Friday 30 August 2013

Big Friday Smile

What a Wednesday I had! 
I'm still smiling even though it's now Friday so I'm linking in to 
 I had the most wonderful surprise when I was "pounced" on by blogging buddies, Jo Twiglet and Annie Wipso whilst I was demming patchwork in the Abakhan Store in Liverpool. What a wonderful surprise and how lovely they are in real life and not just through cyber space. 
Annie's super DH drove them all the way from Shropshire to enable us to meet up at long last. We felt as though we'd known each other for years, (well we have known each other for years in blogland) and now I'm sure we will meet again and again in the future. 
This photo below, is courtesy of Annie as, darn it!, I didn't have my camera with me and as I still haven't found it (hoping it's not lost), I am not yet able to show the many more reasons for me to be smiling. I received bags full of gifts from these two amazingly generous stars, some for me, some to help raise funds for CHICS the Children's Cancer Care Support Group and two more beautiful quilts for the LillyBo Project. THANKS so much for everything but most  of all for being such lovely, precious, friends.
 Go over to Annie's blog for more Friday Smiles and you'll also be able to see more pics and her report of our fabulous day.

I hope to get back to regular blogging pretty soon but I've been so busy doing so much and going to so many places of late that something had just to give. Apologies for worrying some of you lovely blogging friends out there and thanks for the emails asking if I was OK. I really am fine, just bogged down with too much going on.


  1. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. I completely understand that. I saw the beautiful hearts you made those sisters, and it was SUPER of you to do so. It's SO like you. Have a happy Friday with lots of smiles.

  2. Yes I am still smiling too - it was lovely to meet you and D. Hope we meet up again soon. x Jo

  3. The feeling really is mutual Jo. Life should be full of days like that.
    Biggest hugs,
    Annie x

  4. So happy that you all had a great time meeting in real life! Loved the pictures on Annie's blog with you surrounded by all the fabby quilting projects!

  5. Hi jo
    I was going to e mail you today she. I saw your post on Friday smile. I know you have been rally busy I hope the demo- ing is going ok and not wearing you out too much I know how exhausting it can be.
    It must have been a great surprise to have been pounced on like that looks like you all had a good day
    Keep smiling

  6. The pic of you all meeting up has definitely put a smile on my friday. Sandra

  7. Looks like you had a great time =)
    xx Monique

  8. Hello my dear friend! I was worried for you but as I can see you are having a good time, although a bit busy! I hope to see you on Skype tonight me and A. have come up with a few plans so we must discuss it all!
    Lots and lots of hugs - glad you are ok!

  9. Aah, how lovely of them to come to visit you specially! What a lovely surprise for you too. Blog friends really are the best! Hugs, Anne x

  10. Lovely to see you back even if it is only for a short visit. I am about to disappear for a couple of weeks at least, so i am trying to visit everyone this week.I'm so glad you had a happy day with Annie and Jo. Hugs. Kate x

  11. I just love this smile! How nice to see a photo of three such special ladies all together and having fun. Thanks for the smile. Caro x (#8)

  12. Glad you're ok and "just" busy! How lovely that Jo and Annie came to see you... and I hope it's not too long before you can meet up again. Ain't crafting fun when it lets us make such good friends and meet such lovely people! Have a great weekend.

  13. Hi Jo, I'm so enjoying seeing the photos and reading about your meeting with Jo and Annie. It's wonderful how our blogs can bring so many like-minded people together, firstly in cyberland and then in real life too. I've experienced it myself and it is such fun. And that shop looks fabulous - all that fabric to see and touch - did you resist at all :)) Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth xx

    PS: love the photos of the lavender and the chicks in your post last week too.

  14. Yes it is so good to meet cyber friends in real life.
    Bridget #10

  15. It's always great catching up with people you have known for ages and blogged with, but to do it in person is so fantastic. I have done this with some wonderful people and now we are always getting together, where possible. Blogging isn't always easy but a joy when it is done.

    Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed your post especially the pictures that put a face to a name.

    Hugs Eliza

  16. Hi Jo
    I know exactly what you mean, time just runs away and blogging gets left behind sometimes, I've been terrible lately!!
    Thanks so much for your visit and I love your idea, would never have thought it, but it's great.
    How wonderful to have such a lovely surprise visit. You all look like you've been friends for years.
    I've just been scrolling back through some missed posts and love your pic of little Fraulien with bump, so she's going to have a brother, that's fantastic. You must all be so excited. Not long now!! Hope all is still going smoothly.
    Hugs Lisax

  17. What a happy post, It's so lovely to meet blogging friends... What a fabulous surprise...Hugs May x x x

  18. Lovely to see the three wonderful sewing ladies together for the first time and glad you found the time to post Jo. Hope you are feeling less snowed under now. You were missed yesterday at Vicky Stampers, a good day, bar absent friends.
    Ann B


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