Friday 14 February 2014

Friday Smile & Big Bow Headbands

When my family visited recently from Germany I made our little fraulein some headbands from my scraps of Liberty Tana Lawn Fabric. In fact, I made 5! 
Last year I made a big red satin bow head band to wear with her Snow White Dressing up outfit which she loves so much that she wears it, day to day, with her ordinary clothes.  

Despite the bow being so big they look so cute on her and this pic gives me a Friday smile.

I'm smiling to to see this pic below, after a crafting session making masks, I love the purple lipstick!
and here's her Trunkie all packed ready for her return journey with her best Toy Friends waiting for the off. There's the famous Baxter Bear (middle) that we appealed for a couple of years ago, and Twiglet helped us to find.... another big smile.
As it's Valentines Day here are couple more smiles

 All this post is dedicated to Annie's Friday Smile and you'll find even more over at her blog HERE. 
You can join in with your own smile or just have a laugh on us!

Last and not least this one is for Annie and her lovely Big Sis Twiglet who are such good friends and who make blogland and the world in general, a better place.


  1. some great photos Jo and those hair bands are just great.
    Gill x

  2. What a precious picture of your grandee with her headband. I can't believe she wears one every day. What fun.

    Had a good smile at those cards, especially the last one. SO sweet, and true, too. Happy Valentine's Day, as well as Friday Smiles.

  3. Fab post Jo. That little one looks so cute with her pretty hairband! x Jo

  4. Hi Jo,

    The headbands are very cute! I love children with red hair - not sure why but they are the cutest little things. I'm glad you got a shot of her modeling one of her new headbands.

    Hmmm, I didn't visit you for WOYWW but I see that there's knitting involved so I must scroll down.

    This is my first week in joining Annie for Friday Smiles. What better way to end the work week.


  5. What a heartwarming post, Jo...thank you :-)

  6. You share such lovely moments with your grandees :) Those bows and masks look like such fun to make. Wonderful to see different generations having so much fun being creative. Pxx

  7. The hairbands are lovely and your little fraulein is a cutie...just love the teddies ready to go with the case. The chuckles are the end are priceless. Thanks for all the lovely smiles. Caro x (#8)

  8. gorgeous headbands and so prettily modelled....
    love your smiley pics for a wet friday

  9. What a lovely post Jo, it certainly made me smile! Love those gorgeous headbands and the masks are brilliant! Hugs, Anne x

  10. I love the pictures with their captions, and the headband with it's big floppy bow is so gorgeous. No wonder she likes to wear it every day. Kate x

  11. Thanks Jo for the special mention this week. If the world was full of friends like you it would be a better place :-)
    Annie x

  12. thanks for sharing jo thats really brought some sunto an anotherwisw grey wet day


  13. Fabulous hair bands
    and how true is that last saying :)

  14. Love the little hairbands and the photos too, the last one reminds me of the old ladies in the Rover's Return!! Thanks for sending the link but it asks me to log in to an email account, so I'm off to knitting daily to see if I can figure out what it was, lol!


  15. Awww! Lots of happy Friday (Saturday) smiles there. Super cute.

  16. Lovely piccies and sentiments. Thanks for sharing Jo, x


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