My desk this week is outside on the garden table, making an inky mess. A big mess in fact and I enjoyed every sunny, warm, moment of it. The weather has been lovely now that the cold winds have eased somewhat and it was a joy to work alongside the lovely camellia, the daffodils and scillas and other Spring flowers, which have rushed to catch up.
These photos were taken at 9pm on Tuesday evening just as I was clearing up. I can't show you exactly what I was making as they are for gifts. Most of my makes this week have been for gifts so you'll have to wait until they are all given.
The last of the sun is still there, top RH corner!
The previous day I started off in the garage, working on the floor, but I realised that it would be far easier if I decamped outside to the table!
Here's a view of my garage floor covered in waterproof cloths and a hint of what's in store...It reminds me that I often say that "people who don't make a mess, don't make anything"!
Does a big mess therefore mean that I make a LOT???
Does a big mess therefore mean that I make a LOT???
9pm... amazing evening
DH spent some time clearing the central flower bed, where our lovely apple tree used to be, and planting a bed of heathers around it's stump. The next job is to re-set those edging bricks around the path.

Indoors or out, there will be so many more crafting places shown over at our lovely leader's blog, that's Julia's place at the Stamping Ground. Check it out!
yes, definitely, big mess= much made! Or if not- it should!
Oh yes I agree if there is a mess there is fun being had and creative things happening..
Your garden looks so green you should see mine there is cracks in the ground you could fall in and never be seen again.. So dry here at the moment we had 3 mm of rain last month and its hard to keep anything alive with so little rain.
Hope we get lots of rain soon.
Sandy :) #30
Hasn't it been fab this past week? I've potted I some plants and generally enjoyed being's still not that warm down here but hey ho, can't have everything!
You have made a big ol mess! But then you produce wonderful results so it's worth it!!
Hugs, LLJ 27 xx
Please can you send some of that heat over to Rossendale it's freezing here
Lynn x x x
I don't recall it being warm enough to craft outdoors but as i'm writing this there is blue sky and bright sun, so maybe today you'll be enjoying being creative in the garden again :) Brilliant to be crafting outdoors! Love the idea that making mess = making something. Must remember that. Pxx
Nice to see YOUR lovely garden, Jo! It really is the best place to do the messy stuff, isn't it? I hope you wiped your cloth with butcher's wrap to make paper backgrounds!
Still getting the chilly winds over here on the east coast, but lots of lovely sun as well, thank goodness.
Happy May Day to you! Lx
Jo, It's lovely to see you have had some sunshine. Believe it or not we have had a week of thunder storms, hail stones and rain coming down in stair-rods, not to mention the Levante wind that hurls the furniture around the patio and scares the animals! I think Ben took the sunshine back with him.
I haven't managed a WOYWW post again this week, but it is still fun to visit a few desks.
Kate x
Your garden looks fabulous and how lovely to be able to work outside now! I like the look of the messy! I am sure you made loads and loads.
I had to laugh at your comment, cos when I took my dinner tray back out to the kitchen last night, I did indeed trip, and nearly fell, and almost dropped it... I think I need to re-organise!!!
Hey HO........ you are not THAT far from me but I never had any warm sun!! got the fires on here and every the Central heating the other morning, What a mess, hope it was worth it lol....
Good morning, just popping in to say Hi.
Loving your world this morning; It's lovely when we can work out in the sunshine. You definitely made a mess in the garage ; can't wait to see what you made!
Hope you have a fun week.
Neil # 22
lots of fun crafting going on here! Love the green of your garden...ours still has to green up around here. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #41
mess is good! lovely garden photos. happy woyww jenx 90
What a great place to make a mess lucky thing having some warm sun....cant believe it is May. You have a lovely garden xx66
How lovely to work outside, especially when you are making a mess! I'm looking forward to sitting in my yard, Baxter curled up and I can sit and colour! Still a bit chilly for me yet but I'll get out there soon! Take care Zo xx 77
wow I can't wait to see what you have been making because that is one very messy mess. How lovely that you were able to do it all out in the garden at long last our weather has changed for the better
Happy WOYWW #204 and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #44
What a beautiful garden you have Jo. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #81
Your mess is glorious. I think the drop-cloth could be a wall hanging by the time you get done. SOOOOOO colourful! Love the garden shots too - and so glad spring seems to finally be just around the corner.....
Happy WOYWW!
MA (2)
Crumbs Jo - that looks like messy fun! Love your garden and lucky you that it's warm enough to craft outside!
Happy WOYWW, and we need to get first pick of the date for the next WOYWW crop I think :)
Hugs, Di xx #45
Such a lovely place to craft! A fine mess has been made...we will be awaiting the reveal of your messiness. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #5
What an interesting mess - I would love to work outdoors if I had such a lovely garden as yours - bet it was a bit nippy out there though!
Have a great week
Diana #68
How lovely to be able to craft outside and your garden is amazing.
Enjoy the rest of WOYWW. Susi #65
Beautiful garden and how lovely to be creating outside. Lovely
Famfa 111
Wow that is acreative mess indeed!
Karen #52
I love crafting in my garden too but the wind has been too chilly until today. BUT I have beeen playing er childminding with Annie and the twins today - great fun. Yes you are at the top of my ATC list Jo and I have your addy I am sure. x Jo
What a fantastic time you had making that mess in your garage, and I look forward to seeing what you made. How nice to be able to work outside in your lovely garden. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#70)
your garden looks lovely and how wonderful to finally have spring arrive so you can craft outside
Happy WOYWW, have a great week
Candace #58
What a beautiful garden Jo, no wonder you weres so quick to decamp. And even the slightest whiff of chilly wouldnt have affected you - you`'re too busy making LOADS of things!
Great to craft outside-love your garden! Chrisx 82 ps did you send me an e mail with a link?
Hi Jo,
Sorry I'm so late in calling by this week but I've been having fun all day with my little twinny munchkins and blogging didn't get a look in :-)
Love the sunny garden pics Jo. It looks like you've been a busy bee.
A x #37
ooh you look as if you are having a lot of fun and so great to be doing it outside
OMG what a wonderful place to craft! I love your garden it is beautiful and so inspiring!! Hugs
What a lovely busy desk and a fabulous garden you have there! Thanks for visiting me yesterday. Sunshine Girl 31.
Looks like you've been having great fun there, Jo. I love your HUGE table.
Isn't it wonderful to be able to get outside at last, trouble is my garden is calling louder than my craft room now!!
Hope you are having a good week.
Hugs Lisax
What fab messiness and a great idea to camp outside! Makes all the difference when the sun is shining. Thanks for sharing and a belated Happy Woyww Liz@55
I was a bit stuck at getting round, been helping sis in law, and driving the animal ambulance great fun! your crafty mess is brilliant happy late woyww!
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