Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Plaited Patchwork Christmas Wreath

I am kicking my heels, suitcase in the hall, excited, all ready to go off, itching to get off for my flight to Germany but have an hour or so to pass so I thought I'd post my latest Christmas make. 
I am not fussy on the colour scheme as I don't like the yellow fabric in there but it's a prototype.
This still needs a bit of adjustment and finishing off but here it is....
I don't know whether to make additions of berries, leaves, buttons, bells or such like but I will have to play about when I get back home next week. Here's the basic wreath in case anyone in blogland would like to make one. no pattern, no exact measurements, as usual, I just "winged" it in my own sweet way. 

You'll have to just judge for yourself and it could be sized up or down by adjusting my approximations.

I cut diagonal strips of fabric 4.5 inches width by about 4 feet long.

I folded in half and sewed down the length and turned the strips inside out.

Then came the mammoth task of stuffing them, but not packed too tightly.

Next I safety pinned thhe three long "sausages" together at one end and plaited them. A helpful hand is useful if you can get someone to hold one end whilst you plait.

Because they are cut on the bias the plait will curve readily into a circle. 

 I then sewed together the ends, tucking in the stuffing, and finishing the wrong side as best I could.

I didn't worry too much as the big bow I made hides any imperfections and after all it is only a decoration not an exam piece of sewing!

Remember, the bow can be at the top or bottom of the wreath.

The wreath can be made entirely from one fabric and any design elements can be added to your own choice.  I am sure someone will be able to make a more complex plait (braid) by making several narrower strips, think  but I think this one is enough for me.


pearshapedcrafting said...

I love you own sweet way of making things Jo! This is looking great and I do like to colour combination! Have a great time! Hugs, Chrisx

Mystic Quilter said...

Enjoy your visit Jo! Hope it's not too cold.