Tuesday 8 April 2014

WOYWW 253 & Pirate Party Plans

Hah, Haaarrrh, Me 'Arties!  Splice the Mainbrace!
Yo, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of Rum! Shiver Me Timbers!
For the first time in months and months I have had inky fingers so I thought I'd better get it on record and join in with WOYWW No 253 to record this phenomenon.

 For a full explanation of WOYWW and why so many crafters, from all around the world, join in with this weekly event then a visit to Julia's Stamping Ground will provide all you need to know and lots more besides.

Here on my sunlit desk I was stamping, (yes! I did say stamping) little tags to go on the fabric bags which is my DD2's idea and an unusual way to invite all the little children to my little grand daughter's birthday party. It's still a few months away but I need to plan ahead so I can take them with me to Germany when I visit in a few weeks time.
Got a great idea from LLJ to set up a "Walk the Plank" game with blue fabric for the sea! Thanks Jan.
You may guess it's going to be a Pirate Party
These little swag bags will have a tiny bottle inside bearing a message with the invitation details.
I have a reel of skulls and cross bone adhesive tape which may come in handy to wrap up a "pass the parcel" game.
I've also made bigger booty bags, with appliquéd skulls and cross bones, to hold the take home goodies for all the children and inside, amongst other things, will be golden dubloons....ie., chocolate coins.
Here's the Lady Pirate outfit for the birthday girl...... and No! I didn't make it this time as it was a bargain buy in Sainsbury's supermarket, where they now stock some excellent fancy dress costumes.
I've  continued with my hand stitched patchwork project during spare minutes travelling etc., and I have made 63 Japanese Folded patchwork squares. They soon mount up and my total so far took around 3 weeks.
My finishing touch is to share one of my favourite plants in our garden, this beautiful camellia.  My DD2 bought it for me in Woolworths about 20 years ago, when it was about 10 inches high, for just £1.99. It is worth it's weight in gold for all the pleasure it brings each year and I think of DD2 and all my far off family whenever it blooms.

It also reminds me fondly of a lovely, talented, friend who sadly died suddenly around that time, far too early. She also had one in her garden in the just the same position where it could be seen from the living room window.
I leave the carpet of blossoms when they drop on the floor as the birds love to peck the kernels from the centres.

Thanks to everyone who left a comment lately and apologies if I didn't reply due to all my time out visiting my friends in and out of hospital.  I think I might manage to do better this week!


  1. I had to stop by and see what you were up to this week, even though I'm not playing in WOYWW. I should have known you were making items for a party that will spoil your granddaughter. I know she will love the invites and the bags you have created. You are SO good at spoiling others.

    I love the plant, even if I have no idea what it is. I'm horrible with plants unless I have that little tag in them telling what they are. Now HERBS I can tell. Flowering plants, no so much.

    Still loving that Japanese Fold design. You make them look so beautiful. Have a great week, dear friend.

  2. Hello Jo. Love the tags and such brilliant ides for the party. Pretty pretty blossom. Anne x #50

  3. You do more than enough Jo when it comes to being a good friend to so many so please don't worry in the slightest. Love the pirate goodies...it must be all the rage at the mo cos our little Lulu is 4 tomorrow and her party is a pirate themed one too. :-)
    Annie x # 51

  4. As always, i'm blown away by how busy you are and how much you manage to get done. Puts the rest of us to shame lol. Love the little bags and their tags. Good to see you've been inking up :) The sewing bug has hit me too. I'm waiting for something to arrive in the post and then the old needle and thread will make an appearance. But it's not a patch on your quilted squares. Pxx

  5. As always, i'm blown away by how busy you are and how much you manage to get done. Puts the rest of us to shame lol. Love the little bags and their tags. Good to see you've been inking up :) The sewing bug has hit me too. I'm waiting for something to arrive in the post and then the old needle and thread will make an appearance. But it's not a patch on your quilted squares. Pxx

  6. Ha-harrr, me hearties - I think those little pirates are going to have a fab party! I used to have fun doing that sort of thing for my boys when they were small - it's the daftest things that they enjoy! We once made a wooden plank bridge over a blue cloth river - well, the best soft play centre couldn't compete with it for sheer pleasure, lol!
    Hugs, LLJ 47 xx

  7. Goodness, you really have been a busy bee Jo, I adore those booty bags and tags for the pirate party (I do love skulls!) and the pirate costume looks fantastic. I can one very happy granddaughter! Love the squares too. Hugs, Anne xx

  8. Hi Jo
    What lucky children to have you as their grandma. I love your enthusiasm for everything and your boundless energy.
    Have a good week.
    Lynn xx

  9. What an amazing invitation that would be to receive. How exciting for all the children that will be going. I hope you have a little time for yourself in your busy week x

    Fiona #48

  10. Can I come to the party and have the booty bags please?
    Jo, love those bags and what a brilliant idea for the invites. Know how much grandee loves her JOma and will love her party makes too. Can't wait to see her photo in the pirate costume - ha ha mi' hearties.
    Hugs, Neet xx 16 (sweeet sixteen) xx

  11. brilliant little party bags, shame we can't go as well lol, busy as always, and your squares are growing, have a good week

  12. Lovely tags on your desk in the beautiful sunshine
    Jackie 26

  13. That is going to be a great party. and I do love the basket of window blocks - such pretty colours in combo, all soft and blendy. Yum yum. Can't wait to see it finished...

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (15)

  14. Hi Jo!

    Love your post and especially the "shiver me timbers" preparations! The camelia is breathtaking! Hope to talk to you on Friday!
    Lots of hugs,

  15. Hah Harrh! indeed! What a lot of goodies for the pirates! Love the camellia! Chrisx

  16. Thanks for the visit earlier Jo..Cheeky comment -love it, I will have you know that normally my desk is a car crash! My Ma has a Camellia..it came from Woolies too :) Love the squares, I need to do some research, never seen these before. Cx #29

  17. Jo, those pirate bits and pieces are fabulous. Well done. Good to plan ahead, isn't it? Saves the panic!!
    Love the camellia - mine has no flowers on it this year as yet - and only had 1 last year. I think it is probably in the wrong place - but as I didn't put it in, and don't know a thing about them - who am I to guess?!
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #25

  18. Lovely camellia Jo and how lovely to link plants to memories. I do miss the Woolies bargains and bought a similar priced viburnum years ago - it's 8 foot tall now. Kitty wants to be a pirate when she grows up and would love your party, such a fun idea and the kids will adore it.
    Ann B

  19. Beautiful Camellia.

    Looking forward to seeing your patchwork.

    Pirate outfit and all the things you are making are really fab.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sue 53

  20. That is going to be an AWESOME party! Your basket full of squares is such a promise of good things to come, and the flowers are absolutely lovely. How bittersweet for you each year, but such a fine way to remember a friend.

    #13 this week with
    fairies, a please, and
    a thank you!

  21. I adore camellias - heavenly!!
    And love you swag bags and invitations - brilliant :)
    Thanks for stopping by already, and have a great week x

  22. Gosh those patchwork squares are mounting up nicely. Love the pirate outfit and the goodies you're making. Of course I got to see one of the bootie bags from my hospital bed and fab it is too, x

  23. Hi Jo
    good to see you are back with inky fingers, the invites and all the party preparations look fab.
    I still miss woolworths, the Camelia is gorgeous
    have a good week
    janet #19

  24. G'day Jo
    I haven't participated in WOYWW for maybe 9 months and I am trying to get to as many as I can this week...I'm just gobsmacked at the party things you have been working on...how awesome and they all look amazing. Love the puffy quilt squares too. OMG such a beautiful burst of colourful blooms in your garden!!
    Annette In Oz #23

  25. All that stuff is amazing - she's one very lucky little girl! Your camellia is gorgeous - so sorry about your friend. We went to a thanksgiving service yesterday, for a friend (52). Have a good week, Chris # 35

  26. Lovely to see you Jo, and the pirate stuff..my word what fantastic preparations and results, it will be fab! The camellia is a sight to behold, and I agree, the carpet it drops is fit for a queen to walk upon.

  27. Hi there... Those invites are great. I would never have thought that up... great inspiration. And the tree is beautiful (sorry about that friend) I would let the blooms lie too as that makes such a pretty picture.*smiles Thanks for sharing your desk !
    Now if messy desks are fun (which they really are) , then I am having a super duper FUN time. LOL
    happy WOYWW
    kimmer #103 (last again for the 4th time , I really don't plan this) LOL I woke up this morning to see a few Thursday scragglers.... HAha!

  28. Wonderful post Jo... think your pirates party will go off with bang well and truly with all those ideas floating around.. and splash thanks to LLJ! just adore the squares Jo.. so beautifully done..

    .. you could make lovely drink coaster sets out of them too... fabric coasters are much better than any other sort, as they suck up liquid and stay put.. great fabrics in posts below too! Shaz in Oz.x #30

  29. Fab post Jo - your pirate party will be the best ever I am sure! What a stunning Camelia - they are all looking so lovely at this time aren't they. x Jo

  30. Good to see you back and happy you're getting your fingers inky again, the party sounds like it will be loads of fun! Yep, the cranes were amazing, never been so close to them before or seen so many at one time! Sorry I'm late, right on the verge of the next one!!



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