Thursday 19 December 2013

Kendal Visit

During our week away in the Lake District we spent a day in Kendal and found a few places we had never before noticed during our many previous trips there.

I resisted buying any of the delectable treats in the old Chocolate House, but I did partake of a free sample!
Dr Mannings Yard
Through the alley to this quaint old corner...

The old shop where I bought some Kendal Mint Cake for my son in law, who loves it.
I loved this shop sign,
We always visit Farrer's for coffee and cake ..They roast and grind their own coffee blends and sell specialty teas so it is always worth a visit.
The ancient Holy Trinity church
William's Wool Shop, in the main street, was a cosy haven for knitters with comfy sofas and nooks and crannies.
I just wanted it all and I'm sure I'd be visiting every week if it was nearer to home.
See the pea green yarn on the shelf?... some of it is now mine. It is  delicious Merino wool, cashmere and silk mix and so soft!

I now have the pattern and wool for the lovely shawl hanging on the beam
We had a wonderful meal in this canal side pub restaurant, the Canal Turn. I've got to admit that the pint of local bitter is all mine and DH, the driver, had the half pint of lemonade shandy!
Next post...... the Pencil Museum. 


  1. Brilliant photos Jo. I should know better than to look when I see the titles of your posts. I once again am swept up in the beauty of the area and yearning to visit. Thanks for the tips on where to book btw :) Looking forward to seeing your post on the Pencil Museum. I had great fun in the tea room, last time I was there :) Pxx

  2. I love wools shops like that Jo :-)
    Annie x

  3. OOOOOOooh,
    so much lovely stuff I wouldn't know where to start, bet you didn't either, your DH must be a very patient man, and all for a lemonade shandy lol
    must catch up soon
    happy Christmas and thanks for all your lovely comments and chats over the year
    janet #30

  4. What lovely photos - I did visit Kendal a few (lot of!) years ago but don't think I found the chocolate house (shame!) I'll look forward to the Pencil Museum..

  5. I have never been to the Lakes but Kendal looks wonderful, so olde worlde just as i like it.
    Great post.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours
    Gill x

  6. Brilliant photos, Jo - what lovely details you picked out for us! And that wool shop - I want to live there! And I don't even knit!! How did you drag yourself away?? Lx

  7. Lovely photos Jo - We love Keswick - is that where the pencil museum is? Had some lovely walks around there. x Jo

  8. you certainly had a great break, the shops are fab......picking that wool of course would make you sooooo thirsty only one pint ??? lol

  9. Can't wait to return to the Lake District in the new year, I will be sure to seek out your haunts Jo.
    Happy Christmas to you x x x

  10. Lovely photos again Jo. I do love visiting new places even through someone else's eyes. I'd love that quaint courtyard, and the wool shop is heavenly! Kate x


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