Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Here we are again, proving chaos exists but does not rule our lives, by sharing the evidence at WOYWW.
This great idea is the inspiration of Julia at Stamping Ground so if you are as nosey as me, pop on over to spy on more desks.
I'm in the middle of so much here.... the purple card is almost ready for the Stampman fortnightly challenge.
My letter L still isn't finished. there is a spare image from the Asian landscape card I made for the Lots to Do challenge. It's more of a mess this week because I have not yet finished the cards.
The wooden box in the centre is another car boot sale find but I haven't decided what it should store. It is great as it rotates!
Below you will see a close up of the holder for my Promarkers, made from 2 plastic grids from a hardware shop, screwed together. It was given to me by my friend Jayne and her fella had the great idea to make them. 
I promised to show the floor under my desk... shame shame!! Well here it is in full need of a clean up. The red box is the bin, but I keep missing it ... think I should move it??? That's too easy!
The tote bag on the left was signed by Suze Weinberg at the last workshop I took with her.
 I love her signature quote.. "Leap and the net will appear" It often spurs me on to try things.
I have lots of crocs around the house as slippers and that pair has just been in the washing machine. They have pop in warm liners for the Winter and cost me all of 4 euros in Germany.
The window side, below, which I tidied last week, has soon gone to pot!!! Why doesn't TIDY last long?
Well I hope that's given you the courage to show your desk as I'll be round snooping pretty soon!


Neet said...

Oh Jo what a lot is going on - hope Jayne does not see this. Am so envious of your car boot sale wooden box.

minnie_mac said...

Thanks for the very extensive snoop on and under your desk. I have thoroughly inspected it all. And you have passed !

Love your little boxey. Wonder what you will do to it !


Artyjen said...

Yes it only takes a second it seems for tidy to become a mess! Don't know how it happens so can't give any tips!! LOL
xoxo Sioux

Cath Wilson said...

Lots and lots going on - woohoo! That's how it's supposed to be, Jo - love it. Great to see that the underneath of your table is almost as bad as underneath my desk, he, he. Look forward to seeing what you've made.

Sue said...

Hi Jo
fabby pics, wowo what a lot you have going on there, luv the under the desk shot!! have great day, sue,x

Annie said...

Think the bravery award should go to you today for showing your creative mess Jo. I'm sure an hour or six would tidy up your space :-) Love it. Live should be full of creating playing and not tidying :-)
A x

Esther said...

oohh...lovely scrummy crafty messiness, great desk!! Esther x

Sarn said...

Yup . . .there's a whole lotta stuff goin on on THAT desk!

Twiglet said...

Busy desk but I love the busy bee outfits on the earlier post!!! Do you have a pattern or just make them up as you go along? Will love to see the ladybirds!!

Lizzybobs said...

what a lovely work space you have - the floor is a great place lots of lovely stash to play with - thanks for sharing - Liz ;o)

Cardarian said...

Hmmmm......yep nice and messy! Just how we WOYWWers like it! Lovely snoop!

Kathleen said...

Blimey, not sure where you work but it looks great :-)

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Ah creative chaos though Jo ;-) Fab find at the car boot. Love the grid idea and it would be great for paintbrushes too - on top of something or other to let them hang of course, must try that; I'm often to be found wandering round B+Q and small hardware shops looking for likely crafting items. that quote is a scary thought, but we should do something that scares us at times
Anne xx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Meant to say, thank you so much for the poppy seeds. Sorry I'm not as up-to-date with my emails as I should be.
Hugs Anne xxx

donnalouiserodgers said...

as previously requested on an early visited desk - coudl I have a picce of the yellow thing in action? it looks liek the JCB of crafter world....

Create With Joy said...

Love love love it! My under the desk (heck my whole room!) looked like that until recently! Fighting hard to keep it clear!


mckinkle said...

Oh I love your honesty Jo! It is so fab to visit your crafting area, its sometimes home from home for me! lol!

Is it a pain that it could be difficult to see the colours clearly when they are all stored upright like that? Ive got the zip up wallets and are great when they are away but I do have to have them all open whenever I need to use them.

Keryn x

Heather said...

Thanks Jo, you've helped me realise why mess happens. It's doing too many things at once, until a project is finished you don't put anything away - so more creation on the go, more things about!! You have so much on the go, look forward to seeing the finished articles. I have the winter croc liners they're great aren't they?
hugs Heather xx

Dotpat said...

Well I am glad it is not just me Jo, I tidy up and 10 mins later it is back to a mess

Rosie said...

Oooo lots going on here - just right for a good ole snoop! Love that promarker idea, still trying to work out how to store mine. That wooden thingy is a caddy for remote controls, but I'm sure you'll find a better use for it than that!!

Phree said...

Oh, what a wonderful mess! Great idea for storing your markers.

Kay said...

Amazing busy desk. I love that wooden box, it's fabulous!

kayc said...

Good idea for pro markers. Mine are just in a box. Great snoop. Kathleen x

angelwhispers said...

WOW there is just so much going on!!! You have so much stash I would love to come an organise you just to see what goodies you are hiding!! Thanks for sharing Chanelle xx

Sid said...

Wow, that's my kind of craft room !! Loads going on there !!

carol said...

Thats what I like to see, pure mess and creativity, love the promarkers idea....but a word to the wise, they may dry out stored like that as the ink runs to one end!!!! Great desk and I am glad that under your desk is as bad as mine x

Pam said...

Lovely busy space. I would request Japanese but they the only do european we have had french every year so far; I do have a swiss lad at the end of august so that sort of a change. My friend had a russian one and he was great. HUgsPam x

Helen said...

Great mess - sorry, creativity here - love it! If I had a desk to work on, my underneath would be the same!

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

Great craft room, so much going on - I love it.

Happy crafting.


cheryl said...

oh great work desk hun love it so creative, how I would love to come and get you organised,he he,thanks for stopping by my blog love hugs cheryl xxxxx

Spyder said...

oh what lovely crafty-ness, lovely snoop! and , for once my floor is tidy! Spider will go back outside when I can get some good glue to stick him back on the house name plate... ??? Spiderwebs. I too, have many, that's why we call the house, Spiderwebs. Have a great woyww

Sew This N That said...

my bin is next to my sofa and I still miss it! Great desk and floor pics honey :0)
*hugs* Heather x

Ali H said...

thanks for stopping by earlier - I think mess is an organic being - however hard I try to fight it - it just fights back !

Julia Dunnit said...

I really admire you for being able to switch from job to job. And am glad to see that moving your bin would be a herculaean task. Take it from me - doesn't work - you can't re-train your mind fast enough and you just drop stuff where the bin used to be!


Jo - thanks for popping by my blog tonight. You have given me the inspiration I need in order to leave my workdesk in a mess for next week's WOYWW!! I really enjoyed looking at all your bits and bobs (and reading your description of them). I also loved reading your Profile - it sums up the meaning of A CRAFTER in a nutshell!
Love, Sylvia xxxx

Helen Laurence said...

thank you for popping by my desk. Seems you have a lot going on there! you should see the rest of my room!!! x

Stressed Stamper said...

How much stuff - and on the floor - gave me a laugh - love the shoes. I am a copic girl - will have to try promarkers - love the do have their uses!

Jeni said...

What a beautiful mess! I love your puple accordian card ~jeni :)

Hope and Chances said...

That's one very busy creative space - great to have a nose, thanks for sharing :-)

Bluefairy4U said...

Hi Jo what a lot going on there, your desk looks magnificent, love the idea about the two containers being screwed together to hold your markers. Will have to go and find them in the hardware shop. Love your big ATG glue gun where did you get it from. Sorry this is late but had so many WOYWW to look at now. Big Hugs Jo. xxxx

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh lovely busy and creative desk and room there! Flag book looks good and cant wait to see what you decide to store in that lovely box!

Lori said...

Oh my!!! That does look like my space! Thanks for sharing!

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Love your mess, there are so many interesting things I don't have, it's great to have a snoop!

The wooden box is a fab find!


Unknown said...

oh Jo you have been a very busy girl love it this room like this is just you hugs jayne xxx

cockney blonde said...

Poor Jayne, she'll have to pop round and tidy up again for you, lol.
Nice to see all the activity though.
See you Saturday, x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Oh Brill a desk like mine, Thanks for sharing with us, Love Hazelxoxo

Angie said...

Yeah ...I love your chaos ...what fun ...tried to have a closer look at your desk but failed ...there looks as though interesting things are a foot

lisa said...

Hi Jo
I have just popped by for a quick nosey and realised it's a week since I last visited, goodness where does time go. I love your shopping lists, it's amazing how they jog memories of what was happeneing at the time, soemthing so simple as a shopping list we make every week. I see you are a fellow croc lover!! I wear mine as slippers too, they are the most comfortable things I own!
Hope everything is well with you.
Hugs Lisax

Unknown said...

I know I know ... I am really really late ... sorry ... Great desk and how fab having a peek under it too!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

HMMM. I'm really late but had to come by and see what you would call creative clutter. Being a neat freak, you know what I would call it (grin). Happy belated WOYWW.

Brenda B said...

Lol, tidy lasts in my craft room!! Love the bag Suze signed for you and love all the creative chaos and clutter! I also love that quote on you tag book. My favourite quote along those lines, and one that would make a wonderful wedding card is this one

"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.

~Henry Van Dyke"

Have a fabby weekend.


Joanne said...

Looks like a lot of colouring, cutting and crocing going on there.
Luv Joanne xx (1st visit but not my last)

Chrissie said...

Great snoop this week!
Another person with a big yellow gun jobby! I think I need one!

Maz said...

I think your desk may be more chaotic than mine! x