Monday, 30 June 2014

Folded Dreams Quilt, Hexies and Clam Shells.

Whilst I love to machine-stitch patchwork I am so thrilled and satisfied that I have finished my very first, completely hand stitched, quilt. 
 "Folded Dreams" 
and here it is in all it's glory. 
Inside one of the Japanese Folded squares I have hidden a tiny note from me for my family. 
I love the way this technique provides the wadding, and backing too, all in one process.
It was so therapeutic to stitch and the squares have been made in so many places on my travels, over the last few months since I started.
 Travelling to Brighton, on the plane to Germany, trips to the supermarket, days out, dodging World Cup TV, all produced squares and the end result is this quilt.
It has taken me slightly less than three months to complete, during time which I would otherwise have been twiddling my thumbs or scratching my head for something to do, so, that's a worthwhile result!
Now I think I will start another one soon in fabrics of a brighter colours.
This colour palette was joined at random apart from selecting darker shades for the outer edge.


Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh Jo...this is a true "Little Treasure" it is beautiful. Love the design and beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

So very beautiful, a true keepsake to treasure.

Dotty Jo said...

I used to handstitch quilts myself Jo so I know what a labour of love this quilt will have been. IT LOOKS AMAZING! Jo x

cockney blonde said...

Jo that is so beautiful and I got to see some of those squares IRL. Who do the shoes belong to???

Carol Q said...

just gorgeous Jo - what an interesting pattern. I totally agree - can't be idle - have to make something every day.

Lynne said...

Really beautiful, Jo, and I love your colour scheme. And now you are doing a clam-sell, I have been thinking about this for years - but haven't got any further with it. Good luck! Hours of patient hand-stitching ahead, but so enjoyable. Lxx

Helen said...

ooh, Jo, what a stunning quilt you've produced, it is absolutely gorgeous.

Carola Bartz said...

Hand stitched in only three months? I am quite speechless. I love the shell motif as well - lovely fabric.

mamapez5 said...

Your quilt is beautiful Jo. I love the folded squares, and the way you can take it everywhere to add a little bit more. It is a treasure to last for a very long time.
The cushion will be equally beautiful too! Kate xx

Paul B said...

Absolutely, jaw droppingly impressive and breathtaking Jo. How you managed to do this in only three months too. The colours are beautiful. It's gorgeous draped over the chair. I agree too with that urge to create something every day :) Pxx

Paul B said...

Absolutely, jaw droppingly impressive and breathtaking Jo. How you managed to do this in only three months too. The colours are beautiful. It's gorgeous draped over the chair. I agree too with that urge to create something every day :) Pxx

shazsilverwolf said...

The quilt is gorgeous Jo, ans those clamshells are amazing. Hugs, Shaz xx

Twiglet said...

What a beautiful quilt Jo and such a lovely design. The clam shell cushion is another unusual one too. You are like us - never waste a moment when you can fill your time with a crafty activity. x Jo

Neet said...

You will never ever be accused of having idle fingers. This is beautiful. Loved the individual squares when you showed them but this is fab. Well done matey! We need another day out as you must need fabric by now LOL (big joke)
Hugs, Neet xx

tilly said...

the quilt looks beautiful and in three months!! a cute pattern for the cushion cover as well..... busy you lol xx

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I agree that a little bit each day is necessary. For me it might just be cutting to prep for a project.

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