberries are such a taste of summer and I could really do with that right now!!

    Brenda 100

    PS. Love all the makes in the other post. Never thought I'd see the day Jo was using Penny Blacks!!!

  18. Love the mini book- the images are great, TFS Shaz #131

  19. Wow, how clean is that. Can you find anything?

  20. I love your workspace, can I come and play?:)

    Love your pages, just off the research Smooches..

  21. Oh your mini is just darling! I bet that shimmer is gorgeous! Happy WOYWW!

  22. Sitting back in awe of your empty table - I agree, you have to break down and put away all the goodies, so you know what you've got and so you can get a focus on! Love the little book and really pleased that you've shared another way to use the smooches....have been rather under whelmed by them to be honest, so far!

  23. Love the little book, simply stunning. Have fun messing that worspace up.


  24. This is beautiful, Jo. I definitely need to find out about those smooches.

  25. What a lot of empty space!!!! I am so envious , of the space AND your visit to the States!!! This mini book is really lovely. Thanks so much for your VERY generous comment on my blog this week

  26. Hi there Jo some gorgeous work, colours etc. in that mini album very pretty,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  27. I dem'd this on Sunday but found that the old Smooches did not work as well -= might be that they were dry. The new stuff is a different formula so works better I guess.
    Now I have to get unpacked and put away - oh this jet lag!
    Great CLEAR desk - you worked hard to get it like this!

  28. Great pics! Thank you for sharing.


  29. I've awarded your blog with 'Stylish Blogger Award'

    Pop over to http://maggiescraft.blogspot.com to find out what happens next...


  30. What a fantastic album, so good! Thanks for sharing your space...I am envious of all that space to craft!

  31. I'd never know that was your desk if it wasn't for the strawberries Jo. That's what I call tidy.
    The cards are stunning. What amazing backgrounds. I've been tempted by Smooches in the past but never known what to do with them. Thanks for sharing this technique, I shall definitely be indulging in them now.
    Hugs Lisax

  32. No, no, ink blots are not mistakes, they are just a deliberate part of the design, there to make the design yours, truly. They are lovely backgrounds, and what a tidy desk.

  33. Love your mini album pages, great colours and the ink blob just adds character!

    I've just been catching up on all your CHA photos, wow! Looks like you had a great time :-)

  34. Wow love your tidy craft room - the the notice boards on the doors - great mini book ~ Nicky no.6

  35. Ooooh, that little book at the top is just gorgeous!

  36. Lots of technique in your card :) love the new colour combo here : orange pink...hmmm pretty!!

  37. Love the marbled paper - we used to do it with the children in school using marbling inks - they used to think it was magic!

  38. the little book is lovely and your desk this week? WOW!

  39. Fab work Jo - looks like you had fun at CHA. Thanks for stopping by!

  40. Love your mini-book... gorgeous!
    Congrats on the clear desk... strange how to crafters it seems to be an achievement, isn't it? I wonder why keeping crafting stuff tidy and organised is so difficult!!!!


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