Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
It's good to relax after the week we've had. The Brighton Belles arrived safely and stayed with us whilst their Mummy and Daddy went off overnight to a friend's wedding in Wales. I'm so glad they enjoyed it all and we enjoyed the girlies but over the following days, one by one we were all hit by a tummy bug so it was a really difficult week... hence no posts from me. We recovered in time to take them home to Brighton and spend a few more days with them in lovely sunshine, leaving the cold and rain behind here in the North.

Yesterday before our long drive home, we visited Lewes and I treated myself to a few more items of my favourite blue and white Polish pottery from the Baltic Trader. I could have bought out the shop and especially loved all their Easter items on display.
Above you can see, on the right, one of the cute tiny tea sets just like the one I bought for our little Fraulein's 2nd birthday, last year.
I can recommend the cafe/restaurant within the pottery shop.
Lewes is such a great little place for a mooch around with lovely old buildings, a castle and this visit most of the shops had Easter window displays...
Even in the Funeral Director's window, below!
The jeweller's Easter bonnets....

vintage toys and eggs in an Antique Shop Window......
I don't know how this bookshop still stands, it is so crumbly !
The Castle entrance...
Harveys Brewery
We managed to get some fun time with the girlies in the park...
 and in the garden and I'm missing them all already.
Back home now, too far away from them, up in our cold dull damp North!


  1. WOW Jo you do find the best of places to visit.

    Don't worry, you'll be seeing them again soon enough.

    Happy Easter to you and Dave.

    Sam xxxx

  2. Aw Jo they re such a sweet pair of gals! I'm glad you all recovered sufficiently to enjoy a few days the house seems quite quiet now! Lovely window displays in Lewes, how nice that they were just displays for the sake of celebrating rather than the run of products draped in yellow!

  3. Oh dear Jo, hope everyone is fully recovered. Think it's on it's way here as well. Elder Gson stayed with us last week then spent a few days with his Dad and came down with it on Friday night. His Mum and rest of family arrived yesterday and she has it now - still in bed at their hotel while we have the children today. Hope it doesn't spread any further.

  4. What a fab Easter post Jo - Happy Easter to you!

  5. So sorry that your special time was spoiled by ill healths Jo. Your family time is so precious. Glad that at least you managed a few days enjoying your time together.
    A x

  6. Sorry you've been poorly but what a great time you had with the family - Lewes looks a charming place, love the bookshop!

  7. It's always so nice to watch little ones play at the park! Looks like you found some nice stores to visit and window shop. Sorry to hear you all had a tummy bug but glad you are feeling better now! Hope you can spend some time with your family again soon. Have a lovely day! ~HL

  8. gosh the girls are getting so big already sad that you was all so poorly but thank goodness not for the whole trip love your pics as always hun xxxx

  9. Hope you are all fully recovered now. Your photo's are lovely, some great window displays. We are just back from Scotland and having our Easter celebrations today with my family, I cannot wait. Hope to see you soon.




  10. Awww Jo what bad luck having that awful bug.Glad you had some special time with the tinies though.As always your pics are so Stunning and very interesting.Thinking of you.Big Huggles xxx

  11. Just glad you managed to finish the bad week off with some lovely shopping and some lovely photos for us all to share.
    See you soon.
    Hugs, Neet x


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