Friday 11 October 2013

An Autumn Friday Smile

My little grandees, the Curly Girlys, have returned to Brighton and as always the house is quiet and I miss them so much but they have left me some of their super artwork.
They delighted in running around in our garden trying to catch the Autumn leaves and bringing me those which they found extra fascinating. A spotty one, a red one, a yellow one, one with holes etc., and it was a joy to watch their happiness from such simple things of Nature.
 I gave them an old wooden platter to hold their favourites and they soon amassed a wondrous collection of leaves, pebbles and stones which they carefully placed under a plant stand and topped with a few flowers.
An unwitting shrine to the season!
 Tiny cat's eye ink pads helped produce some art for my wall.

I'm off in minutes to  Germany to visit the other half of my lovely family and to see again my 4 year old grand daughter and my new first grandson for the first time. 
I'm not smiling, I'm grinning.
I hope you have lots to smile about, but pop over to Annie's blog to see lots more reasons to get you started.


  1. We went for a walk last weekend with the twins and they ran through the woods collecting natures treasures...conkers, acorns, leaves, sticks etc etc Such fun to enjoy them enjoying nature at it's best.
    I'm grinning for you and can feel your excitement at meeting the new little man....please give them all big hugs from me.
    Annie x

  2. have a fabulous time cuddling the grandson (and daughter) - you raised a big smile here too!

  3. Hi Jo, love the girls' shrine to autumn. It reminds me of the nature table at school ... at this time of year it always had brightly coloured leaves on it. And their artwork is fab - clever work with the ink pads and well worth preserving.

    I can almost feel your excited anticipation ... congratulations on the birth of your first grandson - he's going to be well spoiled by all the girls in the family :)

    Thanks for sharing your reasons to smile today. Elizabeth xx

  4. Lovely post today and yes - I am grinning for you too - enjoy your stay and give that new grandson a big hug from us all! x Jo

  5. they have a lovely collection and the paintings are wonderful, thank you for sharing and enjoy your trip to Germany

  6. isn't it wonderful when children can get so much fun from nature and it costs nothing but leaves so many happy memories....... I used to love those occasions when my grandchildren were small. Enjoy your time with the new baby and of course the Big Sister as well lol.....

  7. Fab Autumn collage :)
    And I bet the grin will be even wider when you have him in your arms for the first time... enjoy the cuddles x

  8. goodness you dont sit still for a second do you. congrats on being a grandmother again, have a great trip

    Gill x

  9. Thanks for visiting while I slept. I love that shrine. What a perfect way to remember the season. Your grandees are getting talented with your art supplies. I love how they used the cats eye ink to make the flowers. Really clever.

    I hope I caught you before you leave for Germany. I wanted to tell you I have taken a TON of photos (over 600 so far) with this camera I've only had for less than two weeks and have never used the flash. I find I don't need it. I also figured out how to turn off the sound it makes every time you turn it on and off and when taking photos. Yes, it will be great for covert shots!

  10. Gorgeous shrine to Autumn and those little pictures are adorable. Have fun in Germany with the little man. Thanks for the smiles. Caro x (#9)

  11. I wasn't smiling but I am now!! Have a lovely trip. Cindy

  12. There is something wonderful about the colours and crsipness of autumn, so glad you had a lovely time with the girls and wishing you a fabby time in Germany with the new baby!!

  13. I always loved the arrival of Autumn, and all those glorious colours. As a nursery manager I encouraged the children to collect the leaves and we used them in all sorts of artwork, so it is lovely to see your little ones' collection, and their art.
    Have a great time in Germany, with plenty of fun with your grand-daughter and cuddles with the new little fellow. kate x

  14. How lovely I love my grandchildrens art work &have kept it all. Enjoy visiting the german branch & how wonderful to cuddle a new little one. X

  15. Aw Bless! Love the shrine to Autumn Fairies! Well done on your Grandson! Enjoy cuddling him!

  16. Hi Jo!
    I can imagine the Girls running after the leaves - I have always loved the colourful autumn leaves... And congrats on the baby boy!!! I wish all the best to the whole family!
    I have had no time for the WOYWW. I got a job in the Craft Centre of Järvenpää. Unfortunately it will last only one year - but I love working there, and it keeps me busy. I' m working only five hours a day, but getting so many new ideas... :)
    Have a lovely time in Germany with your Grandson!


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