Tuesday 2 July 2013

WOYWW 213 & Blog Candy

It's blog candy on my work desk this Wednesday but lots of different things on the desks of the world. 
Each week I join in one of the biggest blog hops in blogdom courtesy of Julia's grandiose idea that she started over four years ago. It's still going strong with almost 200 desks bared and as many souls bared too. If you want to attempt to spy on them all just call in on the Stamping Ground.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned some blog candy here (in celebration of my June birthday and reaching 123,456 hits on my blog) but I've been so busy I apologise that I haven't managed to show the prize goodies before today. 
I had thought to make it a mystery prize but I managed to get another Artists Travel Book, that so many of you coveted, when I showed mine, last week.

Here's a tempting glimpse of my candy but there will be a few more treats included and something hand made by me.
For now, there's a plate of beautifully detailed Christmas Stamps, a Crafty Individual vintage lady tag stamp, 3 rolls of washi tape, a border mask of gears, and a sheet of raised pearly dots.
The main item, to be won in the draw, is a good quality 7x10 inch Daler Rowney spiral bound multi media art journal, with magnetic clasp and a paintbrush inside.
Everyone is welcome to enter, just leave a comment to say you'd love the goodies.
  There will be an extra entry for followers.

I love quotes, so if you leave me one of your favourite quotes you can have an extra entry, (and I can use your quote!) and everyone else can enjoy reading them. They're great for journalling too.

Here's one from me......
"In a world where you can be whatever you want,
be yourself!"

Please, only follow me if you are interested in popping in, now and then, because you are genuinely interested in my blog and not just because of the candy.
My intention is to give this chance of a treat as a thanks to all the people who spare time to visit my blog as I do appreciate every visit and every comment.

Another one of my collected quotes..
"What if the Okey Kokey is what it says
and that's really what it's all about"

I received some more super ATCs this week and thanks go to Sandy Leigh in America who sent a lovely little card and stitched her tiny treasure for me...
Thanks also go to Ros C who sent a triple treat all the way from Australia, a beautiful card and TWO ATCs. I love them all but I would love to get my sticky fingers on that globe die on the right. I'm wondering who makes it.
This week I surprised some blogging buddies with a flag tag album in which to store their WOYWW ATC swaps. They have already been received by them so I can now share them here.
All very quickly made from recycled cereal packets and scrapbook papers.

Lots of co-ordinating pages inside for all those treasured ATCs.
I know, as you are all so eagle eyed, there will be comments about my  gorgeous turquoise nail polish...... I've bought several bottles of this brand in different colours because it stays on so long without chipping. So before you ask, it's Miss Sport (Quick Dry) by Coty and it's only £1.99 a bottle and at the moment from Boots the second bottle is half price ... so 2 for £3. That's this weeks bargain for you!
Pop over to LillyBo quilts blog to see the latest consignment of super quilts from WOYWWer, Kate P's  craft group in Spain. I'm thrilled, you will be thrilled and, most of all, so will all the children who receive them!


  1. Jo wow those little ATC books are Fantastic and made of cereal boxes too Just love them :) and I'll be happy to trade you an ATC once I've moved to our new place.
    Thanks for the chance at your candy your already in my bloglovin
    hugs Nikki .. ??

  2. Loads to see on your desk this week Jo!! Love the blog candy, so generous of you. Oooh to the globe, it does look fab... will have to keep my peepers peeled for that!
    Yummy nail polish in beautiful colours, that pale blue is gorgoeus. Annette who doesn't have a number yet!

  3. That's some really nice blog candy. You rec'd some fabulous ATCs, and I love the ATC books you made. I'm sure your friends loved them. Happy crafting #12

  4. I want that globe too! Fabulous!
    Crikey Jo, where do you get your energy from - you have made so much and are such a busy person. Lovely to read about your makes and the things you got.
    Take care, see you Saturday
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Lovely ATC's - I love doing them. Thanks for the chance to win your candy - I am already a follower

  6. very beautiful ATC book!! I love the cards too) All looks so well done!

  7. wow the nails look great, what a lovely colour! The atc holders are gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win the candy,you kind lady!! Helen 2

  8. Hi Jo
    oh the okey cokey (whatever spelling) did make me smile.thanks 2 you've given me this morning... thanks for the comment about the beak and the belly. I would love to win the candy... mostly because I have tried about 4 paperchase shops to get the book for my workshop next week.... but nothing. Maybe I will make one!!!
    My favourite quote at the moment is "Life is too short to surround yourself with people or things that make you unhappy" not a happy or funny one ... it's just helping
    have a good week
    janet #31

  9. Don't cast and clout till May is out! Is one I use a lot ....... Meaning keep your warm clothes on till the end of May!!!!! So correct for our weather
    How nice you have still had more ATC's arrive!
    It's very kind of you giving away the blog candy the mixed media book looks great
    Jackie 38

  10. I have not seen a book like this before, is there a pattern on line I wonder, or have you done a post before...now I am on a mission...#49

  11. OK, went back a bit on your blog and found it...Thanks, must have missed last weeks post!

  12. Love the nail polish and your wonderful ATC books.. Thanks for the chance to win some candy.. "Creativity is intelligence having fun" and "Shoot for the moon if you miss you will still land among the stars"
    Sandy :) #42

  13. Great blog candy offering, esp the mixed media travel book :) Your Flag tag books for the ATCs are gorgeously creative and a wonderful, extremely generous surprise for the recipients. Love how you slip into the american vernacular and refer to that fabulous colouring on your nails as polish not varnish lol. Great colours and another great bargain for your readers. You wouldn't happen to know where seaweed clay face masks are being sold cheap now lol. I can never find a bargain :) Pxx

  14. This is my first visit to your blog, Jo because I read about how kind you had been to Wipso! I think this is a lovely place to visit and I shall try to pop in whenever I can. I started blogging in April so it's still a bit new, but I'm beginning to feel at home. Please give me a visit if you have time and thanks for sharing your art and the generous offer of goodies. I would definitely like to be in on this! Julie Ann x #54

  15. I'll have to have a think about the quote...will get back to you on that one! Please don't enter me into the candy draw, it wouldn't be fair as I wouldn't use the items.
    Am loving so many things on your post this week... The nails (!!), the ATC album (clever you) and the link to LillyBo. I laughed at the thought of International Quilt smuggling! How kind of Kate and Ben to arrange all that for such a great cause!
    Hugs, LLJ 59 xx

  16. Great pile on your desk, Jo an d some wonderful artwork done in this blogpost. The tag with the flowers, the atc booklet all awesome ideas.

  17. Stunning little tag book. And those Paperchase metallic stickers? I have sheets of them and I LOVE them. I tend to use the BLUE and RED ones most as I have about 10 sheets with all those colours gone LOL!

    And darn it, I was going to remember to get some spray starch at the store yesterday and I forgot. DOH!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (19)

  18. Hi Jo I love all the gorgeous makes on your post this week and the colour!!! All so inspiring. Your blog candy is mega and I would love a chance to win. I've not been doing a lot at my desk due to looking after mum and this week my auntie. managed some knitting and crochet on the go. Love the nail polish going to go and have a look this pm as have shopping to do for auntie.
    Love the quotes!!
    One I like is
    'Life's too short to stuff a mushroom' always makes me giggle for some reason.
    Also like
    'No matter how busy someone is, if they love you and care they will find a way to make time for you'
    I think that last one definitely applies to you. You certainly found time in your busy life to send things to me!!!
    Happy WOYWW Anne x #65

  19. Such a fun post with lots to see! I'd love to be in with a chance of your candy, looks fab. I've always lived by my own quote that is 'Be a goat, not a sheep!' Keagan find it funny but gets it now he's older. Goats are individuals you see, they wander off on their own and don't always follow the crowd, while sheep stay & follow the herd. It's meant to build confidence to be your own person and not to just do what everyone else does! Take care Zo xx 69

  20. Thanks for the chance for your blog candy. Your ATC books look fabulous. Love your quotes, I recently made a japanese stab book with a lot of different quotes, but my favorite quote that I have used so far must be this one by Marcus Aurelius: The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.
    I also became a follower and will come back to check out more of your crafty goodness.
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    xx Monique #74

  21. Hi Jo
    wow so much going on here today that is a lovely blog candy if I do say so myself would love a chance to win it.
    Love the ATC's and the lovely holder for them what a neat idea.
    Happy WOYWW today I hope the rest of the week is a good one for you
    Ria #52

  22. Hello my dear Jo! Thank you for the journal - I will have to send you more money so that you have a reserve to buy me nice stuff!:-) I haven't posted yet as my camera died on me and will have to give it some juice! I am a bit down this week as nobody is around but A. comes on Saturday so that will give me wings!
    Love the flag tag albums - we will have to have a lesson on how to make it - oh forgot to say the new roof is on the garage!! YIPEEE!!!
    I will think of a quote and get back to you, not to win the prize, just to have fun!
    Lots and lots of hugs,

  23. haha Jo aqua nail polish whad'ya know! that is an eye catcher ..bargain too.

    and candy oo looks very yum, yes please..
    my quote (s):
    "do to others as you would have done to yourself"
    I think that covers most thing .. or non Bible one is one I struggle with
    " take one day at a time, as that is how it is given.."

    what fab other items on your desk too, well done!
    Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #36

  24. just love that tag book Jo. Nail varnish is very swish too, my favourite colour is blue.

    Gill x #110

  25. WoWza - the ATC books are awesome :-) I LUV the nails and those gorgeous colours.
    I am Following now and on Bloglovin too.
    Thank you for the chance to win some Candy :-D xx

    Here's my quote....

    My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.

    Very nice to visit you and Happy WOYWW

    IKE xx #30

  26. What a lovely collection of Blog Candy Jo and the promise of something handmade by you too, but please don’t enter me. Now I’m slowing up a bit with the card making I probably wouldn’t use them as much as I should ( if I were to win ) so it’s better to give someone who would a chance.

    Love the fantastic tag books you made for Jo and Annie, they are just perfect for storing all the ATC’s they received.

    Loving the varnishes too, especially the mauve one.
    Happy Crafting!

  27. Loving all your pics this week Jo- another enabler with the nail varnish.Great little book for tags/atc. Have a good week,Hugs, Shaz #41 xx

  28. So generous of you to be offering candy again Jo.I would love to be included in the draw please.
    I have seen the ready-cut globes in an etsy shop, but I've never seen a die for it.
    I'm not a user of nail polish, but I love the colour and would love to just paint with it! Kate x #113

  29. Love the ATC book, it's a great storage idea. I'd love to enter for the candy and here's a quote by Oscar Wilde. "To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable". It's from "The Picture of Dorian Grey". Hugs. Pam#27

  30. First I noticed the cat ATC, then the Nails!! Love Miss Sporty, got a few different ones of those. Quote, now let me think "Dogs have owners, cats have slaves" that's a good one I like! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 97 x

  31. Hi Jo, great post and I enjoyed reading it. Your ATC books are super, as are the ATCs and card you've received. Love your turquoise nails too. Quotes - I have so many favourite quotes but I'll leave you with this one from Cicero:

    If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

    So true. Count me out for the candy Jo - I've won from you before, it was fabulous, and, frankly, I have way too much stash as it is :)

    Hugs, Elizabeth xx #60

  32. Those flag tag albums look great! Might have to go and find that nail varnish - my sil had such lovely varnished nails when we went over! My quote for you - "The secret to having it all is believing you already do"
    Have a good week, Chrisx 119

  33. Hi Jo
    You've made me smile with your nail varnish. When I worked full time in Leeds if the day was a bit rough I always treated myself to a nail polish and had hundreds. What with gardening, housework and so on I never use it now but I love those colours you've got. Might have to go and treat myself again!!!!
    I have so many favourite quotes but the one that comes to mind is
    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
    It's about learning to dance in the rain"
    Your candy looks lovely.
    Glad to hear all is well with the waiting game. I have another quilt on it's way, not one I've done I hasten to add!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #72

  34. Hello Jo! How do you do blingy nails and crafting?I can never combine the two. Your books are fabulous and contagious so I hear! Sigh. My kingdom for some inky time....
    Don 't put my name in....my stash overfloweth!
    My own quote is,
    "I'm quite normal for a mad person..."

    Xx Sarah.

  35. Jo, I'm so happy the ATC made it across the pond safe and sound! Your blog candy is amazing--thanks for having a drawing! I have to tell you that you are part of a trend I've seen today of upcycled cereal and pet food packaging! Your ATC holder truly is a treasure...how amazing. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #6

  36. You are so generous with everything, your art, your knowledge and real goodies. Please don't enter me in the draw...I benefit enough from your kindnesses..but here's a fab quote that I say aLOT to my beautiful girl:
    'This above all.. to thine own self be true....'
    Shakespeare of course, from Polonious in Hamlet.

    And my next best ever fave is Bob Dylan;;
    'may your tune always be joyful and your song always be sung and may you stay forever young'

  37. Hi Jo,
    Sorry I'm so late this week..... I've had the twins all day :-)
    So thrilled you liked what I did using your inspiration. I loved making mine and will probable make others now. :-)
    A x # 46

  38. There's some fabulous creativity going on there and I just love those nail colours!!! Loving all the blog candy too - what a kind generous person you are :) Thanks for sharing and happy woyww Liz@63

  39. Lovely blog candy! Lovely nail polish too - that's the first thing I noticed in that photo! My favourite quote is Socrates' 'I know thing except the fact of my ignorance', but please don't enter me into the draw for the blog candy. I've not as much time as I'd like for crafty things these days, I'm afraid!

  40. I meant, 'I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance!' typo! :)

  41. Annie and I loved our books Jo - I will give it a go and see what I can manage - remember I am a bear of very little brain when it comes to Papercraft!!! You have inspired us, so who knows where it might take us! x Jo

  42. Wow lovely goodies on offer especially that journal, Oh I would love to be in the draw for that one. As for quotes, I don't think mine is one really but it is my favorite.

    The worlds a better place when it's upside down.

    I have even done a journal page with the saying, it's quite zetti but I love it still.

    I follow you by email already

    Loving the rest of the desk so full of crafty goodness.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 81

  43. Lovely book there Jo. Love the nails. Might have to try that make as it never stays on my nails for long.
    Lovely stash. My favourite quote......don't eat yellow snow!!
    Tee Hee

  44. Happy belated WOYWW! I was missing in action this week so didn't join in, but did want to pop by and say hi! So glad I did as this is a gorgeous post full of lovely crafting goodies (needless to say I would also love to be entered for the candy if I am not too late!). Could you possibly send me instructions on how to make a tag book... I want to make one for my cousin with photos of his wedding on. Caro x

  45. I love that ATC book ....clever idea ...and the latest ATC's are beautiful. xx

  46. Your ATC holder books look fabulous. What a great idea! Best of all I loved the reference to cereal boxes!!!

    Will check out that nail polish when I am over in the UK in Aug. If I pick up a bottle or two once over there, (even at regular price) it will help keep the weight down for what I bring over...I can then use that weight for the gifts I am bringing...Your nail plolish manufacturer and store found have been duly noted!

  47. Hi jo, will we be seeing you and Carol in Hagen this year? Really hope so! Just love the ATC Books - Wow. Take care of yourself

  48. oh some fabulous candy (I have not seen the art journal before...I think I need to hunt this one out).

    I blogged your gorgeous ATC on my WOYWW post this week.

    Happy WOYWW

    Kyla #50

  49. there is always so much to see on your desk (even nail polish!) i would love a chance to win your blog candy! i am a follower and one of my favorite quotes is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." from Proverbs 3:5-6.

  50. Love those @ATC's half way down- I have not the faintest idea what 'ATC' stands for, but they look lovely. And the flag books look interesting too! to be seen.

    And your Metal work above is beautiful too! I do not know where you find the time!

  51. I 'found' you a while ago then 'lost' you again!! I'm now following!
    I love the book and the nail varnish is fabulous!

  52. Not sure if I leave an extra comment for following???

  53. Been following you since October, and followed your excellent recommendation to Chantilly in New Brighton! Love your work and would love to win blog candy.

    Quote found by my blog friend Jenny - it's too good not to pass on, and it's also how I feel:

    "There are not enough hours in the day to entertain all the ideas in my head."

  54. This Flag Tag book is AWESOME!!!! I love how you all exchange ATC's. I've never made one before, but I really need to learn. All you WOYWW'ers have me inspired to give em' a go. (((HUGS)))


I appreciate your comments!