Friday, 11 March 2016

Liberty Quilt & Spring Flowers for a Friday Smile

It's that day again when we share happy things, courtesy of 
Join in, or just take a peek at smiles from all over the world to start your weekend on a happy note.

I am so pleased that I managed to make this Liberty Quilt for a beautiful new little girl, who was born last week in Brighton to a special friend of my DD1. 
It's the 4th one I've made this year from Liberty Tana Lawn fabric which is so lovely to handle, a joy to sew and I adore all the colours and exquisite patterns. The fabrics do not even need to be made into fancy blocks to look good so, as I was in a hurry, I kept it simple and cut 5 inch squares. Here's the result. 
 I cut one day, stitched up the next day and to finish I added the batting and binding yesterday.
The quilt is 45 x 54 inches in size.
Here, the backing can be seen and it is a design I love, with delicate peacock feathers.

A multi coloured quilt was requested by my DD so I shaded around 40 different designs from pinks in one corner to blues in the opposite corner
So lovely to hang the quilt on my favourite Camellia tree. Read how special it is to me a previous post. Thanks to my DD2.
Each year I take pictures of our Camellia in blossom and the time varies from year to year.
This pic was taken late February this year, when a smattering of snow can be seen on the grass on the left. It was so cold that I took the pic from a bedroom window.
This next pic was taken in 2014 in April, blossoming two months later than this year.
The Marie Curie Field of Hope daffodils are blooming in Sefton Park, Liverpool
Fully open in some sunny areas.....
but still so many more to come in the surrounding fields of the park. 
A breathtaking, magnificent sight to see.
Spring is struggling to get here with the weather but not with it's flowers. 
In another week I will be going by myself to Germany to see family, leaving DH to his own resources at home (aaah!), and I'm smiling so I hope you are too.


Barb said...

Your quilt if absolutely stunning Jo. Certainly something to be treasured over the years.

I enjoyed you lovely photos. Unfortunately I didn't have access to read about your camellia tree. Have a great time with your family in Germany. Barbxx

Lisca said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the fabric! The little girl´s mummy is going to love it!
Your camelia looks lovely.And I am bowled over by the beauty of the daffodils in the park! Stunning! Yes, that certainly made me smile.
Have a good week,

Lee said...

Hi Jo,I don't know how you do it,it would take me at least 6 months to make that Beautiful quilt.Love the pics of all all the stunning flowers and trees.Did you get my new email addy.Huggles to all.xxxx

tilly said...

a beautiful quilt, I love those fabrics especcially the back...... it does not seem 12 months since you showed us the daffodils last year lol.... have a safe journey.
Christine x

Annie said...

What with a beautiful quilt and stunning Spring spoil me today. Thanks for sharing Jo.
Annie x

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love your pink to blue Liberty quilt! I really need to get my Liberty fabrics out and work with them this spring.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jo, BP here. It is very kind of you to visit me but you must keep quiet about what you see as I should still be on my shelf. They are back tomorrow so I need to get back up there soon. I love your quilt and I know Angela will too as she studied quilting and even wrote a book on the history. Have a great weekend, BP Mini Me and friends xXx

mamapez5 said...

I just love those daffodils. Aren't they stunning.
Your quilt is beautiful and I am sure it will be appreciated. When I was expecting our Tom, a friend sewed me a cot quilt with hexagons of random fabrics and always used it. He has not (so far) had any babies of his own to use it, so it is still in use in my bedroom, covering an ugly box of 'overflow' jumpers. Quilts are heirlooms, that go on giving pleasure for many years.
Enjoy Germany. Kate x

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jo, wow what a beautiful quilt, I love the transition of colours - well done. A fabulous field of daffodils, what a sight and your gorgeous camellia. Have a super week Cheers Robyn

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Beautiful quilt, always use such pretty fabrics 😍 Have a wonderful time in Germany!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm late visiting because I had computer woes again. Just when I thought everything was fixed.

What an amazing quilt. I love to sew but I don't like to measure, cut, or sew straight lines. I'd rather tear something and not worry if any lines match up. As a result, I am in AWE of your sewing abilities and your lovely pieces you make. Even your color gradation is wonderful. This makes me smile all over.

I have three blooming flowers in my yard, and your yard is filled with lovely blooms. Of course, the Field of Hope daffodils are simply incredible. This must be a truly amazing site and sight to see.

Hope your weekend is awesome, because I'm sure it's already there, now.

Twiglet said...

A lovely, lovely uplifting smiley post Jo. So glad I popped by. Have a wonderful time in Germany and give them all a big hug from us too. x

Elizabeth said...

Your quilt is absolutely stunning! The fabric choice is beautiful too and I'm so impressed at how quickly you made it ... I'm sure it is going to be treasured forever. Love your photos of the daffodils - they are such a ray of sunshine at this time of the year. Sorry it has taken me all this time to pop over. Elizabeth xx

Neet said...

Enjoy your trip - give my love to the German family. Thanks for sharing such a wealth of lovely photos.
Hugs, Neet xx

Carola Bartz said...

Jo, this is a stunning quilt!!! Absolutely lovely. I love the progress from pink shades to blue ones. The friend of your daughter will be delighted.

You asked me about my knitting. Yes, I do knit the "German way" - here it is called "continental" and is getting more and more popular. I like it because it's fast and doesn't stress the wrists very much.

Have a wonderful time in Germany!

Carla said...

Oh yay! I found you! I've had trouble replying to your lovely comments on my blog. So glad I kept digging. It's been a fun couple of days being open.
Pretty quilt. Happy stitching!