Tuesday, 29 May 2012

WOYWW 3 today! & Manchester Mystery Meet

Happy 3rd Birthday WOYWW
Today I have some of my usual mess on my desk and also 15 ATCs which will wing their way to some of the special people I've got to know over the time I've been part of WOYWW. 
I'll make a draw from regulars who comment on my WOYWW posts. 

Thanks so much to Julia of Stamping Ground for bringing us all together via this weekly blog hop, which has introduced us to so many friends we've never yet met and quite a few we have met and really got to know well. All because of the desire to snoop on each other's crafty desks.

Here's a great example of WOYWWers getting together.
The mystery visitor...... who can it be? Someone lovely, wearing a WOYWW badge, who really hates photos being taken! Someone who travelled far to where we met up in Manchester.........
to be revealed.......
Neet, Ann, Jo, Donna and ??? WOYWW badges on, gathered  from far and wide, for this special meet up in the super Northern Quarter Cafe but nobody came as far as this mystery visitor......
We browsed the galleries of working artist and shops
The upper gallery and there's ??? with the blue haversack!!!
Love the name of this shop!
Ann and Neet in Afflecks Palace..... a wacky emporium of alternative and retro goods where we all hit the bead shop.
Here's a ring I didn't buy!
Donna and Ann on the loose in the Abakhan fabric and craft shop.
Here's Neet before she ordered a quarter metre of everything in the shop!
the Fred Aldous fabulous craft shop where we all spent lots of pennies before our last stop, which was the three fantastic floors of the huge Paperchase store.
We wandered through the Marrakesh in Manchester Market on the way back to the car park.
Still wondering who is the mystery guest at the top behind the flag wearing a WOYWW badge?
It's Shaz from Oz !
Wonderful to meet such a lovely person from the other side of the world all thanks to WOYWW.
We laughed, drank coffee, chatted, shopped, ate a lovely lunch before sadly going our separate ways to await Shaz's return to Australia before we divulged our secret. Thanks to all for a great day, especially to Sharon.


Angie said...

Wow what an amazing day you had with your crafty friends ...how fab to meet Sharon from Oz too. I LOVE the look of the market ...I would not have been able to walk past it. Love the look of your ATC's ....Take Care xx

Ali said...

Aww how lovely that you did a WOYWW meet! See, this is what I love about the internet. You can chat to and get to know people from all over the world and make great friendships and even get to meet in person. :)

Looks like you had a lovely day. And those ATCs on your desk look scrummy! :)


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Jo - have just finished my post too and only just downloaded the pickies. I must confess they are not all downloaded still one card to go!! well we had a really wodnerful day didn't we? and though did not go with you to Paperchase with you at the end, Neet and I went at the beginning.. love Manchester such a wodnerful city...
Thanks for such a great post loved it all of course and most of all meeting with fellow WOYWW-ers, thanks all really to Julia!! happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, how awewsome was this post?? Sums up WOYWW in lovely pictures. Friendship, camaraderie and fun all because of Julia's mad idea 3 years ago, love it. And wonderful that Shaz was there! That was a long way to go for lunch and shopping - impressive!!
Have a great Jubilee weekend,

LLJ #77 xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

I only had one very strange shot of half of Neets nose and a lot of sky - your images are fantastic, happy third birthday - ATC is on the way - will try to call later but it is a bit of a mad house in prep for the 'surprise' 21st on Friday...

i have 15 nando's chickens to prep, one Ginat Battenbeg to make and a 21 bun salute to construct....

the bunting is still in the material box (deconstructed)

Dxxxxx ( eighty something)

Paul B said...

Looks like you had a brilliant day and went to a lot of my favourite arty stores lol. Next time, you'll have to pop into the Nexus Art Cafe too. Pxx

Neet said...

Forgot about the market, Shaz and I went there before we met up with the rest of you. Never did ask how long you and Donna spent in Paperchase after I had taken you?
It was a good day wasn't it? Nearly time for another one but sadly without Shaz this time, now what will we all wear to say where we come from?
See you soon
Hugs, Neet xx 16/19 whichever you want

Annie said...

Wow what a fab post Jo. You are so lucky to be able to meet up with such lovely ladies.
Happy 3rd WOYWW birthday.
A x #89

Sheilagh said...

Wonderful day by the looks of it, I am green with envy;) I discovered Alflecks and Paperchase a month ago when we took my Dutch nice to Manchester. Have to do it again soon. WOYWW is an amazing phenomenon bringing people together to make friends and share idea's. Julia did not now what she was doing when she Dunnit!!

Neil said...

Hi there, just popping in to wish you a happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary! Who would have thought it would grow to be such a weekly treat for us all to catch up and see so much inspiring creativity! Here's toasting the next year..... Bet you had a great time with Shaz! Enjoy yourself in Brighton, I'm sure you will though.

Trish Latimer said...

Hi Jo!!
Looks like i'm sending my ATC to you hun!!!!! Can you let me have your address please then I can get it in the post asap?!
I LOVE Manchester...spent many a happy day or two in Afflecks when i was at uni, don't get there often enough these days! Fab pictures!! Trish xx

Cardarian said...

Hello Jo!

An ATC will be coming your way if I can find your address if not please send it to my email! Thank you for the one coming my way - I am very excited about July too - counting days now! Looks like you girls had a good time in Manchester! I am now at home so whenever you can speak on skype give me a buzz!
Lots of love and hugs - so glad we met on WOYWW!

jill said...

Happy woyww & what a fab time you had. I love the ring but not sure i'd want to wear it. Jill # 64

france papillon said...

Hi Jo!
Ooooh those atc's look soooo yummy! and looks like you all had a great time together (just saw some other pictures on Neet blog, lol). So hope to meet some of you too one day :)
have a happy week!
france #97 xx

Redanne said...

Love the photos that both you and Neet took, I love Affleck's Palace, glad you reminded me of it, not been for years! Thanks for your visit and comments today. Happy WOYWW Anniversary, from a newbee, Anne x #38

Anonymous said...

You look like you had BAGS of fun.A quarter of a metre of everytuing in the shop!!!
Have fun with the swaps!

Michelle Webb said...

Love your blog! I must become your newest follower, I don't want to miss another thing you do. Your background is amazing too. You have a cool pile of ATC's there. Hope you had a great time on your art shopping trip. Michelle x

BJ said...

Hi and thanks for commenting on my desk this week. Looks like you all had a splendid time. BJ now #35 was #40! good job I checked!

RosA said...

Ha! I know who visited you from far away! About as far away as I am! As the crow flies, she is a little bit closer, living just "up the coast" from me, although I don't know which airport she left from. Happy WOYWW 3rd Anniversary!

Twiglet said...

What a fab get together!! Your ATcs look gorgeous - fingers crossed!
Happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary.
We have made some fab blogging friends through our mad blog hop haven't we!!
Have a great week. x Jo

Cardarian said...

I am here again - I looked through my files and emails but I couldn't find your address so please, please send me it to my email which is dolores.kerec@gmail.com
Love and hugs,

Ann B said...

Hi Jo, we did have a great time didn't we, and scrumptious food as well. Thanks for the photos, although I think the one of Neet and me looks like we have a had a few bevvies and on the verge of becoming 'tired and emotional'.
Ann B
was #58 but now #51 - getting younger every day.

Inkypinkycraft said...

Your atcs look great , still need to make mine!!! Yikes!
Have a great week and thanks for stopping by hugs trace. X

Helen said...

I had seen Neet's post so I didn't join in the guessing, lol! What a great day out and how lovely that you met Shaz. Love your ATC's - alcohol ink splatters I think?!! Happy 3rd WOYWW anniversary.... I love Wednesdays now! Helen, 8

Elizabeth said...

I've just read Neets post, and now yours - what a fabulous time you all had in Manchester ... it's made me quite homesick reading about Afflecks Palace, Fred Aldous, etc. And it was terrific that Shaz was able to join you for the day too. Your ATCs look fab, bright and colourful - it's amazing how different all the ATCs I've seen so far have been. Happy WOYWW and enjoy what's left of the day. Elizabeth x #96

Jingle said...

Looks like a wonderful time!

April said...

Wow! Looks like you had a fab time! Your ATC's look great too. Happy WoYwW 3rd Anniversary, and here's to many more :o) x April #95

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Looks like you had a fab day out with Shaz and co. I had seen some piccies on Shaz's blog and yours look great too! Thanks for your comments but I am not doing the ATC swap - I have never made one in my life unfortunately! Thanks for the peeks x

Julia Dunnit said...

Oemgee gee what a wonderful surprise , I guessed as soon as I saw the flag because Shaz has been 'offline' as it were...lucky lucky gals, getting together for a day . I think I've learned more about shopping in Liverpool and Manchester from you than is really healthy!!

505whimsygirl said...

How very cool!! It looks as if you all had a great time!

Happy anniversary!

Kay #138

Rita said...

Jo, Looks as if a great time was had by all. Love your Anniversary card on your desk. Enjoy your day, while I try to get round as many as I can before bedtime. Was out all day. Hugs Rita xx

May said...

WOW!! Fabulous to spend time with WOYWWERS and the lovely SHAZ from OZ... I had missed her from WOYWW...now I know why!! looks like fab shopping spree's took place... Hugs May x x x#4

Sandy said...

Oh I am the lucky linky recipient of one of your lovely ATCs here is my email so we can get in contact to swap Sandy@y7mail.com.au
Looks like you had super fun catching up with all your WOYWW pals. Such great fun to be had looking at crafty arty goodies. Sandy :)

Anonymous said...

I am loving seeing WOYWW gals gathered together. How fabulous for you all and great you shared with us. LOVE your ATCs - so bright and colourful.

Have a GREAT day!

Mary Anne (12)

Ali H said...

Wow sounds a great shopping trip ! Hope your credit card has recovered ! Thanks for stopping by earlier ! Ali

My name is Cindy said...

Amazing! What fun to get together (and what amazing shops you have!!)

Happy WOYWW Cindy #66

Katie said...

Beautiful colors on those ATCs! Looks like you had a great time!
Happy WOYWW!

Katie (38)

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What fun..great post and love all the pictures..Shaz had a great time I think Her blog was super..What fun to shop with a bunch of fun WOYWW gals!!!
Have a wonderful week. Great colors on those ATC's..

lisa said...

How wonderful for you all to meet up. I had an inkling it was Shaz as I knew she was over here but unfortunately I couldn't meet up with her although we'd talked about it as I've been having an operation so have been out of action for some weeks. You look as though you all had a great time, what wonderful shops you have.
A very Happy 3rd WOYWW birthday. Hopefully, I'll be back amongst you all next week.
Hope all is good with you too, Jo.
hugs Lisax

Anonymous said...

That looks like an amazing place to shop. We have friends in Crewe who love Afflecks Palace, and we hope to go with them one day. Happy belated WOYWW. Ali x #171

Lynn Stevens said...

Oh my gosh Jo you ladies must have had a blast!!!! Love the photos of your shopping trip.
Hugs Lynn

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I got to see Neet's blog and her photos of Shaz and you and her, but none of Donna. Must have been a busy time.

I'm so glad I got to meet you and am able to be a part of this awesome group I get to visit each week. Happy day after WOYWW from #2.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic day you had and how brilliant to get to meet Sharon too. Happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary week too!


Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Fab pics Jo - places I've never been to in Manchester! I'm missing out! I always meet my friend at Kendall's then we just mooch round clothes shops, though I do pop into Paperchase and occasionally Fred Aldous.
Anne x

dottielottie said...

Great pics from your day out, looks like you had a lovely day. You alcohol inked ATCs are gorgeous. I have just read through your last post and picked up some tips, as I have just purchased my first few AI (I know, where have I been lol). I think they will be the first of many. Could you tell me what you used for your ATC card base as they look thicker than ordinary card stock. Thanks for popping in to see me.
Lottie x #167

Eliza said...

Great pictures also good to catch up with friends from the net.

Happy 3rd Anniversary WOYWW
Eliza #140

Eliza said...

Oh I forgot to say got the can of air out of the tool box only to need it on the actual computer, it had a heart attack and I ended up spending all my time dismembering it and cleaning it too. I will use the cans on the art that is for sure coz now they are out and ready.

Happy 3rd Anniversary WOYWW
Eliza #140

Lorinda.C.F said...

Happy belated 3rd WOYWW Anniversary Zo! Thanks so much for the visit to my desk. Oh my goodness, so much shopping, crafting, arting amazingness! Looks like a fab time. Have a great week!

Tuire Flemming said...

What... I thought I had already left a comment! Lovely pics and wonderful shops!
Happy belated 3rd Anniversary!
Tuire xx

Queen Lightwell said...

Is it me or have you redone your blog theme recently-ish? If you haven't then, huh...and I suppose I haven't commented on it either...shame on me, because I really love how vibrant it is! And your name font is amazing. Anyways, thanks for stopping by my workspace and leaving a sweet comment! :) I am really glad Julia hostesses this thing and that I finally found out about it and have gotten in on the fun! Hope you are enjoying the 3rd anniversary, it looks like you have made some very colorful ATC's for some very blessed crafters to receive...
~Deeyll #179

Morti said...

Wow, that's impressive....

You guys look like you had such fun! How long was Shaz over here for?

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you - the Jubilee got in the way!!!

Happy WOYWW, and thanks for stopping by...

Spyder said...

I've popped back too, this is this week and not last week..lucky you visiting family away, My youngest daughter and only grandchild live in USa and are so in the middle of nowhere, she can't even get Skype to work, (boo!) I thought I commented, but must have forgot, coz I know I WAS going to say I love that skull ring!
(Lyn) Happy last weeks woyww

Unknown said...

These badge astonished me completely. I love the way with which you created the whole blogpost.Thanks for sharing.

Business name badges