Sunday 23 October 2011

Tin Jewels

I gave a small workshop yesterday for making my tin jewels. You'll have seen some in earlier post along with details of how to make them from up cycled tinplate... old tins in other words. 
I forgot to take photos of the results of the day but these are the ones I partially made, whilst demonstrating the stages, and I finished them today.

Here's what they look like before painting with alcohol inks and adding a glaze, gold leaf, beads etc.
If anyone wants to try this out please email if you want more information but I must give a warning that you need to take special care cutting and sanding the tinplate as the edges are really sharp at first.

I am going to experiment with the same technique to see if I can make some interesting Ch*****as decorations. See I'm getting sucked in already!!
I had a lovely surprise when I got home last night to receive this special treat in the post from Wipso and (all together now AAAaaaaahhh!!!) the new twins Sam & Lexi. I will treasure my cute little grandparent bear (such patience to make it so tiny) and the photo of the twins is adorable. The little bear will keep my other tiny bear company, the one that one has helped care and support my little grandee through her journey to health.Thanks so much Annie and I'm so pleased all the new wing of the family is now on the right track!


  1. Your tin jewels are gorgeous ....and what a lovely gift from Sam and Lexi.xx

  2. Aw so glad you liked the card and little bear. Us grandparents have to stick together :-)
    Big hugs,
    A x

  3. Wow Jo these look amazing, like mini ties :)

  4. Looks like you held a fantastic class. Such colourful & creative jewellery. You'd never guess they are made from upcycling :) Pxx

  5. Fantastic beads and babies. penny

  6. AAAaaaaahhh, such cuties!!! indeed Jo, and so very pleased all right on track now - and love your beads they are awesome but deficiently not safe in my hands!! Shaz in oz.x

  7. loving the jewels and such a cute little bear, the twins look very cute too!

  8. I love your tin jewels, they're fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Fab jewels Jo. I love a bit of upcycling! x Jo

  10. Great up cycled jewels Jo and your 2 new additions look so cute wrapped up in their blankets.

    Hope you're doing okay.

    Sam xxx

  11. Why don't you live here in Cornwall lol,then you could teach me how to make these gorgeous creations and more.xx

  12. I repeat - you need your silver making tools back, you have a gift for jewelery design that- in my outspoken opinion,- should be used in silver as well as tin.

    next weds i'm blogging my earrings and will start telling people to hound you for bespoke silver pieces.


  13. Who'd have thought you cold make such gorgeous things out of old bean cans!!! You need to show Kirsty Allsopp these!!!!
    Hugs Lisax

  14. Jo - these are simply stunning. I would love more info, please! I've started using old drinks cans - I successfully embossed an unrolled can and it's brilliant! See my blog post on Exeter Cathedral ( for an amazing use for old beer cans - I was really impressed with this and would love to try it! I'll look for your email address so I can send you mine for more details instructions for your gorgeous jewellery.


  15. Love your tin jewels and the grandkids are gorgeous, see I didnt get very far trawling your site to see what you do so I know what I can send you. BTW you didnt leave me your snail mail lol
    Bridget #37 WOYWW 125

  16. wow, these tin pendants are just GORGEOUS! what an amazing transformation!

  17. I love the colors and the very natural shapes ... What a great idea! I enjoy working in tin also :)


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