Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Christmas Garland, Sewing Cases & Lego Sleigh

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... everywhere you go.....
soooooo here's a mixed bag of crafting and Christmas items to share. 

I bought some really thick soft felt at the Malvern Show as the items on the stall inspired me to make something or other with it. It ended up as this garland which will go somewhere in the house to add a bit of festive cheer.

A couple of the ladies in our quilt group loved the Ikea sewing kits (see post here) that I had personalised and asked me to do a make over on their cases. I just love scribbling away and the designs just come together quite by magic. It is relaxing, just like a colouring book but I do the drawings myself.
I love to find related quotes to add to the backs.

I came across this fantastic Father Christmas, sleigh and reindeers in a shopping mall of  the Liverpool 1 precinct.
It was fantastic and all the children were so excited to get up into the big sleigh to have their photo taken.

Here's the special guy in his new outfit that I made for him, standing outside the Grotto entrance that my DD set up for him in Brighton at our curly girlies school.

He spent a lovely afternoon there and all the children were so pleased to see him.


pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow Jo! Your wreath is fantastic! I bet your ladies were impressed with their kits! They are so beautiful! We had hoped to be up at the caravan by now but following a phone call we found there was no electricity - except by generator - and were advised not to come up and to ring on Friday if we were thinking of coming at the weekend! Apparently Carnforth schools have been closed! I don't think we are going to get to Liverpool until after Christmas so won't get to see that fantastic sleigh!! Santa looks happy though!! Hugs, Chrisx

Twiglet said...

Fab festive post Jo. I have some felt like that - bought in a bargain bagful - now I know what to do with it!!! Those little tins are so pretty - great doodles!x Jo

Lee said...

OMG,I love that wreath I gotta make one for next year.Love what you have created for your quilty mates,you are sooooo clever,great quotes too.Hope the postie has been.xxx

Twiglet said...

lol- just had to pop back and look at your kits!! I imagined them to be little sewing kits in tins but they are even nicer now I know they are fabric. We crafters need to touch and feel!!! x Jo

Words and Pictures said...

Such a lovely Christmassy post! Your wreath looks fantastic and I love the doodled cases - really charming. And Father Christmas's sleigh is very impressive - are those deer Lego?

Thanks for your visit and comment - wishing you and yours a peaceful and prosperous festive season.
Alison xx

Gaby Bee said...

Dear Jo, I have to confess I had not visited your blog for quite a while. Where has the time gone? These sewing kits are amazing!!!

Sending warm wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas, and much health and happiness for 2016.


customwritinglab.com said...

That looks fantastic. I'd like to have a photo with Santa, too tough I'm not a child anymore. Are those deer made from Lego?

Neet said...

Love what you have been doing Jo - so you to do those decorated tins for people.
Hugs, Neet xx