Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas Greetings, Tree & Cake

Wishing everyone who pops by a very
 Merry Christmas
and a Wonderful Healthy, Happy New Year
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and I am feeling more festive than I have in years, the tree is trimmed and I even baked a special cake.
So many memories in these vintage decorations from my childhood and that of my, now adult, daughters. The tree is looking a bit worse for wear so I bought a snip of a bargain, a 6 foot one from B&Q ready for next year. At £5, how could I leave it in the store!! Outside they were selling big real trees reduced from £35 to £4!!!!  DH drew the line at the idea of me taking down the old artificial tree to replace it with a real one but he did buy me one of the fake ones knowing it would be an investment and saving. 
Thanks so much to Crafty Womble who so kindly shared her special spicy cake recipe and here it is in all it's delicious glory. I took the liberty of icing it with icing made with the juice of fresh orange and lemon juice and it is just delicious. As there are only the two of us here for Christmas I have shared some of it with friends. This is one that I will definitely make again as I adore spices such as Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger etc. 
Like most of us I doubt if I will blog at all over the holiday so if I don't.... see you all next year!


  1. Love the sound and look of that cake. What a bargain over the tree for next year ...well done.

    Hope you have a wonderfully relaxed Christmas and a happy New Year xx

  2. Beautiful tree Jo! I did the snowman tree this year and my daughter came over and demanded to know where all the 'old' decorations were. I told her they were still packaged all safe and sound. Heather told me if I was going to just throw them away she would take them! LOL! I guess my being ill and doing weird things this past year has my family concerned. New tree and snowmen this year not the least of the issues evidently. Love the look of that cake. Want to share the recipe? Merry Christmas to you and yours! Vickie

  3. The tree is beautiful, and the cake looks scrummy. Have a lovely Christmas.


  4. Yay -it looks splendid :) I like the sound of your icing. Ours is all prepared with extra ginger and cinnamon to have homemade fresh custard poured all over for Christmas day pudding. Hurrah more people want the recipe :) I wonder if we could send it round the world? Have a lovely time and I'll 'see' you in the New Year Wendy x

  5. It all looks wonderfully festive in your house Jo, the tree is beautifully trimmed. Those santas are mice are fab! Lurve that cake, it's making me drool just looking at it. Have a fantastic Christmas & all the best for the New Year. Pxx

  6. What a gorgeous looking cake - hope you enjoy it! Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  7. The cake looks fab - I am just decorating the little Christmas cake that I am taking for M. Have a fab time! . x Jo


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