Tuesday 24 May 2011


A reasonably tidy situation, although certainly not perfect, as there's so much going on here. I decided to show my desk from the other side this week.....Plenty of strawberries to be spied and my ATC hanger on  the back of the door to the kitchen. Klitty, my tart with a heart that our own Doone so lovingly made for me, keeps me company, hanging around on my shelves and the Mad Hatter/ Johnny Depp is lurking there.
Here's the usual, all together now, EEEeeeek! view with my mess before I set to today, tidying before I started crafting and making my pif for next week
 See! Lots of strawberries on view! I really did tidy up but what is hiding under the paper is to be revealed after the birthday party next week.
Confused, perplexed, bewildered? Call in on the instigator of this weekly madness... Julia at the Stamping Ground blog for the full explanation of how we reveal our desks to the WWW (world wide web) every week for WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday) and next week we celebrate 2 years of this WW (Wonderful, Wacky ) phenomenon. JOIN US!


  1. Oh wow! I'd love to spend some time in your craft room! hey, messy means you've been busy! Thanks for the peek!

  2. Gosh that's certainly some mess you had to tidy up!All done and tidy .Have creative wednesday
    hugs judex12

  3. Love seeing your weekly desk Jo. I could happily rummage through all your mountains of stash. Such a treasure trove of wonder. Pxx

  4. The excitement is really building now isn't it Jo :-)
    A x

  5. Ooh, Johnny Depp - bit tasty or what? Love your pen holder and wish I could have one but no surface to put it on and no wall space either. Love your paper cuts hanging from the line - so much to see - need to go back for a good old nosey. Hugs, Neet x

  6. Great desk views this week and your walls... Want to rummage all round it looks so interesting!! Hope all is going ok with your little family member... Have a great week

  7. Oh my, I would love a visit to your space. It's a treasure trove! Patsy from

  8. Be still my heart..what a fab space..filled with inspiration - it'd take me a day just to browse through your ATC collection! Love the prayer flags. And two ATGs..man you are a brave woman!

  9. that is one creative oasis - great things abide...and I know that feeling when the space and run out...
    Thanks for sharing, have a great week.
    Sarah at 18 (Sasa)

  10. Hi Jo
    what a lot of crafty goodies, well done on the clean up, all ready to mess up again, lol, thanks for the snoop, happy WOYWW, sue,x ( 23)

  11. Your craft room looks really well organised, Jo! You've got lots on the go as always!
    Diane x

  12. Eeeeekkkk indeed LOL I love to see a busy desk - thanks for sharing

  13. As someone else said today, a messy desk is a sign of genius. you certainly have a lot of goodies on show for us to see. thank you for sharing.

  14. Blimey!! My craft storage room looks a bit like this except I'm trying to clear mine out so that I can see the floor lol, hence I work in the dining room.

  15. OMG! Is this heaven? All this awesome goodness to see and play with. Love all the color. A very creative room! I am going to start the PIF tonight. Better late then never. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

  16. Oh, if I could just have a quick rummage I'd be in heaven. Teresa x

  17. I would like to craft with Johnny! ;) I wouldn't know where to start with that wall o stuff. Love the ATC holder! Where did you get it?

  18. i was getting worried there thinking who had taken over your body with a tidy craft room but then i scrolled down and seen a messy table phew you are still with us lol love looking at your pics and cant wait for the reveal next week hugs jayne xxx

  19. Your space is so fun and colorful!!! I love it!!!

  20. Hi Jo!
    This is my first visit to your site. I had to enlarge the picture of your studio to get real nosey!! WOW and OMG!!! Then I went through your older posts. WOW again! I'm in awe of your talent!!! Very inspiring!!
    Thanks for your kind comment on my site. I'll be back to visit you soon!

  21. Hi Jo!
    This is my first visit to your site. I had to enlarge the picture so I could have a good nosey around (so much to see!) WOW and OMG!! Then I went through your older posts. WOW again! I'm in awe of your talent!!
    Thank you for your kind comment on my site! I'll be back to visit soon!

  22. I love that bird standing on the table! :)

  23. Eeeek! Lots of crafty yumminess going on here! Your space is amazing and I would love to come play there! Love the Johnny Depp/Mad Hatter picture!
    Karen (#123)

  24. Your desk looks very well organized, even when busy. And working with Johnny Depp!!! I´m jealous... ;)
    Hugs, Tuire

  25. Wow, there looks to be lots of crafty goodies crammed on those shelves! lots to keep you busy. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Wow, Jo just adore that craft room (funny how another's place looks sooo fascinating!!) and so much fun going on there ... thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

  27. I love the ATC hanger, how gorgeous is that! And I always thought your strawberry table is bigger!

  28. I am so glad that I am not the only one got shelves like this Jo he he

  29. Gosh I'd love to have a nosy through all that - like an Aladdin's cave! I'm off to have a nosy around the rest of your blog instead, I feel that you may inspire me further in my inky quest... ;-)

  30. You always have such interesting pots and potions lurking on your desk Jo, it's a great crafty space and I love the fact that you judge your tidiness by strawberries!!
    Hugs Lisax

  31. Hi, thanks for visiting me today, I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment, a lot going on at mine of late but I do hate mess, I much prefer it tidy, I think I need more storage!! Looks liek you have a lot going on at yours too, but you did a great tidying up job :-)
    Hugs xx

  32. Great craft space - love your atc on the the door

  33. Blogger wouldn't let me play on WOYWW so I am catching up now! What a lot of lovely things you have to play with - Wipso and I could spend many a happy hour in there! See you on WOYWW 104. x Jo


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