Friday 8 March 2013

Friday Smile 7

So much to smile about today for Annie's (Wipso) Friday Smile. I returned last weekend from visiting the Beautiful Brighton Belles, (alias the curly girlies) and we had such fun. I'm usually miserable leaving them to return home but this time I'm SMILING because they are coming to visit us for the Easter Holidays.
Here they are in the fancy dress costumes I took down for them. They were so thrilled and excited getting my suitcase open and trying them out.
I made the skirt to DDs measurements but it's just as well I left a really big hem so the left one can soon be lengthened.
 I'm still SMILING because (as I posted on LillyBo blog) our gorgeous little Fraulein finished her treatment last week for leukaemia. Here she is after two long years of it, now aged three and a half, a beautiful happy little girl full of character and bright as a new button.
I'm also SMILING after delivering so many quilts to CHICS at the hospital oncology unit yesterday and seeing a little 3 year old boy receive his... pop over to LillyBo to read all about it and to see the quilts all made with love for children who are going through the same treatments as our little fraulein has just finished.
Why not join as a follower and see each quilt as it arrives? Even if you aren't stitching for LillyBo we'd love you to share what's happening. 
The Super Star Stitchers deserve every word of praise!
If you want to start your weekend with even more smiles then be sure to visit 


  1. Smiling? I'm positively grinning from ear to ear Jo. You have so much to smile about and it's so special that we can share it so thank you so much for linking up.
    Biggest hugs Jo,
    Annie x

  2. Ooh, your girls are growing so fast, Jo and what good news about the treatment ending! I'm really thrilled for you all and I'm sure you must be too. No wonder you're smiling x

  3. Fab outfits Jo - I bet those little girls were thrilled! x Jo

  4. Gorgeous costumes, lovely smiles - off to check the quilts now!

  5. It's no wonder you're smiling Jo, especially after receicing such wonderful new that the treatment is all finished.


  6. Now that was a post full of smiles pleased about your grand-daughter and dont they both look so cute. xx

  7. Lovely pics! I´m glad you have so many reasons to smile - it makes me smile too :)
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Tuire xx

  8. You certainly deserve to have a lot of smiles, with those beautiful photos and the good news. Then all those beautiful quilts are enough to make anyone smile and how wonderful to witness the joy of one little boy choosing his own. Thank you for sharing them with us. xx Maggie

  9. Fab dresses Jo, the girls look brill in them. Hadn't realised you were doing another CHIC delivery as mine's still here. Will try and organise a get together really soon, had stuff going on here:(( xxx

  10. What wonderful news about your little fraulein! Also what gorgeous photos of all your beautiful girlies in their various costumes. Plenty to smile about here! Thanks so much for sharing. Caro (#8)

  11. Those grandees look fabulous and I bet they are all still smiling when they dress up.
    Gosh, hasn't the eldest one grown a lot!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. Lovely pics and a lovely page Jo.
    Have a good weekend xx

  13. You certianly do have a lot ot smile about.... thanks for sharing with us..... those costumes look fantastic, they will be treasured.

  14. Ah, lovely pics Jo, am glad the little one is doing so well ;-)
    Anne x

  15. Oh Jo, those costumes are amazing, you truly have a very skilled pair of hands. I am so glad you have so much to smile about and that your little one is on the mend.

    have a great week

    Gill x

  16. Oh Jo, I can understand that you're smiling! You have all the reasons! I am so glad that little Fräulein's treatment is finished and that she is doing so well. The curly girls look so beautiful in their dresses - you made those? Fantastic! And what a beautiful quilt project - so much love is in there.

  17. Fabulous news about your grand daughter and the quilts, as you say lots to smile about.

    kyla x


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