Tuesday, 24 November 2009

48 tiny hats finished

I cannot believe that I have finished all 48 tiny hats... 2 sets of 24!!! Back now to a bit of serious crafting and knitting Winter clothes to keep the Grandees warm.
I was spurred on to get this 2nd set ready as DD1 and Grandee 1 arrive today from the south coast and I wanted to surprise them. Can't wait to see them but they are in the rail system at the moment, delayed a few hours, which must be horrendous. At least I'm grateful they will be warm and dry, unlike all the hundreds of poor souls in Cumbria who are flooded out of their homes. Always someone worse off.
There's a lovely pan of Scouse, (our local dish) on the hob, slowly simmering away, and it will bring the smell of home to them when they finally arrive.


Chris said...

Congratulations, Jo on getting them all finished. They all look fabulous.:o)

Hope the family arrive soon. Have fun.

Susie Jefferson said...

Getting all these finished is a fabulous achievement - I think you should award yourself a medal! Well done!

fluffy said...

They look lovely mum, I knew you'd get them done in time, I could hear your wizzard needles clacketing away over here ; )!!! Haven't been out in our garden yet to source a twig, but bought LOTS of marzipan etc. to put in them yesterday--hmmm, hopefully that'll last till December...LOL (=lots of love!) xx

cockney blonde said...

You must be so pleased with yourself getting all 48 done. They look so cute too. I just know your DD's will love them, x

Deborah said...
