Tuesday, 4 January 2011


An amazingly empty desk.... to start the New Year and first WOYWW.... bar the strawberries! I have been busy drawing a new design for a stamp plate for Stampattack but it's covered up to keep the suspense. Should be pressed in a couple of weeks so watch this space!. It's still a bit cold out in my workroom so I've got my cosy, spotty, green, velveteen throw to wrap round my legs to keep me warm whilst I was drawing.

Wondering why on earth I'm showing my desk ??? Call in on Julia's blog at Stamping Ground to find out what it's all about and you'll get the opportunity to spy on the desks of over 100 other crazy, like minded, crafters.

Mega busy this week as I look forward and plan for our (hopeful) move South. We (well a lovely decorator man) are freshening up the house before we put it on the market and so the hall stairs landing ... the hub of the house, is being decorated, first impressions and all that!...but EEEK! it is certainly taking over the whole of the house. What a mess. I daren't mention the spiders that came out for a breather (but lived to tell their friends)....it was certainly in need of a freshen up.
My Grandmother clock is eerily shrouded in polythene sheeting.
Paint pots everywhere
If it helps me get where I want to be then it's well worth it.

I received a lovely surprise from Sioux recently in return for a little favour I did for her... look at all these wonderful goodies. Far more than I deserve for sure but very much appreciated. Thanks again Sioux!
It always amazes me that no matter how much stash I own, whenever I get such a treat there are rarely any items included that I already have.


Hope and Chances said...

Looking forward to seeing your 'secret' design. I know what you mean about decorating - it does disrupt the whole house! :-)

Ciara said...

Good luck with selling the house & stuff. Blimey, a move down south? brave girl!!

Helen said...

Good luck with the decorating! Looking forward to seeing the design.

Chrissie said...

Good luck with the decorating. It should look spectacular! Good luck with the sale.
Where are you hoping to move to?
Happy New Year!
Chrissie #3

Neet said...

Good to see you non here after my second worrying time about you (have you not seen my email?) where you had us up until well turned midnight.
Good luck with the decorating and hope you get an early sale.

jude said...

well when you finished your welcome to pop round do mine..lol.Thats what we have planned this year by time where done im hoping the house prices will go up.can always live in hope.
Have fun...hugs judex

Zue said...

Good luck with the sale and move. Painting is so theraputic, don't you think?
Sue xx 50

Artyjen said...

Crikey! It was the least I could do seeing a I kept you waiting so long! LOL
Hope your southern move goes as you plan....'tis a big step but when it is something you desire it will be so worth it :)
xoxo Sioux
Happy New (Home) Year!

minnie_mac said...

What a tidy desk. Make sure there's a craft room in your new house !


Sunshine Girl said...

Happy New Year! cant wait to see the new stamp design! I am about to get some quotes to have our house decorated too - still it will be worth the upheaval in the end wont it! No. 28.

Minxy said...

Hope the decorating goes to plan and you sell your home quickly..
I spy a little pair of shoes and maybe a leg of a bed?? guess i'll have to wait and see when your stamps are done if i'm right lol
Happy New Year to you
Minxy #25

Morti said...

Happy New Year Jo! Glad to hear the little one is out of ICU - and a move on the cards? Where to, hun?

karen said...

OMG! I won your candy?!?!? Sorry I haven't been on my blog with all the Holiday madness! I will get you my details immediately! Woo hoo!!!!! Thank you!!!

Back to your desk.... I can't wait to see your new stamp plate! And I may have to do some shopping at Stamp Attack!

Good luck on your move! Very exciting!

xoxo karen

Sherry said...

Hope your house move goes to plan and that all the redecorating is worth it. Very exciting!!

Look forward to seeing your new stamp designs too!

Sherry (82)

Serendipity Stamping said...

Wow look at all those "strawberries", LOL. What a great surprise, love all the little trinkets you got. Best wishes on your decorating and move. Take it easy and don't stress too much. #

oneoff said...

Your Grandmother clock looks as though it is dressed for a spooky Halloween. Hope the painting passes without too much incident; we had the outside painted last summer, and that was disruptive enough, so the hall and stairs must be "challenging"!

And finally I get to see strawberries!

Good luck with the plans for the move south.

Bernie #17

Twiglet said...

Hope the decorating goes like clockwork!! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Gosh you could have warned us all about your tidy desk, I almost passed out with shock! My guess for your move is Sussex area to be closer to your family, am I right, lol!!? Good luck with all the buying and selling and fixin' up!

Brenda 83

donnalouiserodgers said...

yep - got the mail Big thanks,

how on earth are you going to keep the crafting under control whilst you sell?

I have decided when we move we will but the next before we sell the last so I can move and not take a break in my activities and the house can be cleaned up after i have gone...

Unknown said...

Thank you Jo for always being so supportive. I am honored that you stopped by today and said hello. Happy New Years to you and yours


lisa said...

This doesn't look like your workspace Jo, where are all those interesting things being created, although you look busy with your new stamps. Looking forward to seeing them.
You will have lots to look forward to with your move South. I hope it all happens smoothly for you. You certainly look busy getting ready. What a beautiful clock, I bet it has a lovely chime.
Stay warm.
Hugs Lisax

Carola Bartz said...

Those strawberries never cease to surprise me when I see them! Good luck on selling the house.

Joey said...

Hiya Jo

oooooh what a fab pic that grandfather clock makes lol, love those!.Love the strawberries!

Joey xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Where did I miss that you are moving? I'm some kind of ditz, I guess. But now I know why that desk is void of most of your goodies. Speaking of goodies, I would say that was some lovely haul from Sioux. And yes, I'll be on the lookout for something in the post. Thanks in advance from #16.

Mrs A. said...

We have to decorate our hall and stairway. 'The Doc' is keen to have a decorator in to do the busines so we need to start getting quotes in. Havn't a clue what its going to cost though. Might end up tying a paint brush to each of the cats tails and getting them to earn their keep!

sandra de said...

Moving, decorating and designing sounds like a busy start to the new year. Good luck with the move south. Once again thanks for the goodies in the post.
Sandra #66

Sarah Anderson said...

Oooo you have a grandmother clock, how fab! Good luck with selling the house :)

Tertia said...

Selling a house and moving is supposed to be one of the top 3 most stressful things to do, so I wish you luck. Love those strawberries on your desk.
Tertia 122

Annie said...

Ooer you're moving south? I'm south of you...are you moving in next door?....I'm getting excited at the thought :-)
Thank you for your caring comments yesterday. I'm pleased to say the sciatica seems much improved today and I'm actually able to tackle some sewing :-)
A x

Cardarian said...

I am very nosey so I will not just look around your desk and wait for your new creations I will also ask where is this move to the south going to be?? Just south of England or South like Spain, Italy or maybe SLOVENIA?????? Would be very nice to have a fellow WOYWWer move closer! Good luck with the decorating and sale and HAPPY NEW YEAR - stay healthy, happy and enjoy crafting!
Lots of hugs,

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, I'm sorry you're moving having only recently got to know you and you're near enough now to visit, but of course you'll be moving nearer your loved ones which will be wonderful.
Will you be at the S&CC show in Manchester in Feb?
Anne xx

Marjo said...

Thanks so much for the peek and sharing, good luck with the move. Can't wait to see the new workspace.

Hugs, Marjo #23

My name is Cindy said...

Oh well good luck with your move plans - and I know what you mean about the decorating taking over the whole house - even if you are doing just one space! But it will be worth it in the end. Thanks for sharing.

Julia Dunnit said...

I wish you a speeed sale and an easy move south, how exciting. Almost as exciting as the little slippers by the bed...? Am so impatient!

donnalouiserodgers said...

I just had a surreal moment - came to thank you for the gifts and thought oh - i already did - then thought hang on they arrived this morning, and only just realised i was referring to your email when I left the earlier comment (on Weds)!!!!

Did you mean to send TWO stamps? do I have to return one?

I was so excited I used pritt stick as I have no ezee mount/ klingons stuff at the moment, and got stuck in and did the Darcy thing using your mirror Geishas, the image really tugged some kinda heart strings Mississ....


BrossArtAddiction said...

How exciting to move, but very stressful! Hope all goes smoothly for you! Love the strawberries!

Thanks for the peek! :D


Mrs A. said...

Goodies arrived in the post on Friday. Thankyou so much Jo. I love all of it.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i hope all goes well with all your plans! what a wonderful stash of goodies!

Susie Jefferson said...

Congrats on the New Arrival, and also on your move! HOW far down South are you going - I know you told me but the brain has blanked out again, lol. I just hope the art space will be big enough for you.

Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving a comment - I'm finally surfacing to wish you a shamefully late Happy New Year after a disastrous computer crash compounded by my 2nd bout of flu! Not a good start... it can only get better, lol.