Tuesday 18 June 2013

WOYWW 211, Birthday Candy & Mountain View

Last week, when I was away on holiday, my blog hit counter tipped over to 123456, a poignant figure at which I intended to do a giveaway, a bit of blog candy, a little thank you to all those visitors who bothered to stop at my place. With being away from home and only having intermittent internet connection, it came and went. 
Today, Tuesday, is my birthday so I decided it should be now!
I have not yet decided what I'll give but I think I will make something special and also find some nice crafty goodies.
Maybe a mystery package would be intriguing!?
Just leave a comment if you'd like to be in on it with a chance of winning something from me and maybe over the next couple of days I will be able to fully advertise the package, meanwhile.... take a chance!!
Another Mystery!
Everyday, I notice on my live feed the range of visitors from all over the world and love to identify the countries by the flags. I often see return visitors and wonder who they are and why they choose to stop by my blog. 
One visitor in particular pops in almost everyday, from Mountain View in California, and browses through my blog archives. Whilst I am so pleased that someone thinks there is enough of interest to drop by so often I also love to imagine that I might possibly give them some inspiration. 
I hope one day for Mountain View to leave a comment and I'd love to say a personal thank you to them for all their visits but I have hesitated in writing this incase I frighten them away and no longer see them on the list. 
Please keep calling! (but I'd love to know who you are)

My crafting this week has been to finish the tag flag book that we did in Gill's workshop at Victoria Stampers before I went away. There it is in the middle of the table tied with a red ribbon. It was such a good day even if I did have to rush home and start packing my suitcase. 
I'll post it in detail soon. 
My desk below is covered in all my lovely birthday cards and lots of crafty gifts which I have yet to be put on display as I've been out all day. I've had a lovely trip shopping in town and we had lunch in Jamie Oliver's Italian Restaurant. 

Call in on our lovely instigator Julia at her stamping ground blog if you'd like to see an ever increasing and ever amazing range of the World's craft desks.

Here are my super hand crafted birthday cards but I received lots more fabulous shop bought ones and a couple of gorgeous Jacky Lawson egreetings too from Dolores and Alison CB. Thanks to everyone for all your wishes, they are all really appreciated.
from Gill VS
Enid VS
Joyce VS
Sandra Grimes OSA
Jacqui VS
Helen VS
Lorraine VS
Janet Wilson KCUK
Chezzie VS


  1. a very happy belated birthday, you have some fab cards and wow...... a posh lunch out as well!

    Tilly x

  2. Well, belated birthday wishes! What a wonderful lot of birthday cards, each one is delicious.
    Krisha #4

  3. Oh, I would have sent you a card if I had known it was your birthday!! Happy Belated Birthday for yesterday, it looks as though you had a wonderful day too! I will be back to see the flag book in all its glory, it is such a lush colour!
    You and I are the same... I see people pop in and look through the archives and have to wonder a little about them... in a purely nosy sort of way!! ;) Annette #9

  4. Happy Happy Birthday Jo. I'm sure you had a fabulous day. Your desk is piled high with goodness and those cards are fab. Hope you have a great week. Neil

  5. Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to Jo,
    Happy birthday to you,

    Just be thankful you couldn't hear me :-)
    Hope you have an amazing day Jo
    A x #62
    ps we decided to wait for Jo to finish quilt number 4 so they could all come together so you should get your parcel soon :-)

  6. Sounds like you're having a brilliant birthday. You'll have to let us know what Jamie oliver's Italien restaurant was like. What a beautiful array of crafted cards, reflecting the uber creativeness of the recipient :) Pxxxxxxx

  7. Happy belated birthday Jo. What a joy to receive all those wonderful cards all made just for you. Wonderful.
    I'm not surprised though you are a real,star and deserve them all.
    Love Lynn xxx

  8. Hope you had a lovely birthday!


  9. Happy Birthday to you, and what fab cards you have received. Francesca #44

  10. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you Jo, got the date in my book now for next year.... you certainly received some gorgeous cards and how wonderful to go to Jamie Oliver's too. Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Anne x #51

  11. Happy WOYWW - and Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for sharing photos of your wonderful cards - you must have been thrilled when opening them all. Thank you also for offering some Candy, which I would be very happy to receive - I love mystery packages! Ali x #79

  12. Happy Birthday Jo. What a lovely pile of cards from your talented friends. I too love to look at where all my virtual visitors come from. I have a little map on my wall I colour in - It is good for my geography! Hope that Mountain View says hello. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 78

  13. Oh, I am so sorry I didn't know in advance - Happy Happy Birthday!! I'd love to be in with a chance to win, your surprise giveaway, lol! I rarely look at my counter but that is some achievement, richly deserved. Have a great day, birthday girl! Helen, 31 xxx

  14. Well, I sent all my birthday messages yesterday but didn't know about the posh restaurant. You must tell me about it some time.
    Lovely array of cards Jo, except the second one down (tee hee) - which I just had to make for you as it reminded me of you liking purple and footwear.
    Have a lovely day today Hugs, Neet xx 16
    (ps didn't know you had taken a class on Pan Pastels - you must tell me more as I want to explore them so much)

  15. Happy Birthday Jo. Sorry didn't know. What lovely cards. I went to Jamie's Italian for my birthday. Loved it! Would love to take part in your celebratory give away. Happy WOYWW. Anne x @ 65

  16. Hope you had a wonderful birthday - we will raise a glass to you tomorrow when I go to play with Annie and the twins!! Lovely cards to enjoy there Jo. x Jo

  17. Happy Birthday to you!!! What beautiful cards and pressies you received. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 94 x PS. Please add me to any candy you do - fingers crossed!

  18. Happy birthday! Such wonderful cards you received. A great way to cover your desk. I'd love to receive a mystery package form you, how generous! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 77

  19. Happy birthday and what a lovely collection of cards to celebrate your day. Gorgeous pic of your garden peeking over your desk.
    Sandra @105

  20. Happy Birthday to you! My parents send us the Jackie L. cards for every occasion! DD loves the interactive nature of them. I get the same thing - but on the plus side the are people who comment when something strikes a chord. They say "I come every day, never comment, but today I had to because...." :) always makes me do the happy dance cause it is such an odd feeling when you post and post and no one says anything at all.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (19)

  21. Happy belated birthday and please count me in for any draw! Gorgeous cards - I love that Lyn Perella stamp. Happy WOYWW Cindy #18

  22. Have a lovely celebration for your birthday - and congratulations

  23. Belated happy birthday - your cards are all so lovely.

    Happy WOYWW Susi #85

  24. Happy Birthday and congrats in achieving the posting milestone. Lovely bunch of cards you have received. So good of you to do a giveaway even if it is a mystery, clever idea too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 25

  25. Happy Birthday me ol' mate!! Hope you had a fab day!

    Right then, lots to catch up on after your extensive world tour!! Firstly, thank you so much for the beautiful silk scarf you sent me, it's gorgeous!! But you really didn't need to, I didn't make the quilts for that reason.....however, I shall treasure it!
    Secondly, thank you also for the blog candy stamps..I hope you don't mind, but as I'm a non stamper, I put them in the WOYWW crop raffle where some person picked them as a prize and will use them. It was a fab day but you were missed......
    Julia and I garnered a few little quilts together and they went with a big bag of toiletries and the £150 we raised to the Salisbury Women's refuge, who were really appreciative.
    As finally, thank you, but even I don't have the imagination required to be Lady Gaga's dresser....more like Dick Emery, I think..LOLOL!
    Hugs LLJ 43

  26. A belated Happy Birthday!
    Great cards and a trip to Jamie Olivers too!!

  27. Happy Belated Birthday...you got some gorgeous cards there! I would love to be in with a chance of winning a mystery prize! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#137)

  28. I hope you have had a wonderful birthday you got so stunning cards and gifts, so many lovely hand crafted birthday cards are always the best.
    Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #47

  29. Ah Jo - so so many happy returns to you. Loads of birthday cards to show and share the love out there for you. You'll need a whole washing line to display them on, how lovely. I am already the owner of a couple of your art pieces, so please don't include me in your birthday draw...let someone else benefit too.

  30. A belated happy birthday to you - on my first visit to your crafty space.

  31. Hi Jo
    happy birthday to you for yesterday, you certainly had some lovely cards, crafty people are so kind. you must be exhausted after all that galavanting around Europe hehe. visiting is a funny thing isn't it I often wander why people visit but never comment.
    have a good week and thanks for visiting me already
    janet #42

  32. Hi Jo
    happy birthday to you for yesterday, you certainly had some lovely cards, crafty people are so kind. you must be exhausted after all that galavanting around Europe hehe. visiting is a funny thing isn't it I often wander why people visit but never comment.
    have a good week and thanks for visiting me already
    janet #42

  33. a latish happy birthday Jo, lovely lot of cards and goodies you have there.
    I would love the chance to win a mystery package from you, dont tell us anything it will make it much more fun, and thank you x

    Gill x

  34. Happy (belated) birthday wishes and WOYWW! Wow, what beautiful birthday cards, they're stunning.
    Hugs. Pam#38

  35. I am so so so sorry I missed your birthday ....not sure where my head is at the moment ....the weeks just disappear.
    I send you belated ...but heart felt ...belated birthday wishes ...hoping you had an amazing day...your cards are wonderful pieces of art to keep.
    Hugs and loads of love xx

  36. What a gorgeous lot of birthday wishes! A happy belated birthday to you, and thank you for sharing your lovely cards!

    #152, late to the party, but back!

  37. Happy Belated Birthday. I wish I'd known. You got a lot of lovely cards, as well as more lovely ATCs.

    I love the view from your table. Wish I had that lovely view.

    Have a wonderful slightly late WOYWW and really belated birthday from #17.

  38. A very happy birthday to you, Jo for Tuesday and so sorry it's late. I'm very slow with my blog visits this week. I'm glad you had a lovely day and look at all those beautiful cards.
    I hope you discover your visitor from Mountain View, it sounds a lovely place to live!!!
    Hugs Lisax

  39. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Great show of cards you received.

  40. Hi Jo many happy returns of the day to you dear friend and could say i come from Mountain View but would be a porky!!

    .. mind you just 'cos the computer feed says that is where they where from does not mean anything you know.. mine is set for Brisbane, Qld but i am really 300 miles south from Brisbane..in NSW - just for security you see. Or that is my theory.

    Wow all those amazing cards, and recognise Sandra Grimes too from OSA her peacock is wonderful. Well done on your momentous numero too 123456!! that is amazing! love Shaz in oz,x

  41. Oh, I hadn’t realised your birthday was coming up Jo, sorry I missed it but I hope you had a wonderful day. It looks like you had some beautiful handmade cards though.
    Your desk is a busy as always and I’ve just been to peek at the photos of your finished tag, flag book. It’s amazing and such a lot of work has gone into it.

    Thanks for stopping by this week.

    Happy Crafting!


I appreciate your comments!