Friday, 22 June 2012

Hand Crafted Birthday Cards

I really do appreciate all the lovely hand crafted cards I received for my birthday so I thought I'd share them here and no doubt give you lots of inspiration in the process.
Ann B's is a sewing theme where she makes an excellent result experimenting with her new Pan Pastels. Thanks Ann... I love the colour combo too!
Alison CB chose a Parisien theme for her lovely easel card. Thanks Alison, I love the use of real stamps on it.
Carmel's gorgeous poppy is on acetate and layered over an alcohol ink background. Thanks Carmel, it's gorgeous and I love poppies!
Thanks Dot for your lovely photo image stamped card. Very subtle classy shades
Thanks Enid! Some good ideas here with bunting and the way the bottom "Just for You" message pops out.
Great use of die cuts here from Glenys in black and white. 
Thanks Gill, and as ever you specialise in Asian beauties.
Fabulous alcohol inks frame, in my fave colour purple, houses the die cut cage and bird, and my thanks go to Helen. 
Thanks to Jacqui for this lovely silhouette on a shaded background.
Thanks for a giggle to Janice B... a great fun card! 
Janet W has made an expert job of these TH butterflies with, I think, Distress pens. Thanks Janet!
Joyce coloured this lovely flower on acetate and mounted and layered it so effectively. Thanks Joyce!
A lovely lady from Leo! Very stylish too, Thanks Leo!
Thanks for this classic lavender card with Flower Soft from Linda E.  
This card looks even better for real as it is stamped on soft silky mulberry paper and has a hint of mica. Thanks to Lynne W who made it for me.
Thanks to Mary G in America who kindly remembered my birthday and sent me this wacky toucan tag. The stamp is one of Sue Coccia's amazing Animal Spirit Designs and thanks so much to Mary who also sent me a Woolly Mammoth stamp from the same range.
I must get the Lynne Perrella stamps pretty soon from PaperArtsy and I love this one that Neet used so effectively. Thanks Neet ... I love the tiny details that can'tbe easily seen here.
As I've listed in alphabetical order it's now last but not least with a shabby chic special in shades of white with big thanks to Paul B. 
Paul is an expert in making fabulous paper flowers, and I love it and the butterfly too!


Redanne said...

You certainly got some beautiful cards, belated Happy Birthday greetings to you! Anne x

Sheilagh said...

Lots of talented friends you have Jo xx Hope your birthday was a good one xxx

sam21ski said...

Happy belated birthday Jo, sorry I missed it.

What a lovely selection of cards you have received.

Sam xxx

Angie said...

Wow ...what a wonderful collection ...and all so different ...showing the talents of their creators....again I send ... Happy belated Birthday greetings xx

Twiglet said...

What a beautiful array of handmade cards - all little treasures. x Jo

Glennis F said...

Belated birthday wishes Jo I hope you have had a great day

Helen said...

Belated happy birthday from me too! Your cards are fabulous, varied and stylish.