Friday, 13 August 2010

F is for Fantastic, Fluffy, Feathered Fan!

I made this one for fun as my F page for the KCUK alphabet swap as I had this pic ready in the file. 
I'm sending it from Brighton where I  came hotfoot by train today to help out my DD1 and family.  DD1's partner is ill and has been in hospital so things are a bit difficult. DD2 and family are here from Germany, staying near by, but can't help out as  they have their own babe to care for. I don't know when I'll be back home again but family comes first. Mind you I've had to leave my  DH at home fending for himself, post op and not yet 100% but getting there.
The freezer is well stocked with home cooked meals and he is now, at last, allowed to start to drive again. It's a shame I can't split myself in two! At least the bonus is that I will see all my family including my 3 grandees all together... all bar DH!! Aaaahh!
I'll post a couple of messages whilst I'm here but sadly no time for crafting and nothing with which to craft. 


Cath Wilson said...

Fantastically fluffy, lol - love it! Sorry things are tough but as you say, the upside is that you get to see the kids - brilliant. Hope Helen's partner is soon well again. Poor Dave - hope he copes!! Bet he'll really miss you.

Dotpat said...

Love your page Jo, it really looks good.
Sorry your SIL is poorly, hope he soon recovers

cockney blonde said...

Oh Jo, what a trauma. I hope SiL recovers quickly and I'm sure Dave will be OK. Wish I was closer then I could pop in on him, x

Zoechaos said...

Fabulous fluffy fan. So hard on familys when you all live so far apart but as you say family comes first and at least after last weeks outting you know that OH is probably OK on his own for a few days. Hope SIL is on the mend and everyone is soon all OK again. xx Zoe

Claire said...

just dropping by from WOYWW, lovely fan, looks like you had a fab day out the other day & love your workspace

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Love the fan and the rich colour! Hope your SIL will be better soon. Family always comes first :)

Take care

sam21ski said...

Take care Jo, hope all goes well xxxx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Love your fan and feathers Jo :-)
Hope SIL is better soon. As you say though, lovely to see the grandees ;-) and at least DH can have total control over the remote control hehe
Anne xx

Amanda said...

Love the vibrant colour!! Enjoy seeing the grandees while looking after the family. Happy to hear that DH is on the mend!
Enjoy whatever, even if it is not crafting!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was fascinated by the UBoat post. This fan is pretty FAN-tastic, too. Have fun with the grandees this week. Hard to believe you can or will be back tomorrow, since you have no crafts or craft desk. You'll be missed.