Tuesday 26 November 2013

Decorations & Applique for WOYWW 234

My desk this week is very festive (and quite messy on the breakfast table) whilst I'm making easy peasy tree decorations. I'll shove it all onto that tray PDQ when I make my porridge! It's amazing to think that I've been making Christmas crafts since September, starting when I was demonstrating in Abakhan store and since then I've been making as much as possible for the CHICS (children's cancer care) fundraising sale. 
I don't usually begin to think of the "C" word until it's almost too late.

For these decorations I'm combining paper and felt by stitching (by machine) pretty, intricate, die cuts onto felt then cutting around them. So quick, so easy and they could also be made using stamped images.

I started off by cutting out the felt before machining but the card and felt shifted in the process so I soon realised it was easier to cut around them after machining. 

WOYWW is the inspiration of our prestigious leader Julia over at the Stamping Ground so pop over to find out all about it and to be amazed by all the other wonders to be found there via a simple click HERE !!!!
I used metallic threads for top stitching and it looks quite effective and a machined blanket stitch is good too around the edge.
They will have a ribbon and a tiny bell too. 
I've also cut a slit for a pocket, in the felt at the back, to hold a chocolate treat or a candy cane.Aldi has a great choice of chocolate items at cheap prices and the candy canes are only 75p for 10 in Home Bargains Stores. (There may be a Home Bargains near most UK residents as they are spreading across England.) 

I've also been making patchwork blocks for the monthly challenge for the quilting and patchwork group in our village, which I attend. 
Members take turns in choosing a technique and this month it was appliqué.
 We were given animal templates and guidelines to colours and fabrics.
I really enjoyed making these and so I made several towards the charity quilt they will be made into.

Previous months, challenges have been traditional blocks...
This is a rather complex block, from last month in the stages of making. A real learning curve for me.
This one was a bit easier!
and I loved doing this one
I'm now looking forward to seeing the quilts produced from our blocks when they are completed and in February it is my turn to set the design and I get to keep them from all the members!!


  1. Wonderful idea about the slits in the backs of the ornaments! Adorable! :^) patsy

  2. Oh, my goodness, Jo, what incredible works of art for sharing! Those ornaments blew me away!! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #17

  3. Jo, are you really, truly, seriously trying to tell me that the white pieces on those ornaments are CARD??? They are amazing! How do you ever come up with all your ideas?
    The quilted pieces are lovely - not something that has ever appealed to me to do - but well done, they look great.
    Have a good week.
    Margaret #26

  4. I love those die cuts. What brand are they, they are so delicate, I have not seen them before and I NEED them now...I love what you have done with them. I tried sewing round a circle a few times and lost the plot, you are clearly a pro! I need some serious practice. I can do straight lines only it would seem! #31

  5. Wow, Jo, how busy you've been.... LOVE the decorations though to someone who can barely sew a button they don't look easy to me.... Have a creative week. Helen 34

  6. fab idea with the Christmas decorations, they are lovely, thanks for sharing Donna #44

  7. Those Christmas decorations are really effective Jo....not sure if we will be putting decorations up here this year for some strange reason ;-)
    Those quilt panels are stunning too and will be so special when they are made up into the quilts.
    Annie # 43

  8. Hello My dear Jo!
    You have made such lovely Christmas ornaments - you are such an amazing crafter! I wish I had the time and the will to do things like you do!
    Love everything you showed am writing an email to you!
    Lots of hugs,

  9. Jo, those are absolutely gorgeous. Will be trying those some time next year. Which Abakhan were you at?
    Blessings Chris #47

  10. Love all the Christmassy things you've been making, Jo! When is the craft fair? I may have a few things to send if there's time. I am going to make a LillyBo quilt over the Christmas hols when I have a bit more time.
    I loved the pics from your day out with the birds of prey..that first chance photo is brilliant!! And all the different patch works you've been doing are wonderful. You're a talented lady :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

  11. Such gorgeous things to see :-) !!! The felt tree decorations are just FANTASTIC :-D

    Happy WOYWW #234

    IKE in Greece xx #57

    My Challenge Blog: http://ikesworldchallengeblog.blogspot.com
    My Shop: www.ikesart.com
    My Blog: http://suzy-ikesworld.blogspot.com

  12. I love your work! It is really cute!

    Uniflame - 61

  13. what a desk full of deliciousness lol........how busy have you been !!!
    love the ornaments and especially the blue and white quilting

  14. I think they are adorable in the extreme, but I think I'd have to peek over your shoulder to understand how you did them. Is all the white paper? They look so...embedded in the felt! But I do love them. Clever you!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (28)

  15. That chicken block is amazing... I've only ever made log cabin squares :)
    Beautiful decorations, hope you raise lots of money.
    So good to be back desking this week,

  16. Wow Jo - those little decorations are gorgeous - so effective and I love the little choc/sweetie in the back - great idea. You have been so busy haven't you. x Jo

  17. Jo, wonderful post--so many super stitchy creations. This is one of the things I enjoy most about woyww, seeing such a great variety of projects and styles, from all over.

    Happy WOYWW to you!
    #13 this week
    with another advent calendar!

  18. Oh wow Jo! So much creativity and you are clever. I love what you make. Take care Zo xx 76

  19. Love those applique animals etc. Great idea with the chocolate hangers - must remember to get some of those Santas.
    Drat! Just been to HB.
    See you soon.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. I love all of these, but especially the decorations. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#60)

  21. Beautiful things you've been up to Jo! Just love those tree decorations! Lucky you to get to Harrogate (and such a lovely place to stay) I had an invite to stay with a friend but had to turn it down as my son had arranged for us to meet his new fiancé's parents - there's always next year!! Chris 72

  22. Jo I just love those decorations. Did you do the die-cuts or were they bought pre-cut? If you did them, can you share what make the dies are please. They are much prettier than most I have seen. It wouldn't have occurred to me to do what you have with them. You always inspire me with your ideas. The quilt pieces are great fun. All those animals will make a lovely cover for someone.
    Hugs. Kate x #64

  23. Hi Jo
    Great decorations, so pretty and the slits at the back just make them purge cut. Hopefully you should have received a package from me by now although mine don't look nearly as good as yours
    Good luck with the sale
    Janet @15

  24. Wow your Christmas ornaments look fantastic, you are so talented. Then to make the quilting addition as well that is one productive week, good for you. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs, Happy Crafting & WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 12

  25. My goodness JO....All of the above are wonderful! You get soooo much done!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Hugs, Robin #87

  26. Wow there is so much going on and all of it is so wonderful!
    Angie #75

  27. Hi Jo! I'm a quilter too! your applique is beautiful !! Beautiful Ornaments!! Thanks for Sharing and Inspiring!!Hope you have a great week! Ginny #19


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