Tuesday 10 December 2013

WOYWW 236 in a Lake District Log Cabin

My desk this week for the WOYWW 236rd snoop, is from a log cabin in the Lake District where we are enjoying a pre Christmas break. Lots more desks from destinations around the globe can be perused via the Stamping Ground Blog of our lovely Boss Lady, Julia.

I brought some of my knitting and sewing with me, plus a sketch book and my newly acquired Derwent Pastels (pastels thanks to AnnB who was selling off some of her unwanted crafty items for charity) Well, I needed something to occupy me in the evenings after our days out until to dinner time and then after dinner when 'im indoors is reading or watching TV.
I also thought it would be nice to bring the Derwent pastels back home near their spiritual and physical origins. We will be going to their museum tomorrow in Keswick to see how they are made and all about their history.
I've managed to quite quickly make another hat for our little fraulein and three for our new baby boy too. Quite pleased with the results but it's debatable if or when they'll fit.
Here's my next crafty project... a box full of gorgeous fabric scraps to do some hand stitched patchwork.
Here's one of the many visitors that came to visit from the lake. The cabins surround the lake perimeter, with woodland behind them, so I've seen a variety of wildlife, many ducks and other birds, a fox, rabbits and squirrels.
We visited Grasmere, home of William Wordsworth the poet and the amazingly tiny Sarah Neilson Gingerbread shop. This gingerbread is so scrumptious and it tastes nothing like any other and is a must for me to visit to buy some whenever I can. Unbelievably it is made at the back of this tiny little shop.
The shop assistants are always in traditional dress and are so nice to everyone.
We stood really close to this little robin that hops in and out of the shop for crumbs and we always seem to see it there each visit but I'm sure the original one passed on the info genetically to it's hatchlings and grand-hatchlings that there are super pickings at the shop. I've seen one there for years and years!
We also visited Ambleside and whilst Christmas decorations are not too overt in the area there were some lovely public trees. This contemporary silver one was so beautiful and work of art.
The "real" one at the huge Lakeland Shop in Windermere is outstanding too with so many coloured lights. It is so high but doesn't really look as tall or dramatic in this photo as it is IRL.
 It towers over this two stories high building.
It's good to escape from the mania of Christmas in the big city but I do love to see the lights and shop windows in the small shops.


  1. How beautiful, we were there in the summer. We spent two weeks up there. I love it. The gingerbread is a treat I indulge in every time too. Enjoy the rest of your time. Allen Bank in Grasmere was fab too.

  2. You sound to be having a great week Jo...so well deserved.
    A x # 41

  3. Sounds like a lovely idea to have a break before Christmas - and in such stunning surroundings! Have a lovely week. Helen 24

  4. Ah yr post brought back memories Jo, been to gingerbread place and WW grave at church plus steam train to Ambleside. happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x30

  5. Oh what a lovely place you are at! I hope next year I can enjoy some of the pre Christmas time in England too! Your photos are stunning and I can't wait to chat to you! Enjoy your week "off"!
    Lots of hugs and love

  6. Don't know whether to cry or what. It would have been magical to spend a few days with you and see all of this - especially the pencil museum.
    Look forward to you calling in on Friday and showing me more.
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  7. The perfect respite from manic holiday frenzy, and a portable project in a beautiful quiet location is just what I need. Must send DH a link.... :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (15)

  8. a super place for a little break..... the trees look amazing and pleased to see you are still busy at night lol

  9. What a beautiful place you're at! I love the Lakes, when we lived in Northumberland, we went over all the time....
    Your makes are gorgeous, the little hats are really sweet. And that's a very nice selection of fabrics...look forward to seeing what you get up to with that little lot!
    HUgs, LLJ 43 xxxx

  10. Good for you for getting away early before the madness of Christmas, wish I had the brains to do that. LOL Love those Christmas trees they are stunning, sparse or not. I so wish I could go to the Derwent factory too, you will have to take heaps of photos and tell me all about it.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 66
    Happy WOYWW

  11. How lovely to have a break before Christmas and in such a beautiful part of the world.


  12. What a way to spend time away. I want to visit that gingerbread house! I love gingerbread, but no one makes it the way my grandmother did. Is that a tree sticking on the side of the gingerbread house?

    OH, what a way to have fun, too. A visit to a pencil museum and to learn how they are made. Lucky. lucky you. Have a great WOYWW from #1.

  13. Yes, Jo, I love that gingerbread shop too. Trust you enjoyed the pencil museum - we think it's a fantastic experience there.
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #65

  14. What a lovely pre-Christmas break you had, Jo. Lovely pics. I love the hats too - just the thing to keep the ears warm in the cold German winter!!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #83

  15. Lovely photos. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time and I love that you take crafting things with you...I do the same every time we go away! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#52)

  16. That sounds like a really fun trip. I love your knitting. #12

  17. Lovely lot of pictures! That gingerbread shop looks just fab!!!!!
    Jackie 40

  18. Jo What a lucky lady you are having such a lovey pre Christmas break,you make me feel quite envious.
    Enjoy every minute of it.
    Chris #31

  19. Looks like you are having a fabulous time I'm sure that robin was posing for you :)

  20. Happy WOYWW, you are so lucky Jo! I am sitting here wishing I was there too, and will the pastels perform better in their spiritual home do you think?

    Love that silver tree, and would love to visit the original Lakeland shop, I remember when they used to sell craft supplies.... Hats, similar to my crochet attempts, patchwork - looks gorgeous, love the colours and fabrics!
    Anyway as I follow the numbers ending in 1 round it is so nice to visit somebody I haven't been to before, or don't think I have - memory is rubbish!
    Cazzy x #91

  21. Glad you are having a lovely time, Jo. I love the Lake District at any time of year but it looks beautiful with the Xmas decorations.
    My Mum used to make Grasmere Gingerbread, I must ask her if she still has the recipe.
    Hugs Lisax

  22. How lovely Jo! I remember a holiday there when I was about 11. Ambleside is so pretty and I remember riding up through it in a horse and cart. Plus the mint cake!! Take care Zo xx 82

  23. Sounds like you are having a lovely Christmassy pre-Christmas trip ! Such amazing Christmas trees ! Ali #96

  24. What a fab place to stay, Jo, I quite envy you. And I do so know what you mean about whether the baby clothes will fit - our last grandchild was such a porker the little shoes I bought to take out to New Zealand were way too small by the time we got there - four years ago! How the time flies, how they grow. Lx

  25. Lovely photos Jo and I agree about the gingerbread, delicious.


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