Tuesday, 5 June 2012


I've just returned from Brighton so things are hectic as I try to catch up. I've received some lovely ATCs and cards in honour of WOYWW's 3rd Birthday and I've sent off 15 ATCs to those picked in my draw (but I did send one to Julia too). Thanks to Annie, Jo, Donna and Trish who sent these fabulous ATCs to me as it was such a joy to open the mail when I arrived home. It's great to have an extra birthday even if it isn't mine! 
Thanks also to those who have written after receipt of mine.
Message to Vicky... your atc will be in the post asap as I now have your address thanks to Julia! 
All this came about thanks to the weekly expose of our work spaces, the brainchild of our illustrious Julia of the stamping ground, where our numbers have reached around a staggering 200.... call in and spot the messy ones, (like me), and marvel at the tidiness of the special few.
My desk this week is in the midst of making a special 60th Birthday card for a friend of one of my DDs. The birthday lady is a patchworker so I am trying to make it special for her.
not quite finished as I'm still thinking whether I should add scrolls ....
or not!!??
This pic has been added Weds as I took WOYWWers advice (thanks folks!)  and whilst most suggested no scrolls, Rita advised coloured scrolls so I tried some cut out of some of my patchwork paper and I also changed the top edge. I think it works well, so this is it! Fini!

Here's the paper patchwork which hangs inside
and a special message is hidden underneath....
A few more tweaks and it will be ready.
Have a great WOYWW and I look forward to spying on as many of you as possible! 


Angie said...

Good morning night owl ...I got one from Jo too ...amazing ...love all the ones you recieved ....wish I had joined in.
Wha a fun card ...she will love it ...my vote is no scrolls lol.xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, gorgeous collection of ATCs, all lovely and all so different. I like the patchwork you've made for the card ... a lovely idea for someone who is a patchworker. Hope you have a lovely WOYWW. Elizabeth x too early to have a number :)

Tuire Flemming said...

Welcome home :) My ATC to you is on it´s way...
Love that patchwork card!
Have a great day!
Tuire #14

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Great card and Love seeing your ATC's..I've always loved "Little Treasures"!!
Happy 157 and have a lovely week

SandeeNC said...

Beautiful paper patchwork, I am sure she will really appreciate the extra work for it! Now personally I think I like the scrolls, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a lovely card. I bet it took forever to make. And your ATCs are awesome. Looks like it was a great mail week for you.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Not sure my last comment made it, since I had to sign back in. I am also not sure if I left my number, which is 4. Sorry I'm a ditz because for some reason, Patsy's blog always freezes my computer and I have to restart it.

Rita said...

Hello Jo, Thank-You again for the great ATC, you know it will be treasured. I love your card with the scrolls, but maybe coloured in paint. LOL. Your selection of ATC's look wonderful. Have a lovely day. Hugs Rita 17 xx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

that is a perfect card for a patchworker! i've been away so haven't had the time to swap more than the one ATC for the WOYWW anniversary. your collection looks wonderful! belated happy WOYWW anniversary!
blessings and hugs from #30
peggy aplSEEDS

BJ said...

Lovely ATC's and life certainly IS a patchwork by the thime you reach 60yrs! BJ#32

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...beautiful ATC's everyone is so clever!...loVe your card, that's pretty special too & your friend will be delighted...thanks for sharing...Mel :) #27

Neil said...

Hiya, happy WOYWW to you. Hope you have a good old creative week. Thanks for the peek into your world. Glad you had a good time in Brighton! The patchwork is looking cool too.
Neil #44

Annie said...

Good to hear you've had a great time with your Brighton family. Love the idea of the patchwork card....I vote no scrolls :-)
A x

Paul B said...

What a lovely selection of ATCs Jo. Your patchwork card is fantastic, especially all those bright colours in the quilted squares. As for scrolls or not, I'd say not. Pxx

Helen said...

Ooh, what lovely ATC's you received! Yours to me is gracing my desk today too. I love that 60th card - with or without scrolls, but probably not! Helen, 16

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there JO, mm not sure the scrolls work?? but really trullly love the patchwork saw it in my mag sent by dear kind Jude (finally had time to read it the other day) and it had it in too what great job you made with it never thought of it before but must add it in my to do list.
Iam loving your awesome atc's too what fun it is seeing what everyone has - pity was not home earlier or it was later so could be organised but am still so far behind on things like garden etc dont have time... thanks for sharing happy WOYWW. Shaz in Oz.x #8

Redanne said...

Your patchwork card is beautiful, I do like scrolls but this time I vote for none. I love that ATC all covered in lace, it is gorgeous and I can see the one from Trish too. They are all beautiful. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #24

france papillon said...

gorgeous card, but same for me: no scrolls, lol. and i loved your sweet words on my blog the past week :)))
have a happy one!
france #71 xox

Neet said...

No scrolls! Love the idea of the patchwork - I did a Serendipity card for Jacqui which is a kind of patchwork.
Glad you had a good time at Brighton - Hope all was/is well.
Lovely atc's - Thanks for sharing, Hugs, Neet #6 xx
ps must ring you

kay said...

what gorgeous atcs you have received,love the patchwork card
have a fab crafty week
kay #52

CraftygasheadZo said...

What super makes, so clever, love the patchwork. Take care my WOYWW friend. Zo xx 65

May said...

Gorgeous card... I agree I love the coloured scrolls.. I spotted that ATC covered in lace WOW!!! beautiful.. Have a Happy week, Hugs May x x x#34

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi again!
Had to come back and tell that your card did arrive... it is in the pic: the largest envelope under all others. Love the card! And thanks a lot of the wax papers :D
Haven´t yet had time to play with them - I´m very excited!
Have a lovely trip to Germany!

Angie said...

Just popped back to say that mr Postie has not delivered anything yet and to say thanks for your comments on my earlier posts ....My biggest memory of what went on was seeing the Queen of Tonga ...filling the carrage she was in...sporting a smile as big as she was.

Unknown said...

Hi Jo your birthday lay is going to be thrilled with her card. You have taken such great care and thought to personalise it for her. I love the paper patchwork. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 105

April said...

WOW! your card is stunning, love the colours! you have received some lovely ATC's too x April #79

Sarah said...

Family and Brighton and the sea - all three a joy! Fabulous collection of wonderful WOYWW atcs there - loving the patchwork pieces on your card too! Enjoy your week...Sarah at 11

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Dear Jo,
Thank you soooooo much for my gorgeous ATC _ it is featured on my windowsill today along with a couple of others. I was so touched that you sent me one, thank. There is a little, slightly unorthodox swap winging its way back to you - it is sent with love :D
Have a fab time in Germany!!
HUgs, LLJ ~70 xx

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

What a lovely card Jo! I love that the patchwork hangs in the middle - so clever!

It's fantastic that you got to meet up with such fabulous WOYWWers. Looks like fun!

Susan #115

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh that was totally the right advice for that card--colored scrolls! I love the patchwork card. I love patchwork with its different fabrics and designs. It always makes me think of happy times as a kid (my maternal grandmother was big into patchwork). You received some great ATCs too. I am definitely looking forward to seeing all the ATCs that were passed around.

Sarah said...

Hi Jo - me again...how funny you spotted that lace on my card! It is indeed vintage bought from a fair and I am down to my last 1/2 a yard...love it too and wish I could find more... If I ever come across it again, I will by it in bulk for us both! Sarah.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,

Oh yes, the colored scrolls really do add to the card!

The ATCs you received are VERY cool! I've received a few and will be posting photos in the coming weeks.

Kay #114

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh that card is just gorgeous Jo, the addition of the coloured border and scrolls is just perfect...your DD will be as thrilled as the recipient! Hope you had a gorgeous time inBrighton, and as a recipient of one of your ATCs, i totally know the thrill of having real art mail to open!

SophieNewton said...

What a fabulous card, I'm sure the lucky lady with love it. Happy WOYWW!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun swap! i love how your final turned out - I like the color on the scrolls - and your paper patchwork is really cool!

SueH said...

What a beautiful card you’ve made JO, but I have to say I like the swirls on the front.
Love the sentiment on the inside too, it’s perfect.

That’s a nice little collection of ATC’s you’ve received too. We have some very talented crafty friends out there, don’t we?

Happy Crafting

Hettie said...

Ooo! Jo this is a gorgeous card. Loving the look.

Unknown said...

Gosh those ATC's look delish, I must have a go at doing some, also your card is great.

Joynana said...

Thanks for stopping by today. I have to say that I have fallen in love with mini albums and the travel journal. I think that I was getting bored with 12x12 scrapbooking. #92

Darnell said...

Jo, your card is a work of art! She will know it it's a treasure! I love the suggestion Rita made and think the final is stunning! Have a great week! Darnell 56

Anonymous said...

Happy belated WOYWW from a very rainy Pembrokeshire. Fab ATCs. I love that card - must have taken you ages to get the patchwork right. I agree with the coloured scrolls, and a tip I will use. Ali x #54

sandra de said...

Wonderful ATC's I think annie & jo have something going with the post. Their atc's got to Australia in under 6 days!!! Blimey.
Sandra @36

Tertia said...

That really is a special card. I am sure the lady will love it. I think the final product looks really great.

Angie said...

It has arrived ... I love it ... such a fun feel ...the words all connect and remind me of what its all about. Thank you so much for sending me this gorgeous piece of your art xx

Ann B said...

Love the patchwork card Jo, so colourful. Short visit this week because of my eye but on the mend.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your time with little L in Germany.

Ann B

Spyder said...

Fabulous card and some amazing ATC too, I had some lovely ones sent to be too and have also sent off loads after chickening out! Have a lovely time away, I seem to remember you were off somewhere, or perhaps you've already gone and came back! Have a great crafty week! Happy LATE WoYwW!
((Lyn)) #64

Katie said...

I love the colored scrolls! Beautiful card! Your friend is going to love it!

Katie (19)

Twiglet said...

I'm a bit late getting round the WOYWW desks this week - been busy making 3 more little wedding waistcoats. Your patchwork card is lovely - clever you. AND I see those little dumflings keep popping up all over! Have a great week. x Jo

Carmen said...

I'm chuffed in that I think I recognise the styles of 3 certain people on those gorgeous ATC's. The card too is gorgeous - what a clever design.

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Carmen #109

Shoshi said...

Wow Jo, gorgeous patchwork card! Love the ATCs you've got, too.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #89

Gaby Bee said...

Wow, what a magnificent collection. The ATCs you received are truly amazing!
Love your patchwork card!

Wishing you a fantastic weekend!
Gaby xo