Wednesday, 26 January 2011

USA update

Started today with another swifty crafting session before we went out and about so I decided to get my calendar pages ready for February. Valentine seemed to be the obvious choice.....It's not quite finished but it's almost there.....
The American experience is something else......... far too much food so I'm keeping breakfast simple but I'm loving the bagels and I also love Smuckers Boysenberry jam and the name amuses me. Trying to eat things I can't eat so readily in Uk.
Lunch yesterday was a huge hot dog in Sams, with relish, mustard , onions on the side, sauer kraut and limitless bucket of root beer......... all for $1.50 .... as a result evening dinner was cancelled and I only had a little salad snack. I could so easily come back with twice the weight on my butt as well as in my suitcase!
Today we visited a Michaels craft store... wooh hoo! I had a splurge but I'm not showing it all as I don't want DH back home to panic... we did have discount vouchers, I must add.
Endless aisles of crafty goodness and I'm sure if my friend Jayne was here she would spend a full day in here!
I love the new Industrial Chic range designed by Susan Lenar Kazmer for the Horizon group. I first saw them last week on Suze Weinbergs blog and she made fab necklaces with them. Plenty of info ( and videos) on Michael's web site for techniques using this new range of charms and fittings.


Carola Bartz said...

I can see that you're enjoying your time in CA. Good for you! It reminds me of my first few weeks here when everything was still new and exciting. Today, almost ten years later, I'm way more cynical...

Tinkertaylor said...

Hi Jo you're being so sensible on the food front I'd be eating everything and regreting it on the flight home!. I love Michaels the first time I went there with a friend we had so much stuff in the trolley the lady behind us in the queue decided to use another till. We had really overstuffed suitcases on the way home.
Your pages look brill.

Cardarian said...

Good idea eating what you can't usually eat in Uk - that's what I would do! I always hear about the Michaels shops in America and I see now this is huge! I am planning to go to the States next year and I must find one of those stores! You have bought lovely stuff ( Ha, ha don't we all need a bit of secret stash - hidden from the boys????) I am very much enjoying your USA reports!

Annie said...

Hehehe I hope you realise they weigh you and your cases before you go and then check you on your way back :-) With a shop like that I'm guessing you will be paying for excess baggage :-) [not commenting about the food! ]
Have a great time Jo.
A x

sandra de said...

Your calendar page looks beautiful, I love the way you have stacked the journal squares. The quantity of food looks overwhelming, I can't imagine a craft store that size. Can't wait to see you CHA pics. My blog candy arrived today thank you so much I love it alllll.
Sandra xox

Dotpat said...

Fab post Jo love your photo's food is fab isn't it

minnie_mac said...

Your calendar pages are beautiful. Thanks for the snoop in Michaels. Did you fill the trolley !


olive said...

I loved Michaels, such a variety of crafting/sewing/knitting etc. I shopped there at least once a day!!! So thrilled you're having a great time. Hugs xxxx

sam21ski said...

Told you you'd end up in Michaels - lol!!!!

Glad you're having a good time and not going hungry!!!!

Can't wait for the next instalment xxxxx

Unknown said...

im totally green now i really would want to spend all day there and prob the night too lol the susan charms are fab i seen them last year as Laura Denison had them on her yt channel i instantly fell in love with them i cant wait to touch them when you get home loltfs your wonderfull journey and i guess someone will be on a healthy eating program on there return home hehe he enjoy xxxx

cockney blonde said...

But Jo, your trolley is empty, lol, x

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, you did well cutting out the planned evening meal and having a salad, well done ;-) I hope that trolley wasn't full to the brim LOL Have a Cinnabon for me please :-)
Love the journal pages
Anne xx

Carmen said...

Aw yum to both the jam and the hot dog! Enjoy it while your out there, no point not.

Your yummy stash is gorgeous!

donnalouiserodgers said...

It is 2am _ I have had my analgesia, and stupidly also a glass of wine, I still cannot sleep so am doing a blog catch up and where do I find myself? Here with you, trying to say the name of that jam (out loud) and failing - badly - and laughing so much that I have actually increased my pain.

I must stop looking, go back to bed, and just stare at the ceiling - you are Not Good for Me...