Friday, 4 April 2014

Friday Smile, the Field of Hope.

Hello Mountain View..... I'd love you to say Hello!! You pop in so often yet never make contact.
Best wishes from Jo

It's been another busy, stressful week so when we went to visit my friend, who has recently come out of hospital, I thought it would be good for all of us to see the Field of Hope in Sefton Park. 
It was my friend's first step over her door and a big step it was in more ways than one. 
Although she never managed to get out of the car to walk amongst  the daffodils she enjoyed her visit so much and it really lifted her spirits and helped her to feel that this was the first step towards her recovery.
The daffodils were planted quite a few years ago to sponsor Marie Curie services and to give thanks for those who recovered from cancer and also in memory of loved ones.
I ran around for a few minutes snapping haphazardly and enjoying the beautiful, heady smell of field after field of daffodils. I've never seen so many elsewhere and I've never before experienced such a strong fragrance from these cheery Spring flowers.
I hope this cheers you and brings a smile to your face as it did to mine. 
I hope my friends, Brenda and Alison, are soon well again. 
I hope Annie soon moves to her dream house that she waited for so long.
The Field of Hope 
over a million daffodils in Sefton Park
in the heart of Liverpool.


tilly said...

Hi Jo
what a beautiful park with all those daffodils, they were my My Mum and Dad's favorite flower and he planted a field full of all different kinds next to our large garden on the farm
Hugs Tilly x

Annie said...

Oh Jo you really are such a special friend to us all. Thank you sooooo much for your kind words of encouragement...I need them so much at the mo.
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

Twiglet said...

Such beautiful photos Jo - I can almost smell those daffs. Do pop over and check out the news on my blog!! x Jo

Scrapcat 1 said...

What fab pics of the beautiful daffs, Jo, hope your friends are feeling better soon. xx

ElizabethR said...

Wow that's gorgeous, and yes it did make me smile. My Mum and I spent many hours planting bulbs in my garden, and I can't help but think of her when they flower. Elizabeth x

ElizabethR said...

Did the Country Market at Rhos this morning lol xxx

BumbleVee said...

I've never seen anything like it.... it must be amazing to walk in it and to smell the flowers.... hugs to you and your friends....

Gill Edwards said...

what a fantastic place, thanks for sharing it Jo. Daffs are my favourite flower and whole fields of them make me smile a lot.
Gill xx

Diane said...

What a beautiful park with all those daffodils thanks for the pictures.

Hugs diane

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, your post is absolutely wonderful today, full of hope and good things to come. Daffodils are my favourite flower and your photos of them are fantastic. Hope all your friends who are poorly/recovering are all well soon. Hugs, Anne xx

Caro said...

That is simply gorgeous! My parents grow miniature daffodils for sale on the nursery and I grew up surrounded by fields of them, and just love the scented ones. They are definitely my favourite spring flower and to me a real sign of hope. Thanks for the smile. Caro x (#8)

Lynne said...

Lovely post, Jo, and how lovely for your friend to have this to enjoy! I went to school at Aigburth Vale and we used to slip out to Sefton Park in the Lower 6th with our lunch butties on fine days!

A virtual visual treat! Thank you! xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

OMGosh. These are fantastic. I used to have about five in my yard, but they are now all gone. These are wonderful, and really DO look like they are full of hope, and scream of spring, too.

Have a super weekend. If you have a chance, come back tomorrow, when I show your spray starch background was the best way to use eyeshadow, after all!

Hettie said...

What a beautiful field and wonderful photos Jo. A great place to take your friend to. It has sure made me smile tonight.

Judys Lace Creations said...

How glorious..a field of golden daffodils!Thanks Jo.

Tinkertaylor said...

Fab photos nothing like a daffodil to raise your spirits and to let us know spring is on it's way. Good wishes to your friends.

cockney blonde said...

What a fabulous site Jo, so glad you've shared it here. Thanks for the mention. Enjoying a pj day today. May even repeat it tomorrow, x