Friday, 17 June 2016

Friday Smile for Annie

I very nearly stepped upon these beautiful little pansies as I went to cross a road in a busy side road near home. 
It made me smile and I thought that if I took a quick photo, and posted it for Annie's Friday Smile, this gorgeous little treasure would be shared for a while even if it was trodden and lost within minutes of my passing by.

Pop over to Annie's blog where there will be more smiles to be had.
So many cruel, evil and horrendous things are happening all around the World so it is good to smile and think of the goodness, happiness and joy that still exists. Friday Smiles in it's own sweet way make the world a better place.... just as Annie does. 

Posted in deepest sympathy to the family of MP Jo Cox, a beautiful, valuable, young woman and mother of two young children, who was horrifically murdered yesterday and to many families in Orlando who lost loved ones in the massacre there.


Annie said...

I really love it when little treasures shoot up like that. Our new garden has lots of little surprises like that. Thank ou for snapping it and sharing it with us Jo. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and get lots of spoiling.
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

Twiglet said...

Beautiful, Jo. x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is a wonderful and uplifting smile, Jo. It's too bad there is so much hate in the world these days. I'm so glad Annie brings us all together to share a smile, though, just as your lovely flower did today. Hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend, too. Sounds like it will be eventful.

Neet said...

Lovely little pansies. I love those flowers and especially that colour.
Lovely thought behind the posting of them - sometimes the people of the world are so cruel
Neet xx

Lynn Holland said...

It's been a bad week for so many Jo, it's so nice to pop into Annies on a Friday to help us all smile again

505whimsygirl said...

Pansies are one of my favorite flowers. What a special treat to find!!

I was on a cruise and didn't hear of the Orlando tragedy until Monday. How very sad. I wish people all around the World could open their hearts to living a life full of love instead of hatred, possibilities instead of limits.

It's been ages since I've joined Friday Smiles, let alone do any posting. Still can't put my finger on why.....

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Lisca said...

What a beautiful little violet that sprung up in an unexpected place! That certainly made me smile.
There are a lot of horrible things happening these days. I had heard about Orlando but not about Jo Cox and had to Google her to see what she looked like. Awful!
Thanks for visiting,
Have a good week,

mamapez5 said...

What a perfect find on such a sad week. Aren't they amazing, so lovely, and blooming against all odds. A lesson for us all. Kate x

Lee said...

Made me smile too,do hope they survived a bit longer.x