Tuesday 12 July 2011

WOYWW 110 and Tiny Stamper

For a change this last week seems much longer as I have done so much, and travelled over 800 miles. I went down to Brighton on our South coast to visit DD1 and 2 of my 3 gorgeous grandees.  Spent precious time with them for a few days before we all travelled back up North and they've been with us here since Sunday. Picnics in the park and sunny days, out doing all I'd love to do with all 3 of them on a regular basis but cannot due to distance.
Today on my work desk I had a tiny stamper, my 4 year old grandee, who made cards to take home for her Daddy and all her friends and it was hard to coax her into the bath ready for bed. Magic precious times. 
Get over to Julia's blog, Stamping Ground, to see over a hundred more work desks in this great weekly, world wide, expose of where we crafters create.
A friend gave me this huge reel of parcel string, (correction....baker's twine) and I realise I will never in my lifetime manage to use half of it so if anyone would like a share just email me. 
We enjoyed walking along Brighton's seafront and it was so windy that the lifeguards were keeping people off the beach and the red flag was blustering hard. The waves weren't too high but they were so strong and it was fascinating to watch.
Here's the pier ......
and the old burned out pier at the Hove end of Brighton.
I love this doughnut shaped sculpture by Hamish Black on the seafront at Brighton, near the pier, and my DH is in view, far off on the promenade, through the hole in the centre. The black areas are black holes cut outs in the shapes of the continents of the world and the shiny patch is where so many visitors have touched it or leaned on it and polished off the blue and green patina. It is made from 2.2 tons of bronze.
I never managed to visit too many desks last week due to limited internet access whilst staying in the hotel so apologies to everyone and sincere thanks to all who popped in on me.


  1. Glad to see you're making the most of having your family around. You sound like you're in your element. Looks like the creative gene has been handed down too :) Hoping the weather stays as good for the rest of their stay. Pxx

  2. OOh a man in a doughnut

    It can't get better than that!!!


    my lambanana is posted two blogs back (on my website sidebar) if you want a look see...

  3. Love that doughnut! Glad you have spent some quality time with your family.

  4. Lovely to see your gd happily playing! My gs loves to get in my 'making room' as he calls it, can't get him out either, always asks 'can I sleep in here' Err no, he'd be busy alnight using ALL my stuff!
    Have a Happy WOYWW!

  5. Hi Jo - Lovely to see your new stamping buddy and to hear of the good times you are all having. Hope the better weather continues for the whole of their stay. See you Monday but speak before then. Hugs, Neet xx

  6. I grew up by the sea, so spent many happy evenings watching the waves and the birds. I love seeing crashing waves like the ones in your pics, it makes you feel alive! Isn't your Grandee gorgeous?! She's so absorbed in what she's creating, fantastic :D xx

  7. What a wonderful desk today.....happy happy memories :-)
    A x

  8. Other than where I live now, Brighton was my favourite place to go when I lived in southern England. I jumped on a train and in about an hour I was there ....enjoying the sea and the lanes ...and the Pier for the atmosphere.Shame the other has not been saved.
    Your GD looks so cute crafting away. xx

  9. So nice to see the children having fun in the craft room Jo :) My aunty uses that string to knit good old fashioned dishclothes and very hard wearing they are too
    Have a good day
    Von x

  10. Thanks for sharing your space, have a good week! I love Brighton! Always so much going on! That sure is some impressive string!

  11. Cool photos. Grandee looks like she's hard at work

  12. Your grandaughter is a crafter too! I love that she has out the sparkly bling!
    Brighton looks lovely! I visited there about 10 years ago and absolutely loved it! I have fond memories of it and even named one of my dogs Brighton!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen #53

  13. Gosh you have been busy, glad you've had fun visiting all the family, and what an adorable young crafter in the making, bless x
    As for the string, i expect to see it on everything you make from now on lol it will certainly keep you going a fair while lol
    Happy wednesday
    hugs Minxy x

  14. Aw Jo, she's adorable. So glad you are spending some lovely quality time with them. I know how it feels to only see them once in a while and each hour is so precious. Enjoy, x

  15. LOL! good old English summer weather... Sounds like a fab week and I think you'll still be donating the thread on WOYWW 2000th edition! Great pictures too!

  16. Ooh what's going on 'ere then; 11.50 and I'm first to post??? I'd love some of that string Jo, will email you. So glad you've had a lovely time with grandees ;-)
    The doughnut is fantastic!
    Anne xx

  17. Oops didn't think yours was 'visible after approval' so no doubt I'm not the first to post :-/

  18. What a cutie stamper! Lovely beach scenes and bronze from Brighton...The beach is very different from my Florida one. Enjoy the rest of your visit with the grands!

  19. She's absolutely beautiful, Jo - hope you're enjoying this precious time x

  20. What a little treasure - she will have those crafting skills, and love of it, for life - what a legacy and what a fab time she will have had. Lucky you. X Jo

  21. Oh, how sweet company you have there!!!
    Love the seaside pics! We have only a lake here...
    Tuire xxx

  22. Beautiful little girl Jo - must take after her Gran. Enjoy the rest of the visit.

  23. Your grand daughter is adorable! How sweet!!! And what a fun lot of baker's twine! It is fabulous!!!! I would ask for some, but I have a 200+ yard spool of the red and white at home already! LOL!

  24. Your Grandaugher is such a cutie! Hope she keeps at the stamping like her Grandmother!!

  25. I'm so glad you've been having such a lovely time with your family, Jo, like you say precious times!!
    Your Grandaughter looks totally absorbed in what she's creating, she's abviously inhertited the crafty gene from you.
    The sea at Brighton looks bracing. I'd love to live by the beach.
    Bakers Twine is my new favourite embellishment. I'd love some if you have some to spare. I'll e-mail you!!
    Hugs Lisax

  26. Oh but isn't she the sweetest thing ever! I had such a wonderful bond with my Grandmother and I miss her so much, she meant the world to me! Enjoy! Thank you for sharing you pictures, they are fabulous. This is why I love The Stamping Ground so much!

  27. It is so wonderful when the kids start to play with the art supplies and they usually create gorgeous stuff! Love it that your grandee is so engrossed in it.

  28. Aw look at that little girl doing crafting! How gorgeous her concentration face is! Well done Jo..aside from the precious time - get 'em young!
    Love the donut...the patina, the shiny bit that shows its life story - great post as usual Jo!

  29. Hi there Jo, thanks so much for popping over, and for your lovely comments - and wow! what a lovely lot to see on your blog today! your comments did make me smile, and grandees are fun! I really love them.. thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x

  30. Hi honey... I am lovin your Brighton shots and the string, but that little dot is just wondrous!!! It's such precious time isn't it?? Had some similar with my two this weekend, sleeping over cos mum had Ofsted!! Have a great week

  31. How lovely to have your family visiting and isn't your little grand daughter just adorable:)
    That is the biggest reel of bakers twine I have ever seen!

  32. Lovely to see your little Grandee following in your footsteps and your time with them sounds absolutely wonderful. I've never been that enamoured with Brighton but perhaps because I always tend to visit either in the winter or early spring when it just doesn't have the vibrancy and looks a little down at heel! However, Sussex has a lot going for it, such lovely towns and villages and I love walking on the Downs too. Huge roll of bakers twine! You really get a feel for how big it is when you see it in the first photo along with the four yr old!!


  33. What an awesome stamping buddy! I wish my Granddaughter come come and play with me. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  34. It's a fun time when you can have the grandees visit. I have no kids or grands, just a cat who brings no one home (thankfully). So I will enjoy vicariously.

    I always love your time out and about. That donut is one super example of beauty in your hometown. Sorry I missed stopping by last week, but at least my comment boxes are now back!

  35. Ahh I'm glad you've been able to enjoy some family time. That reel of twine looks huge, not sure if it's the perspective or if it is just one monster of a reel! Thanks for sharing. x

  36. dont she just look so cute would love to see some of her finished results

    love the beach pics and the donut hugs jayne xxx

  37. Sounds like your enjoying your visit with your family and your creativeness is rubbing off on to your grandchildren :) Lovely photos, thank you for sharing. Jovi

  38. Wonderful post. I'm catching up.Will have my 3 grands here today for their summer visit. 117 heat index heat so inside today. Adorable little girl you have crafting away.Thanks for sharing the great pictures. Enjoy the week

  39. Lovely snap of your granddaughter crafting and that roll of baker's twine in the forefront of the pic looks enormous - should last you forever. Love the photos of the shore and that donut sculpture has clearly been placed perfectly for so that photographers can get interesting shots. Read about your tooth and freezer disasters too - hope your week has had more than a few silver linings. Elizabth x #99


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