Tuesday 28 June 2011

WOYWW 108 - 3 Desks and a Dump

A Sunny Good Morning to everyone!
Blog Candy Results on my previous post and thanks to all who entered especially for the many funny stories. Maggie and Angie have received their parcels already!
 Three work desks and a dump today, as I am multi tasking, but first I'll add one of the stampboard tiles I made last week when I visited Donna. I was going to make some thank you cards in response to my birthday treats but I've decided instead to make more of these and add a little tag and ribbon.
Here's my main desk with a right old mess but several strawberries are still peeking through. The Mess Up Pixies have been at it again when I wasn't looking. They were rejected as Elves for the Elves and the Shoemaker job and consequently they periodically come and take vengeance on my desk. Why me?
 I am also working in the spare bedroom sewing HangAbouts and aprons....
Below is the new folding table I acquired in a charity shop for a couple of quid... it comes in so handy as an extra work surface and fits by the garden door perfectly. Because it blocks the door I have to use it and then tidy it away so things cannot pile up there. 
I am drying off the aprons I have painted. They were to be my original January PiF gifts but I ditched them and made bag bling instead. I looked again at the aprons and realised they are APRONS not works of art so on a practical level they should be used. I've played around with them again and now I will soon mail them to Tuire, Liverpool Lou, Kay and Sam to use and get painty and inky some more.  Carmen is promised a HangAbout and that too is almost ready.
This little dump, a gorgeous mess of stash, (below) is on the stool in the living room waiting to be stowed away. An accumulation of goodies I bought in Derbyshire last week in the fabulous Beetroot Tree Craft Centre and Pear Tree Crafts.
All this exposure of my working areas is due to our Amazingly Honourable Leader Julia who originated the crazy idea that we bare and share each week and now over 100 crafters follow the lead and thousands more who aren't brave enough just spy on us! Pop over to Julia's stamping ground blog for a nosey!


  1. Ah Jo you had me laughing with the Mess about Pixies I am quite sure they live over here sometimes too!! they like to trip around the continent obviously maybe they mess us post for UK sometimes too! and your work space is so gorgeous.. you are so inspiring with all your ideas and ways of working with things.. very different but very, very beautiful like my pIf have a great day and thanks so much for sharing Shaz in oz.x

  2. Gosh, those aprons look incredible - lucky ladies! My 'baddie' is green round the edges this morning, lol! A padded kneeler sounds a very good idea - may save the knees of my trousers too....

  3. Gosh Jo you are so busy with so many things. Just fab.
    A x

  4. Hi there Jo the pineapple jam recipe is on my blog now.. no secrets nor any guarantees!! love Shaz in oz.x

  5. Those elves are a pain, aren't they!! everything else looks fabulous and i'd love to come and play!!

    Have fun

    Lisa @ 34

  6. Wow your desk is looking super busy! those naughty pixies! Your aprons look great! lovely designs. And some new goodies there too, enjoy playing with those.

    My prize arrived! thanks sooo much, can't wait to get crafting


  7. Wow - creativity galore, looking very busy and blessed with stash! Fabulous designs on show...Thanks for calling by - Hope you will call by Friday for the first My Mojo Monthly. Thanks for sharing today.
    Sarah at 6.

  8. Hi Jo
    them blasted pixies get everywhere! lol, your aprons are gorgeous, beautiful artwork,lots of new goodies to play with, have fun,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (16)

  9. Nice stash of goodies you have there! Love the aprons too. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. ROFL - your pixies are naughty, aren't they? I found an Ink Imp lurking in my boxes last week - it had left little footprints in blue all over my desk. Must have got into the ink pad Lil Miss B had been using to make her Gramps a card.... Speaking of which, although Gramps and Brother B are both Everton supporters, Granma, Mr B and Lil Miss B are Liverpool supporters (it's fun here when there's a Derby on, let me tell you!), and Mr B was taken home from the hospital after having been born to the family home just three roads away from the Anfield ground. You could have been neighbours!

  11. Oh blimey - everyone knows you don't mess about with them Pixies!!! No doubt you will soon have it back to normal. Your aprons are little works of art - so beautiful - you clever thing!! x Jo

  12. Thank you again for the wonderful blog candy which arrived from you yesterday (what fantastic postal service on that one). I don't have pixies (Or piskies - the Cornish version)in my craft room, but I do have Borrowers. I am sure that Arriety Clock has taken my Cut and Dry foam for her mother, Homily, to use for the household scrubbing. ("The Borrowers" was a children's book, written by Mary Norton, in case you think I have completely taken leave of my senses.)

  13. Love your pinnies Jo - now you are spreading your fairy wings across the house and taking up extra space - keep crafting!

  14. You are so creative... love poking around your space. Those aprons are practical but also little works of art so they will be loved by the recipients i am sure ...great stash there too.

  15. Jo your a busy bee some lovely creations.Absolutely love your new stash !Happy Crafting
    hugs Judex 88

  16. I love the tile you made and I love the mess. :) Looks like you're busy. :) Happy WOYWW!

  17. You have been super busy this week! Lots of lovelyness coming from your craftroom! Happy WOYWW

  18. Love those aprons they look fabulous. I must take time out and visit the Beetroot Tree craft centre although I'm trying to cut down on crafting visits I always buy too much.
    Kathleen x

  19. The mess up pixies!!! Why didn't I think of that? That simply MUST be what's going on in my studio, as well! HA! I love your tag and the aprons look great! Looks like you have some super fab new goodies to play with, too!

  20. So that is the reason... pixies!! I will leave the cats in the scraproom... that should sort them out nicely!! ;) Love your aprons, they look fabulous.

  21. LOL! You have those Elves drop by your place too? Man, I wish the tidy up elves dropped by from time to time too just to balance it all out!
    Love all the lovely creativity going on! Kim

  22. Now that is a busy desk..so busy a new card table is needed!! Yay! I bought one too that is only a foot wide and 4 feet long that when I use my Big Shot or Cricut I can drag it out and set it up. Love the aprons. Reminds me I need to finish my PIF's from January also! Vickie #39

  23. Hiya Jo! Thank you for worrying about me - well I did hurt myself badly but I did post very late! Ha, ha I think I would crawl half dead to the computer to make it to WOYWW! :0 !
    Those aprons and hangabouts are lovely!

  24. Those aprons look gorgeous. What lucky ladies to be receiving them:)

  25. Thank you for your kind comments yesterday :) I like the look of your hangabouts, are they tricky to make? It's funny, I can make some fiddly things and not mind at all, but HATE making tea cosies!! There's no reason for that hatred, I just do! xx

  26. I think we all have those elves, Jo, they're pesky aren't they!!
    You always have such interesting and varied things on the go, did you get extra hours in your day for your birthday!!
    Have fun.
    Hugs Lisax

  27. What a "fun" bunch of "stuff" on your work table...and look at all those new goodies...loving those aprons...lucky girls that will receive them.....thanks for stopping by!!

  28. Personalized aprons, gosh if I got one, I don't think I'd want splashes of paint on it! What a busy lady you are! Patsy from

  29. Hi Jo, sorry I've been tardy in visiting, must try harder! I came at just the right time though to see my wonderful apron, woohoo; they're fab. Hope you're doing ok. I'll email when I make more time.
    Anne xx

  30. Meant to say you should choose your words more carefully, wasn't sure what to expect re: 'a Dump'!! hehe
    Anne xx

  31. Hello Jo, really enjoyed reading your post this week and love your stampboard tile, especially the colour and the detail for such a small item is incredible - oh, and your aprons are fab. Hope your weekend is going well. Elizabeth x #83

  32. Hi Jo

    Mr B says lived on Sybil Road until he was two, and then went back there every summer holiday until he was 12. His Nan lived on Sybil Rd, and then moved to Ettington Rd, and then finally she moved down to Wiltshire.

  33. I don't know where you get your energy Jo, will you please send me some. What a brilliant lot of projects on the go

  34. Loving all your desks, the messier the better as then there is loads to see. Do you mean the pear tree crafts in sandiacre?, the little treasure trove that has lots of yumminess in every corner of the shop? I live about 5mins drive away and love going there. Beautiful aprons. Kezzy x

  35. Its been a bit windy here to craft outside, and the birds would probably bombard me as they do like to hog the bird table...great desk tho!
    Happy crafting
    HaPpY WoYwW!
    ((Lyn)) #29


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