Tuesday 27 January 2015

Patchwork Octagon Cushion Panel

I usually hang on to new fabric stash for quite a while before daring to use scissors on it, but I couldn't wait to use some of the Kaffe Fassett, Rowan fabric, I bought last week in John Lewis, Liverpool. 
It was HALF PRICE so I loved it even more. As you may notice, I love a bargain.
I had bought some a while ago, in Black Sheep Wools in Culcheth, at a 10% discount but I was thrilled to find it even cheaper in John Lewis. 
The pattern for this cushion panel was a freebie, given with purchases in Black Sheep, but I modified it quite a bit as I found the pattern somewhat difficult to follow. 
I adore the vibrant colours and pattern of all the Rowan designers and they all blend together so well, no matter how garish they look on the roll. The fabric is a super quality and so beautiful to work with, especially for hand stitching.
Now I am undecided. Decisions, decisions.
Should make one 2 sided cushion, or two (backed with a toning fabric)? 
Stay safe, warm  and cosy if the bad weather is hitting your area. We're fine here in North England but I don't envy those on NE coast of America. 
It's a good excuse to stay indoors and get crafting!


  1. Jo what fab colours. decisions decisions, first I thought one cushion but then changed my mind and say two.

  2. Hi Jo. Those are stunning and far too nice to go on the back of a cushion so make two out of them :-)
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo,what stunning fabric,and I love your cushion cover.I would make 2 cushions lol,they will look so cheery and beautiful.You are soooo clever.Have I said that before lol.Weather not too bad here at the mo,awful isn't it in the US.Will email soon.Hugs xx

  4. found your blog x LOVE the fabrics x .. I would say .. make 2 cushions x

  5. Oooh, luscious fabrics!! You gotta make two fronts and use plain fabric for the back. GORGEOUS :-)
    LLJ xx

  6. The colours are wonderful, Jo and even better if the fabric was a bargain. You have a knack for sniffing them out.
    Hugs Lisax

  7. Gor g e ous!!! Make 2 cushions Jo! x

  8. With the speed at which you are turning out gorgeous quilting I would say one cushion.
    Love love the pieces you have done and hope to see them soon.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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