We didn't want a fuss but we wanted to mark a very special day as yesterday was our Golden Wedding Anniversary. Yes, 50 years married to my very special husband and every year is a year I value and treasure. Two wonderful daughters, four beautiful grandchildren and their lovely fathers make up our family.
We couldn't have all been together but we will do that very soon for the wedding of one of my daughters, so we enjoyed a meal, just the two of us, as high as we could venture in Liverpool, 34 floors up in the Panoramic Restaurant. One of the highest restaurants in England with fantastic views of the city and over the River Mersey to Wales. Well worth a visit if you ever get to Liverpool.
Having insisted that we did not want gifts from anyone, our daughters hatched up an unexpected surprise for us by arranging with the restaurant to pay for us. The food and the service was fantastic and can be highly recommended and we had such a special time there.
They also wrote to the Mayor of Liverpool and he sent us a really personal letter of congratulations.
After a morning of rain falling like stair rods, the weather changed dramatically into beautiful sunshine especially for us, and it was once again the hottest day of the year, just as it had been for our wedding day all those years ago.
Here we are up on high showing what 50 years has done to us and we certainly look a lot different but Yes! I can honestly say that we are still happy together.
1966, when England's football team won the World Cup and some of the games were played right on our doorstep and the local streets were buzzing with crowds, cars, and all the excitement of an international event as we departed for the church to be married.
Here we are, two youngsters at the start of a new life together and not knowing what the future held.
Here we are, two youngsters at the start of a new life together and not knowing what the future held.
Views from the restaurant looking over the famous Liver Birds, on top of the Liver Buildings, far below.

We watched the Multi Coloured Dazzle Ferry wending it's way back and forth across the River.... click on the link to see the colours of Peter Blake's design as the ship's colours don't show up very well with the bright light.You can just about spot the "thrill ride" on the waterfront where the seats spin scarily and travel up and down the centre pole.Across the river the huge warehouse type of building on the edge of the water is the famous Cammell Laird ship yard where so many ships have been built since 1828. They built the first all steel hulled ship , "Ma Roberts" for Doctor Livingstone's famous Zambesi expedition. the Css Alabama for the Confederates in the American Civil War, the Mauretania and the Ark Royal.
A couple of our lovely neighbours kindly brought around these gorgeous flowers even though we had requested no gifts.
I haven't managed to leave a Friday Smile for Annie's Blog for a couple of weeks so this one is a big bouquet of smiles from me from a very special day.