Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Triangles and Hexies

I've been awol for the last few weeks, having been down South helping my DD over half term and having lots of fun with my grandees. 
I came home just after a friend had an accident and she ended up in hospital so I've been helping her get back to independence. I stayed with her for a few days after she was allowed home and for the last few days I've been visiting day to day to help where I can. Life has been on hold for a while but stitching this patchwork has helped me through.
These are 1 1/2 inch hexagons which I first prepped then sewed by hand, mostly during my long trip to Brighton by coach.
After finishing enough of these tiny hexies to make a cushion I started on triangles. It is quite therapeutic to sit and hand stitch these beautiful tiny pieces of Liberty Tana Lawn which I've had in a drawer for possibly 30 years. They seem to be coming to life bit by bit. I purposely made them a random mix and I love the result.

I recently made this Native American Indian costume for my grandee in Germany.... she calls it an Indiana costume. All the children went to kindergarten in fancy dress last Monday and this is a tradition there every year before Shrove Tuesday.
I must send Best Wishes for a very Happy Birthday to my good friend Neet. Health and Happiness to you Neet and I hope to see you soon once you have finished all your birthday treats and trips!


Helen said...

what beautiful fabrics (can't beat Liberty!) and wonderful stitching.. Hope your friend is doing well. Helen 16 (sorry in WOYWW mode, !)

Annie said...

Such gorgeous patchwork Jo. I guessed life was pretty hectic for you. Really hope your friend is making a good steady recovery.
Love the outfit and have to say it looks so gorgeous on the little poppet too [I've seen Jo's pics :-) ].
Annie x # 50

Paul B said...

Your quilt is looking rather gorgeous Jo. What a busy time you're having of recent but who could begrudge you time with you grandees :) I've blogged about my recent trip away and in Arosa I was thinking about you when I saw the town had covered all manner of stuff in multi colourful knitwear :) I kept saying to myself, Jo would love it here :) Pxx

Lynn Holland said...

You are one of life's good people Jo and it's such a pleasure to know you. Always positive, always helpful. It's nice your stitching keeps you sane.
Have a lovely week
Love Lynn xx

Twiglet said...

I can just imagine how lovely that lawn patchwork feels Jo - the colour combos are gorgeous. Hope life settles down for you and that your friend is on the mend. Little L. looked so cute in the indian outfit - you are such a clever crafter! x Jo

Redanne said...

Your patchwork is gorgeous Jo! Those Liberty prints are beautiful. Hope your friend is feeling much better now, she certainly has a good friend in you.

Love the Indian outfit, it is gorgeous, reminds me of one my Mum made for me many, many years ago. Take care. Hugs, Anne xx

cockney blonde said...

Love those shapes and fabrics Jo. Also loving the little outfit. Just made my first dress for little lady. Ready for a fitting on Saturday and then once finished I'll share on my blog. Chuffed to bits with it.
Need to give you a call to ask a little favour, x

Ann B said...

Beautiful patchwork Jo and a 'wow' on the little dress. Bet your a Grandee was the best dressed girl in her class with that one. Kids just love to dress up, my Grandaughter went to her Christmas party as Wonderwoman and wore the outfit for the next four days as well.
Ann B

Eliza said...

Really amazing work, I can't sew to save myself. I am stunned that you sat and hand stitched this, it must of taken forever. Beautiful materials too.

Hugs Eliza

Neet said...

I love your patchwork - especially the hexagon one - really a heirloom in the making.
Looking forward to our meet up and getting my pressie (hope that does not sound rude to anyone reading this but Jo knows exactly what I mean)- the hair awaits!
Thanks for the good wishes, you are a treasure.
Hugs, Neet xx

mamapez5 said...

I love your patchwork, especially the hexagons. Fabrics can hold so many memories can't they. I still have a hand-stitched hexagon, patchwork cot quilt that was made for me by a colleague when my Tom was born thirty years ago. I am sure your's will be treasured too.
The 'Indiana costume is great too. I guess their dressing-up tradition is all to do with Mardi Gras just as our little village carnival is. (I am about to do a post on it for my 'other' blog). I love traditions!
Nice to see you back after all your visiting. Kate x

Lynne said...

Liberty Lawn, sigh, yes, like many of us I have a basket of them waiting for me to do something with. I really love the triangles, they add such dynamism to a quilt.Lx

glitterandglue said...

Beautiful, Jo. The fabrics are scummy!

Anonymous said...

Phenomenal work. Your a master gal .