Tuesday 5 November 2013

WOYWW? Curly Girly Art

I'm back at last but I am missing these Curly Girlies, the Brighton Belles, who were staying here for best part of a week but have now returned home. 
My work desk was the small breakfast table in the living room, much warmer than out in my workroom, and we all had so much crafty fun together. 
They loved stamping and were making special birthday cards for their Mummy.
We also had tiny tea parties...
They created all this art, ghosts, spiders, skulls etc., to decorate the front of the house before they went out around the neighbours "Trick or Treating" with their baskets and pumpkin lanterns. The little witch was none too happy until she found out that she received SWEETIES!!!
I know how observant you are and, Yes! I did send her back inside to put on her shoes!
Earlier in the week we went to a local Urban Farm and met the adorable, friendly, Alfie the giant rabbit.....
and were lucky to be able to watch this 2 day old litter of 11 saddle back piglets. 
Spot the one with a tiny white band and one with no saddle at all!
I'll be out most of the day but I'll do my best to call in on as many of you as possible later. Must catch up as I've been away from my desk for a few weeks.


  1. Gorgeous photos Jo. Pop over to my blog and join in my 500th post giveaway! x Jo #56

  2. oh those piggies are sooo cute.
    You certainly had a fun time with your curly girlies. Good to see you back, even if you haven't been doing your own thing

  3. I bet they love to come and visit you, so much to do and so little time lol.... what a BIG basket for sweeties

  4. How lovely to see pics of your grand daughters! They are really growing up fast!! It's so lovely to see how young children appreciate nature.
    I hope that you are well and happy. I am hoping to make another quilt for LillyBo, but it will probably be after Christmas now :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

  5. Awww. Sweet little piggies but not as sweet as the curly-top girls :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (23)

  6. A gorgeous share of photos today Jo...I can tell you had a really special time with your gorgeous curly girlies. It's such a good tired feeling at the end of every day isn't it? :-)
    A x #41

  7. Happy WOYWW. Such lovely photos. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Ali x #55

  8. Aaaw, lovely photos Jo, looks like you and the curlies had a fabby time together! Annette #14

  9. What fun! Those little witches must have really enjoyed themselves. They are certainly creative, what wonderful, Halloween decorations they created to adorn the outside of your house. Hope you get up to date with all your crafting soon. Julie Ann xx #43

  10. What a lovely week you have had, Jo. Sounds like lots of fun - and what fabulous hair the curly girlies have!
    Margaret #49

  11. looks like you had a lot of fun with your curly girlies I be they love coming to see GM Jo.
    good to see you back and hopefully you will get to play soon.
    janet #38

  12. PS I will post about the amazing tape next week

  13. How nice to see you back. Lovely photos. Oh don't you miss them so much when they go home. Happy WOYWW Anne x #63

  14. looks like you have had a lovely week, the rabbit is huge! thanks for sharing, Donna #42

  15. How lovely to spend time with the youngsters, Jo. And my goodness - that rabbit! What a whopper!

  16. What great pics this week, Jo!! You have such fun with the curly girlies. :) WOYWW hugs! Nan G #20

  17. Gosh hasn't O got long hair now! Fabulous photos of the girls and what lucky grandees they are to have you, a crafting gran!
    Love the house decs.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. A lovely post Jo. It's nice to see you back. You obviously had a lovely time with your two little ones. It is great that they have inherited your creative skills.
    I also love the big rabbit and those dear little piglets. I was able to cuddle some once at the Oswestry show and I will never forget the feel of those very sold, warm, wriggly bodies!
    I was too busy with Christmas cards to make it to the desk hop this week, but hopefully I'll be back next time. Kate x

  19. What cuties! And what fun, visiting the farm. That rabbit is quite large! Oh, and the little piglets are so dang cute!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (5)

  20. What a fun blog today! Loved the darling girls and there escapades! I bet wild horses could not keep them away from your home!

    Hugs, Robin 99

  21. This reminds me of tea parties that I used to have with my grandpop, believe me when I say this I still have my tea set because he purchased me a proper tea set to play with and it is blue and white.

    Love the girls outfits,but they don't look happy or are they meant to be that way. Scarrryyyy

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 1
    Belated WOYWW

  22. Oh what a lovely post, you really must have had a good time with the Brighton Belles! I hope you are ok, and I hope to hear from you!
    Lots of hugs

  23. Looks like you had a wonderful time with the girls. Love how they've decorated the house. Hugs. Pam#37

  24. Wow your two little visitors look like they had so much fun and lots of wonderful creations going on. Such cute costumes and I love the baby piggies. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  25. Sorry it's taken me so long to get here, Jo - but it was worth coming - the curly girlies are gorgeous and so are the piglets... Helen 7


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