Friday 16 December 2011

Escape from Devon & Special Anniversary.

We drove home yesterday, Thursday, (should have been there until Sunday) from our holiday in Devon, to escape the bad weather and it's so lucky we did with the snow and ice today blanketing most  areas of the country. Got home last night and this is part of our garden mid-day today.... So lovely to be home and not going out and getting wet or sitting in the country club wishing we could get out. It really was a mistake to go so far at this time of year and so we decided to cut our losses and head home. I'm sooooo glad we did!

An unusual anniversary!
Today I had a lovely Skype with this little lady, (who is wearing the cardigan I recently made for her). Her hair is growing back again so beautifully and she has grown and developed so well during this difficult year. 
Many of you already know about my little grandee in Germany but I don't post regular updates about her, however, today it is exactly one year since she first went into hospital and began her difficult journey, at first through septicaemia then leukaemia. It has been such a hard time for her, her parents, and for the rest of our family, but we are all so very happy and grateful to see her now at this stage doing so well. There are around 20 months of management still to get through but she has come through the intensive phase bravely to magically become this happy, chatty, beautiful 2 year old, full of personality and a special little character who brings so much joy. We all love her so much.
We hope they enjoy a wonderful Christmas to compensate for the one they completely missed last year.
Mystery Gift???
This lovely calendar was waiting for me when I arrived home ... a gem from  amongst all the bills etc., but I don't have a clue who kindly sent it to me!! Nothing on the envelope, nothing on the calendar to tell me who is the very kind person I should thank.... any owner??? Very handily, it has a fridge magnet on the back.
Our last day in Devon we visited Bideford and stumbled across the Pannier Market and it's Butcher's Row which has been converted to quirky arty shops, some with the artists making their wares on site. It was a good place to mooch around and was handy for us to keep dry out of the rain. 
There's DH below... just incase you thought it was Father Christmas in disguise before his big job!!!

 Spot the seamstress below in her gallery on high!!


  1. we will see how this one goes blogger is being mean today! am so glad to hear and see you brave wee one, Jo - will keep prying for her and her journey and thanks for news and other pics and yes no place like home in such weather! Shaz in oz.x

  2. I´m glad, too, that you got home safely! So strange weathers - you have snow there, and we don´t. It´s black and rainy here.
    And I´m also SO glad to see that little one being so well! <3
    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Tears full of joy here seeing just how well little L looks now. Sending much love to all the family to celebrate the wonderful acheivement.
    A x
    ps I don't like heights so it wasn't me up there sewing :-)

  4. Your calendar gift is from Helen at VS. I was lucky enough to receive one through the post too and it has pride of place in my craft room. Glad to hear you arrived back safe and sound. Nick was supposed to travel down south to see family on Thursday but cancelled it to avoid the bad conditions. Good to know that you're keeping warm and dry. Weather is supposed to improve as the week goes on. Pxx

  5. Your garden looks like a fairytale - glad you got home safely! How lovely that your grandee is doing so well, I hope the next months see her continuing to improve. Have a great weekend.

  6. Thanks to Paul for telling you who sent you the calendar - I got one too and put a note on KC but got no answer. Now I know why!
    Lovely to talk to you this morning, especially lovely to hear about your little one and her little table etc, lovely jumper she is wearing and how her hair has grown.
    Glad you are back.
    Hugs, neet x

  7. You always find the best photos Jo.

    So glad to hear little grandee is doing so well. And like you say, hopefully you can all have a proper family Christmas this year.

    Thanks again for my Charlie Chaplin bucket, I love it.

    Sam xxxx

  8. Beautiful and very brave little girl wearing a gorgeous cardi. So pleased she has come this far already on her long journey and hope that by this time next year the memory of all the hard times you have all gone through will have faded completely.
    Say one thing about snow, it doesn't half make things look magical, say another - it is b****y cold.

  9. Just look at all your snow, Jo. It's so funny, we haven't had a flake yet it has been all around. So glad you got back from Devon safe and sound.
    Thank you so much for sharing the photo of your little Grandee. I can't tell you how thrilled I am for you all that she is so much better and looking forward to Christmas as she should be this year. I really hope 2012 is a much better one for you all. She is looking beautiful with her lovely hair.
    Enjoy your Christmas run up.
    Hugs Lisax


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