Friday, 13 November 2015

Lake District & Friday Smile

We were busy enjoying our time in the Lake District, last week,  and we didn't have internet connection so I couldn't post my Friday smiles on Annie's Blog, a stitch in time. 
We had lots of smiles during the week so I'm adding a few to join in with Annie's weekly fun.

We were told it was free connection in the lodge where we stayed but it was useless. As a result I almost didn't get in touch with my lovely blogging buddy Chris (Pear Shaped Crafter) and her DH, who have a caravan nearby. We arranged a day out but planned to phone to make arrangements.
DH and I eventually decided to set out for our day out and half way there Chris managed to connect with my  phone so we all met up at Farfield Mill in Sedbergh where we had a great day together. Lots of crafty things to see and lots of chat. It's a super place for a good crafty day out.
 The previous day, DH and I had visited the Motor Museum, Ulverston, and I smiled when I saw this clock over the entrance... .wish I had one at home as I could often do with turning the clock back!

 I'm adding a few pics of MG cars especially for Dolores's Alan who is an MG enthusiast and has a vintage MG. We've just GOT to take him to the museum one day, he'll love it.

 Alan also has a Wurlitzer Juke box in his hall ... much more spectacular than this one.
 My DH, Dave, couldn't choose from this menu and loved the prices. That clock certainly works! Please may I have sausage, egg and chips, a mug of tea and a small cake?..... 
that will be 2 shillings.... which, in todays money, converts to 10p!!!
 Yet another classic MG
 We stayed in this lodge which is so spacious and comfy inside and faces the lake
Each day we were greeted by the ducks and swans who were obviously used to being fed by the visited. I loved the white one but the others seemed to shove it out of the way so I made sure it had it's share of the food. I bought special wild bird food instead of giving them crusts.

 This swan was so persistent and friendly and kept peeping through our balcony.


CraftygasheadZo said...

Well that lodge on it's own makes me smile but I can see you really had a wonderful week. How lovely to meet up with Chris too. Take care Zo xx

Barb said...

What wonderful photos. It looks as if you had a great time away. How lovely that you managed to meet up with Chris too. The museum looks great fun. My neighbour would love those cars and I agree we'd all like one of those clocks. Have a lovely week. Barbxx

Neet said...

Fab photos Jo, you certainly have the knack for taking good ones.
Love the lodge you stayed in and what beautiful views.
Did the food really cost the equivalent in today's money or was that just a flash back in time?
Hugs, Neet xx

Lisca said...

What a lovely holiday you have had! The lodge looks idyllic and the motor museum is fab! I love old cars.
I hope there are many more smiles to come your way this week,
Thanks for visiting,

tilly said...

what a lovely break and with warmish weather, looks like you had fun
Tilly x

Annie said...

So many smiles from you today Jo. i do so love to see bloggy friends enjoying time together....we must do it again soon Jo....that is when we get this kitchen cupboards put together! It arrived this morning in 150 boxes :-) :-) :-) We may be a while.
Annie x

Lee said...

WOW,another wonderful post,love it when you share your travels,great Lodge,love that lil white one and glad you made sure he got his share of the grub lol.Great pics as always.Huggles xxx

Helen said...

what a lovely place to stay! so good that you managed to contact Chris, it would have been a shame to miss out on a catch up. Thanks for sharing your photos.

mamapez5 said...

What a lovely place to stay, right by the lake. I love ducks, and I always have to feed the underdog too. I don't think swans are that friendly despite their beauty. I used to take the boys to Ellesmere when they were small and I had to try and sort out our picnic in the boot of the car and feed the boys before they got out, because the swans would just take it from their hands. And they were so strong. I am glad you had a good time away, met with your friend, and saw so many interesting things. Kate x

pearshapedcrafting said...

We did have a good day didn't we, although it went far too quickly! My grandchildren love the motor museum although we didn't go this year! Have a great weekend! Chrisx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jo, couldn't take my eyes off the cars. I have an old MG though not as old as some of those, she's a 72 and still going well, had her for about 30 yrs. Have a great weekend, Angela x

Robyn Oliver said...

Oh Jo that does look like a lovely cabin on the lake for a relaxing get away and you did have an interesting time - friends and a museum. Have a super weekend Cheers Robyn - I'm late I know!

Twiglet said...

Fab post Jo - we love all those MGs! x Jo

Kyla said...

Sounds like a fabulous time and some great photos too.
Those MGs and the wurlitzer are great-some timeless classics.
